Хід уроку:
1.1. Привітання Greeting
Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you! How are you? Today we shall speak about different professions.
1.2 Фонетична зарядка Phonetics
(відпрацювання вивченої лексики по темі «Професії) Look at the pictures and repeat the professions after me.
б)Учні відповідають на запитання учителя Now, answer my questions
II. Основний етап.
1. Активізація лексичних одиниць теми Vocabulary practice
1.1 Здогадайтесь, про яку професію йдеться Now, class, guess what profession it is.
Who works in a field?
Who works with computers?
Who helps sick animals?
Who helps children to learn?
Who takes pictures of famous people?
Who makes new cars?
Who flies in a spaceship?
Who helps doctors?
Who flies in airplanes?
Who can play tricks?
1.2 В той час два учні біля дошки Find 10 professions in the crossword
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2. Письмо Writing (діти працюють в трьох групах) Look at the sentences. Something is false here. What? Write the false sentences correctly.
Correct the sentences.
3. Аудіювання Listening
1) прослухайте пісню і підкресліть професії, які не згадуються в тексті – Listen to the song and underline the professions that are not mentioned.
a secretary, a dentist, a fireman, an editor, a teacher, a nurse, a photographer, a dancer, a clown, a babysitter, a spaceman, a farmer
2) сполучіть професію і дію - Match the profession and the activity
1. a tailor a) keeps your teeth both clean and white
2. a doctor b)has got cows and pigs and sheep.
3. a farmer c) comes when there is a fire to fight.
4. a babysitter d) minds the kids when they are asleep.
5. a language teacher e) teaches English, French and Greek.
6. a plumber f)makes trousers, suits and shirts.
7. a dentist g)Call him when you’ve got a leak.
8. a fireman h) comes to see you when it hurts.
Nigel Naylor, he’s a tailor, he makes trousers, suits and shirts.
Penny Proctor, she’s a doctor, comes to see you when it hurts.
Peter Palmer, he’s a farmer, he’s got cows and pigs and sheep.
Wendy Witter, babysitter, minds the kids when they are asleep.
People work in the country, people work in the town,
People work day and night to make the world go round.
Mabel Meacher, language teacher, teaches English, French and Greek.
Gary Gummer, he’s a plumber, call him when you’ve got a leak.
Patty prentice, she’s a dentist, keeps your teeth both clean and white.
Ronny Ryman, he’s a fireman, comes when there’s a fire to fight.
4. Фізкультхвилинка PT minute
5. Грамматика Grammar
5.1 Повторення вживання конструкції “to be going to”
5.2 Read the descriptions. What do you think they are going to be?
6. Говоріння Speaking
6.1 Гра “Guess my future profession”.(Робота в парах, учні повинні здогадатися майбутню професію свого співрозмовника) Now work in pairs and guess the future profession of your classmate. Put such questions Are you going to be a doctor? Do you want to be a driver?
6.2 Монологічні висловлювання учнів про свою майбутню професію Now, children, I want you to tell me about your future profession. All the rest must listen to the classmates and say whose dream will come true and explain why.
6.3 Один учень підсумовує почуте.
III. Заключний етап.
Підведення підсумків. Організаційне закінчення уроку. Домашнє завдання провести анкетування «Професії батьків моїх однокласників»
Thank you very much for your work. The lesson is over. Good-bye.