Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 6 класу на тему : " Про смаки не сперечаються"

Про матеріал
- to learn the lexical units theme "Food and Drinks ", - to develop skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing and monologue speech; -to expand the knowledge of Countable and Uncountable Nouns; -to develop logical thinking, the ability to speculation, imagination;
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Тема: Їжа

Підтема: Про смаки не сперечаються


- to learn the lexical units theme "Food and Drinks ",

- to develop skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing and monologue speech;

 -to expand the knowledge of Countable and Uncountable Nouns;

 -to develop logical thinking, the ability to speculation, imagination;

Materials and aids: computer, projector, Enterprise 1 (CB), audio tape, cards


І. Introduction (5 min.)

1. Greeting

- Good morning boys and girls! I’m glad to see you.

- Good morning. We are glad to see you too.

- How are you today?

- I’m fine (good, bad)

2. Presentation of the topic and the plan of the lesson

 The topic of our lesson is “Taster Differ”. And we are going to talk about food and drinks. So, we have to recollect the poem and words, read and listen to the text, learn the new words, make sentences and speak about food and drinks. But first let’s look at the screen and try to match English proverbs to their Ukrainian equivalents.

Tastes differ Апетит приходить під час їжі

An apple a day keeps the doctor away Їж яблуко в день і лікар не знадобиться

The appetite comes with eating Про смаки не сперечаються.

Every vegetable has its season Після обіду посидь, після вечері милю пройди.

After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile Кашу маслом не спортити

Too much butter won’t spoil the porridge Кожному овочу свій час

3. Warming-up

Let’s recollect our poem

Я по–английски “I”,

Пирог с начинкой – Pie.

Начинка – Cherry Jam.

I pie, пожалуй, съем.

I говорю: One, Two! –

И pie летит ко рту.

Считаю: One, Two, Three! –

И pie уже внутри.

Такой послушный pie

И не сказал Good Bye.

II. Main part of the lesson (30 min.)

1 .Vocabulary revision

 1.Guess the riddles (Multimedia presentation is used)

1. It is a fruit. It is red or yellow, sometimes green. It is very tasty. Children like to eat it very much. …apple

2.  It is a vegetable. It is orange. It is sweet. It is good for vegetable soup or salad. It is good to eat. …carrot

3. It is white or brown. It is good to eat with meat soup or vegetable soup. It is good to eat with butter or jam. It may be toast….bread

4.  It is a very tasty thing. Everybody usually buys it for a birthday party. …cake

5.  It is white. It is oval. It is good to eat for breakfast. It comes from a hen. …egg

6.  It is a drink. It is white. Children like to drink it. It comes from a cow. …milk 

          2. Look at the picture and tell me what is it?

 (Multimedia presentation is used)

It is a/an…

Keys: an orange, a tomato, a pie, a pineapple, a pepper, a potato , a strawberry

3. Group work. 

Work in groups. Take the cards and match the parts of the words, then write.

1 car cream

2 Ice- rot

3 straw apple

4 pine ter

5 but berry

6 che fee

7 cof rry

Keys: carrot, ice-cream, strawberry, pineapple, butter, cherry, coffee

4. Individual cards

Unscramble these words, write and read

Lkmi (milk), terwar (water),pleap (apple)

2. Revision grammar material

At the previous lesson we spoke about Countable and Uncountable Nouns. Look at the screen and revise the rules. (Multimedia presentation is used)

Countable Nouns are those nouns which we can count. They have singular and plural forms. We use a/an with Countable Nouns in the singular.    An orange

We use some with Countable Nouns in the plural.    some oranges

Uncountable Nouns are those nouns which we cannot count. They have only singular forms.  Bread

We  can use some with Uncountable Nouns.    some bread

5. Write C (for countable nouns) or U (for uncountable nouns).

1. tea _____;

2. potato _______;

3. sugar _____;

4. rice _____;

5. egg _____;

6. carrot ____.

6. Fill in: use an/a or some

1. ____ bread

2. _____ tea

3. _____ cherries

4. _____ apple

5. _____ butter

6. _____ pineapple

 Revision grammar material

We use some in the affirmative with Countable Nouns in the plural and Uncountable Nouns. 

 We use some in the interrogative form for offers or requests.

We use any in the negative and interrogative form.

7. Fill in:  some/any and complete the sentences

1. Is there some/any milk in the fridge?

2. Would you like some/any tea?

3. Have you got some/any sweets?

4. We haven’t got some/any bread.

5. There are some/any apples.

6. Can you buy some/any eggs?

8 .Correct the mistakes

1. I’d like a water, please.   

2. Is there some cheese in the fridge?

3. Give me any sweets, please.

4. I want a milk.

5. Can I have any oranges?

8. Rest-time

Let’s have a rest. Sing a song “Head and Shoulders”

    3. Listening 

Enterprise (CB) p.58 ex. 16  


Let’s read and translate the words in bold and the sentences


 Post- Listening

Mark the sentences T( true)or F( false)

4. Reading

Enterprise (CB) p.58 ex. 16


Let’s read and translate the words in bold


 Post- Reading

Give answer the questions.

5. Speaking

Now, talk about people’s habits.

ІІІ. Summing-up


Talk about people’s habits in your country

You are worked very well today. Your marks are …



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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
5 червня 2020
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