Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 6-го класу на тему : "Sport in our life "

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Розгорнутий план - конспект уроку з англійської мови на тему: "Sport in our life ". Мета уроку :

  • закріпити та узагальнити вивчене з теми ”Sport”;
  • формувати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, навички читання та письма;
  • практикувати в аудіюванні тексту;
  • розвивати логічне мислення, комунікативні навички учнів;
  • розвивати вміння працювати в різних режимах спілкування;
  • виховувати в дітей любов до спорту;
  • показати значення спорту в житті людини;
  • Перегляд файлу

    Topic: Sport in our life.


    • закріпити та узагальнити вивчене з темиSport”;
    • формувати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, навички читання та письма;
    • практикувати в аудіюванні тексту;
    • розвивати логічне мислення, комунікативні навички учнів;
    • розвивати вміння працювати в різних режимах спілкування;
    • виховувати в дітей любов до спорту;
    • показати значення спорту в житті людини;


    Resources used: Power Point presentation, copies for individual work, cards, pieces of coloured paper for pyramid “A sportsman ”.


    1. Introduction.

    Teacher: Good morning, children! Glad to see you!

    Pupils: Good morning, teacher! Glad to see you too!


    Teacher: Today we have got the final lesson on the topic “Sports”. We shall revise the material of our previous lessons and speak about sports in our life. We shall find out what sports the British, Americans and Ukrainians like or maybe dislike.


    Thousands years ago ancient Greeks said: “A sound mind is in a sound body.”

    And now look at the motto and explain, please, the meaning of this proverb and give the Ukrainian equivalent.


    P: If you want to be healthy you must go in for sports. Ukrainian equivalent of this proverb is “У здоровому тілі – здоровий дух


    Teacher: Millions of people who go in for sports know from their own experience that this famous saying is true.

    At the same time a great number of people don’t go in for sports. Some of them realize that sport is useful but prefer watching sport on TV to going in for it themselves.

    And what about you?  Do you want to become real sportsmen?

    But children they must have certain qualities f character to achieve good results in sport.

    Today we shall know what a real sportsman should be. Let’s do it with the help of different exercises at our today’s lesson. After doing each exercise you will know the adjective that characterizes a real sportsman.  

    We’ll pyramid them after each task in order to reach the top, to become a real sportsman.

    Is it interesting for you? Let’s go.

    There are a lot of proverbs and sayings on the topic  “Sport”. Do you know them?  Give the Ukrainian equivalents to them.


    • P1: Quicker! Higher! Stronger!

    (Швидше! Вище! Сильніше!)

    • P2: Fortune favours the brave.

    (Де відвага, там і перемога.)

    • P3: It is above all to take part in, not to win.

    (Головне – участь, а не перемога)

    • P4: If at first you don’t succeed, try again.

    (Вперше не вдалося – спробуй ще раз)

    • P5: The best of the sport is to do the deed and say nothing.

    (Найкраще заняття – робити мовчки справу)

    • P6: In sports in journeys men are known.

                                   (Люди пізнаються у змаганнях і мандрах)

    Teacher: That's great! I see you know many English proverbs.

    You tried a lot and I see you have a great desire to reach the top. So the real sportsman should be “ambitious”. It’s our first stage of our pyramid.

    But what do you think , is it enough to be a real sportsman?

    That’s why let’s do the next exercise.


    1.Pronunciation Drill:                                 

    Teacher: And now look at the screen & recite the rhyme . Before this work let’s train some English sounds:

    [t] sport, toys, skate, Kate

    [] than, with

    [ᴧ] jump, run, fun


    Sport is fun for girls and boys

    It’s much better than the toys.

    You can sledge and ski and skate

    And throw snowballs with Kate.

    You can swim and play football,

    Hockey, tennis, basketball.

    You can jump and you can run,

    You can have a lot of fun.

    Teacher: And who wants to try?

    Teacher: And who knows other poems or rhymes about sport?

    Pupil1:                  «In winter we ski and skate,» —

    Says little Kate.

    «In summer I like to swim,» —

    Says little Jim.

    And what do we do in spring?

    In spring we play and sing.

    Teacher: What season of the year can we go in for sport?

