Тема уроку. Факти про їжу. Незвичайні фрукти та овочі
Цілі: навчати учнів обговорювати цікаві факти про їжу, робити прогнозування за картинками, аналізувати інформацію, розповідати про незвичайні фрукти та овочі, експериментувати у створенні нових продуктів харчування;
розвивати навички сприйняття на слух, критичного мислення, мовлення, креативності;
закликати вживати корисну їжу.
Тип уроку: комбінований
Обладнання: підручник Full Blast 1, CD Full Blast 1, flashcards ‘Food’, chant ‘I don’t like eggs’
Хід уроку
І Вступ
(Set #1 – green vegetables. Set #2 – yellow fruit. The intersection has fruit and vegetables that are both green and yellow.)
II Основна частина уроку
Draw Ss’ attention to the layout of the text and ask them what it is (a magazine column).
What do the initials Q and A stand for? (Questions and Answers).
Read and match the questions with the answers. Then listen and check your answers.
(1.e 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.c)
Comprehension questions:
What test can you try with a potato and an onion?
What do scientists say about the tomato?
Is the tomato as sweet as fruit?
Are all mushrooms dangerous?
How much do some people in Japan pay for a kilo of Matsutake mushrooms?
What colour are the carrots we usually find at the supermarket?
How much food does the average person eat a year?
How much beef does the average person eat a year?
How much milk does the average person drink a year ?
Complete the sentences.
Before you listen, try to match the information (a-e) with the pictures (1-5) below.
Now listen and check your answers.
(a.2 b.5 c.4 d.3 e.1)
Listen again and write T for True or F for False.
(1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F)
Would you ever try truffles/pitayas/banana flowers?
Have you ever tried any other unusual kinds of food?
What unusual kinds of food have you tried?
Did you like them?
Do you like trying exotic food?
Create new fruit or vegetables.
III Заключна частина
Cinquain «Fruit&Vegetables»
Exercise A, B p.54 WB
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