Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 5 класу на тему:"Rooms and furniture. Thee is/are"

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Урок допоможе активізувати лексику за темою"Rooms and furniture", повторити граматичну структуру there is/are, there isn't/aren't, Is there/are there.

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Theme: “Rooms and furniture. There is/are”

Form: 5

                                     Котова Ольга Іванівна, Київська інженерна гімназія

 Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use the structure there is/are while talking about rooms

Equipment: computer, blackboard, student’s book ‘Spark 1’ Express Publishing.


                                                       I Introduction

     Hello, dear friends. The theme of our lesson is “Rooms and furniture”. I am sure this topic will be especially interesting for you as you are really like describing your rooms and houses.

                                                       II Warming up

Task 1. Look at the board, please and let’s read the words together. The students listen to words and repeat chorally  and then individually.

A cooker, a cupboard, a sink, a fridge, a pillow, a bedside cabinet, a window, a floor, a fireplace, a sofa, a wardrobe, an armchair, a carpet, curtains(pl), cushions(pl) a mirror, a toilet, a washbasin, a bath,  stairs(pl), a door, a poster, a bookcase.

                                            III Main part


Task 2. Activating  vocabulary.


Look at the pictures and answer  What’s this in English?



This is a carpet


This is a cooker


This is a window


 This is a sofa


This is a wardrobe.


This is a fireplace

C:\Users\Оля\Desktop\Без названия (1).jpg

This is a fridge.

C:\Users\Оля\Desktop\Без названия (2).jpg

This is an armchair.


This is a washbasin.

C:\Users\Оля\Desktop\Без названия.jpg

This is a sink.


This is a toilet.


This is a bath.

C:\Users\Оля\Desktop\images (1).jpg

These are cushions.


These are curtains.


These are pillows.

This is a pillow.


This is a mirror.



This is a cupboard.



This is a bedside cabinet.

C:\Users\Оля\Desktop\Без названия.jpg

This is a bookcase.

C:\Users\Оля\Desktop\Без названия (1).jpg

These are stairs.

Task 3. St.b p35 Ex 6. Look at the words for a minute. Group the words under this headings.


Living room



Answer key:

Bedroom : pillows,wardrobe,poster,bookcase,bedside cabinet

Living room: carpet, painting, armchair, curtains, sofa, cushions

Bathroom: mirror, bath, washbasin, toilet

Kitchen : sink, cooker, fridge, chair, table, cupboard.

Task 4. Grammar. Revising the grammar.

We use there is to talk about the existence of smth in the singular and we use there are in the plural.

Watching a presentation about there is /are in order to remember the grammar.


Task 5. To practice there is/are

St.p.36 Ex.1

Read and complete the rules in your notebook.






There is a living room

There are two bedrooms upstairs

1.We use ……in the singular.2.We use …in the plural.3 We use ….. in questions .


There isn’t a living room

There aren’t any windows.


Is there a kitchen downstairs?

Are there flowers in the garden?



Yes, there is

Yes, there are

No, there isn’t

No, there aren’t

Answer key:

1.there is/isn’t

2. There are/aren’t

3. is there /are there

Task 6. St.p 36 Ex.2

Look at the picture. Complete the gaps in the sentences with the correct form of there is/are.

Картинки по запросу a picture of a living room


  1. Is there a bookcase in the living room?

Yes, there is.

  1. ……any books in the bookcase?


  1. ……any cushions on the sofa?


      4….. a carpet on the floor?


      5……..any curtains in front of the windows?


      6. …..any chairs in the living room?


Answer key:

2. Are there, yes, there are

3. Are there , yes, there are

4. Is there , yes, there is

5. Are there, yes, there are

6. Are there, no, there aren’t

Task 7. St.b.p.36 Ex.3

Fill in there is, there isn’t, there are, thee aren’t to make sentences true for you.

In my bedroom….

1…………a bed.

2…………..a carpet.

3…………three chairs.

4…………a bookcase.

5………..two windows.

6………. a desk.

7………..two wardrobes.

8……….two posters.

 Speaking.Task 8 St.b.p.35 Look at the pictures . What is there in each room? Tell the class


 ÐŸÐ¾Ñ…ожее изображение

B)Картинки по запросу a picture of a bathroom


C)Картинки по запросу a picture of kitchen

D)Картинки по запросу a picture of bedroom

Writing. Task 9 St.b. p 35 Ex.8 Draw your ideal bedroom. In three minutes write a few sentences about it. Compare your ideal room with your partner’s. What is similar/different? Tell the class.

Answer key: My ideal bedroom has got……..There is a …..in my bedroom. My bedroom is cool.

IV Summing -up


























Котова Ольга
До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
7 жовтня 2018
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