    Pupil: We can go in for sport all the year round: in summer, autumn, winter and spring.

    Teacher: Who wants to be the next?

    Pupil 2:

             It's necessary to have a rest

             And always try to do the best

             To get from nature so much health

             And use intelligently its wealth.

             It's necessary to have a talk

             After a long nice walk

             To share with somebody thoughts

             About the beauty of rocks.

             It's necessary to have dinner

             And think how to become thinner

             To eat more vegetables and fruit

             Less rich and fried food.

             It's necessary to go in for sports

             To play games of any sort

             Strong and healthy always be

             Good results in competitions see.


    Teacher: Does sport help people to keep in good health?

    Pupil: Yes, it does.

    Teacher: Why do you think so?

    Pupils: We go in for sport because we want to be healthy, wealthy, strong and active.

    Teacher: Who else knows the poem about sport?

    Pupil 3:


                  I like riding by bicycle

                  I'm fond of playing chess

                  My friend is good at judo

                  We are keen as you can guess

                  On every kind of sport for sure

                                                   As it can even the illnesses cure

                                                   And can for every girl and boy

                                                   Bring many moments of joy.

                                                   The proverb reads for everybody

                                                    “A sound mind is in a sound body”.


                    Do you want to keep fit?

    Pupils: Yes, we do.

    Teacher: What have we to do to keep fit?

    Pupil1: We have to go in for sport.

    Pupil2: We have to sleep more – go to bed earlier.

    Pupil3: We have to keep our clothes clean and change them regularly.

    Pupil4: We have to eat well, choose healthy food & have regularly meals.

    Teacher: O'K! Thank you. You were great!

    I see all of you wanted to be the best with your poems.

    That’s why a real sportsman should be “competitive”.

    Children, we try to reach the top but is it enough?

    Let’s continue our work.


    1. The main part.


    Teacher: You have already known different kinds of sport. Let’s recollect them and group these activities into indoor and outdoor sports.














    ice hockey

















    1. People who go in for different sport have different names.

    How do we call a person  who:

    • Plays football( a footballer), cricket(a batsman),  tennis(a tennis player);
    • Goes swimming(a swimmer), jumping(a jumper), running(a runner), windsurfing(a surfer);
    • Rides a bike(a cyclist)

    Teacher: After doing these exercises you have become more confident.

    And the word “confident” is the next stage of our pyramid. Do you agree?

    Let’s do one more exercise to reach the next stage.




    Teacher:  You have some sheets of paper on your desks.

                      Read the text and do the tasks.


    Mike and Kate are friends. They are thirteen and they are pupils of the 6th form. They have a lot of hobbies. Kate likes to read books, watch TV, listen to the music and help her mother about the house.

    As for Mike, he likes sport very much. He goes in for football and he is a good football player. Mike also likes running, jumping and swimming.

     Kate likes sport too. She goes in for gymnastics and plays tennis a little. But most of all she likes winter sports. She can ski and skate very well.

    Mike likes to ski too and they often go skiing together. Mike and Kate are good friends and good sportsmen. They are strong and healthy children.


    Answer the questions:

    1. Are Mike and Kate friends?  - Yes, they are. They are friends.
    2. How old are they?- They are thirteen
    3. What does Kate like? - Kate likes to read books, watch TV, listen to the music and help her mother about the house. 
    4. Does Mike like sport? – Yes, he does. He likes sport very much.
    5. What kind of sport does Mike go in for?   He goes in for basketball.
    6. Can she ski and skate well? – Yes, she can. She can ski and skate very well.

    10) Are Kate and Mike strong and healthy or sick children? -  They are strong and healthy children.

    Choose the correct variant.

    1. Mike and Kate are pupils of ___b)
    1. the first form
    2. the sixth form
    3. the seventh form
    1. Mike goes in for ___c)
    1. tennis
    2. volleyball
    3. football
    1. Kate goes in for ___a)
    1. gymnastics
    2. swimming
    3. running
    1. Mike and Kate like ___ together. b)
    1. to skate
    2. to ski
    3. to sledge
    1. They are ___. c)
    1. unhappy children
    2. good basketball players
    3. healthy children

    Teacher: Well, children you coped with task very well and I see you are very “hardworking” children. This adjective characterizes our next stage.

    Is it interesting for you to know another adjective? Let’s continue.




    Teacher: Now you will listen about sports in Britain. There are some new words for you:

                             Soccer [ˊsɒkǝ] – it is football

                             Rugby [ˊrᴧɡbi] - it is a team game played with an oval ball.

                             Cricket [ˊkrikit] - it is a summer game played on a grass field by

                                                            two teams with a ball, bats and wickets.

                             Foreigner [ˊfɒrǝnǝ] – is a person from another country

    Teacher: Listen to the text and then you’ll have some tasks.


    1. Say if the sentences are true or false.
    1. The British believe that sport is important for children. True
    2. Sports are very popular in Britain, especially basketball and skiing. False
    3. Foreigners don’t usually understand cricket. True


    Teacher: Now listen to the text again and complete the sentences.


    1. Complete the sentences.
    1. British schoolchildren have to do sports as a part of their…
    2. Basketball and volleyball are … … … in Britain.
    3. They like playing …, … and … .
    4. Cricket is a … … … .


    Teacher: Well, real sportsman have to be able to focus on the task. You coped with the task “listening” excellent so I can say you were concentrated.

    So the next word is “concentrated”.


    Teacher: Are you tired? Yes or no?

    Pupils: No, we aren't.

    Teacher: Let's relax a bit, use our action rhyme.

    Teacher: O'K! Thank you! You were great! It was fun and I hope you enjoyed it!

    Have you got energy to continue our work?

    So, a real sportsman should be “energetic”. Let’s move further.




    Teacher: . Now it’s time for grammar. Complete the sentences. Use the correct verb ‘PLAY’,’GO’, ‘DO’. Before doing this task let’s remember the rule of using these verbs.

    • You should use “GO” if you speak about sports ending in –ing:

    You go swimming.

    • You should use “PLAY” if you speak about ball games and chess.

    You play football. We play chess.

    • You should use “DO” if you speak about other sports.

    You do aerobics.

    Example: play tennis. 

    1. ----morning exercises
    2. ----running
    3. ----athletics
    4. ----fishing
    5. ----skating
    6. ----volleyball
    7. ----aerobics
    8. ----football
    9. ----skiing

    Keys: 1-DO; 2-GO; 3-DO; 4-GO; 5-GO; 6-PLAY; 7-DO; 8-PLAY; 9-GO


    Teacher: Real sportsman  have to follow strict rules to achieve the result. After doing this exercise well you get the adjective “disciplined”.

    What do you think is it the top of the pyramid? Let’s do the next task.


    Speaking. And now I know that in this form there are some pupils whose dream is to become the reporters in future. And for today's lesson they have prepared their own dialogues about sport.


    The first dialogue:


    P1: What kind of sport is your favourite?

    P2: I like horse riding very much.

    P1: Why do you like it?

    P2: I enjoy it because I like sport and animals.

    P1: Where do you train?

    P2: I train in a local Riding Club.

    P1: Who is your coach?

    P2: Mykolai Andriyovych is. He is a very good and helpful coach.

    P1: How often do you have trainings?

    P2: I have trainings three times a week.


    The second dialogue:


    P1: Do you like sports, Sava ?

    P2: Of course I do. Sport makes us healthy and strong.

    P1: What kind of sport are you fond of ?

    P2: I’m fond of football and boxing. And what’s your favourite sport, Ruslan?

    P1: I like swimming and tennis.

    P2: Do you go to the swimming pool?

    P1: Yes, I do. I go to the swimming pool three times a week.

           And how often do you  do boxing?

    P2: I visit boxing club two times a week.


    The third dialogue:


    P1: What are the most popular sports in your country?

    P2: To my mind, football, basketball, chess are.

    P1: And what kind of sports do you go in for?

    P2: Well, as a matter of fact, I am fond of chess, football, basketball, tennis, and some others.

    P1: Oh, are you? But what is your favourite kind of sport?

    P2: Actually, I have some of them. But probably the chess and football are the most popular.


    Teacher: Thank you very much. You are very “active”. Yes, it is our adjective.

    Look at our pyramid. It’s so high but we didn’t reach the top. We need only one exercise.

    Are you ready?

    Teacher: The last stage is your hometask for today.  It was to prepare projects on our topic. This work was in groups.

    The first group has collected the information about sports in Ukraine.

    The second group has collected the information about sports in Britain.

    The third group has collected the information about sports in the USA.

     I can see you have prepared wonderful presentations. Who can introduce them? The first project group, welcome and take the floor, please.


    Project 1: 

    Sports in Ukraine.

    Different kinds of sport are popular in Ukraine. There are a lot of sport clubs, gyms, swimming pools, running tracks and skating rinks. That’s why there are many talented sportsmen in our country. The Ukrainian school of gymnastics is famous all over the world. Iryna Diriuhina, Oksana Skaldina, Oleksandra Tymoshenko have won World and European Championships. Serhiy Bubka is known as the best world’s athlete. He was eight times world champion and Olympic champion in pole-vaulting. Oksana Baiul, a figure skater, won a gold medal for our country in 1992. The world’s champions in boxing, the Klychko brothers, are famous all over the world.

    Among the best swimmers at the Olympic Games was Yana Klochkova. She won two gold medals.

    Ukrainian football players and coaches are well-known in Europe and in the whole world.

    The names of Ukrainian chess players M. Litynska, Bilyavsky and Ivanchuk are well known in the world, too.


    Teacher: Thank you very much. It was very interesting for our pupils. Now, the second project group, welcome and take the floor, please.

     Project 2:

    Sports in Great Britain

    The British are great sport-lovers. They like playing or watching sports and talking about them. One of the most popular British game is cricket. It is often played in schools, colleges and universities all over the country. They can’t imagine summer without cricket.

    Another game which attracts the greatest attention is football. Every Sunday from August till May, large crowds of people support their favourite teams in football grounds.

    The next beloved sport in British life is horse racing. A lot of people are interested in the races. The Derby is the most popular sporting event in the whole world. It is the most famous race.

    A great number of people play and watch tennis. The British also like to play golf, baseball, grass-hockey.  

    Running, jumping, swimming are popular in Great Britain.


    Teacher: Thank you for your information. And now, the third group. You are welcome!


    Project 3:

    Sports in the USA

    Americans are very fond of sport. The most popular sports in the USA are football, which is played from April to October, baseball, played from September to December, basketball, played from October to April and ice hockey, played in most northern cities from October to March.

    American football derives from the English game of rugby. It is a game for two teams of eleven men on the field. The object of the game is to have the control of the ball and to score points by carrying it across the goal-line.

    Baseball is a team game derived from the English game of cricket. It is played with a bat and ball by two teams of nine players each, on a field with four bases. Baseball is the national game in the USA and it is very popular in Canada too.

    Basketball is a game which nowadays is popular all over the world. It was invented in 1891.

    There are more activities which Americans take part in such as golf, swimming, tennis, aerobics, wrestling, etc.


    Teacher: Thank you very much.

    1. Summing – up.

    Teacher: Boys and girls, we did a lot at the lesson. You worked hard so you know a lot about the most popular kinds of sports in Ukraine, Great Britain and the USA, you read and listened English texts, did a lot of exercises, made up dialogues .

    You coped with all tasks perfectly, so you are  really “strong”.

    Look at our pyramid! My congratulation! You reached the TOP.

    A real sportsman should be ambitious, competitive, confident, hardworking, concentrated, energetic, disciplined, active and strong.

    So you are real SPORTSMEN!

    Children, what  can you do after today’s lesson?



    I can name different sports in English

    I can ask and answer about my friend’s favourite sports

    I can make up dialogues

    I can use the correct verbs ”play”, “go” , “do”

    I can read and understand texts in English

    I can talk about sports in Ukraine, Great Britain, the USA

    I can explain why this is my favourite kind of  sport


    Teacher: Thank you for being so active. You get good and excellent marks.

     Your hometask is to solve the crossword.

















































    1. It is favourite kind of sport in England.
    2. The only person who can touch the ball with his hands, hold it and throw it.


    1. A kind of sport on two wheels.
    2. It is the winter game. Only men and boys can play it.
    3. You need a ball                   and a high net.


    Our lesson is over. Good-bye, children! Have a rest! See you!



















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