Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 9 класу з теми "Спорт та спортсмени"

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Конспект уроку англійської мови з теми «Спорт та спортсмени» для 9-го класу з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови. Містить творчі завдання, вправи для розвитку навиків усного мовлення, аудіювання, читання, письма, ігрові елементи,вправи для роботи в групах, парах, скріншот тексту для читання та вибіркові завдання з підручника Focus 3 2nd Edition. Може бути використаний для дистанційного та очного навчання.
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Topic: Sports and Sports Stars.


Objectives: to encourage pupils to speak on the given topic, to practise listening skills to improve pupils’ understanding of English, to develop pupils’ speaking, reading and writing skills, to enrich their active vocabulary, to revise the usage of Past Tenses (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect), to practice group work and pair work, to broaden the children’s outlook.


Materials: computer, Power Point presentation, handouts, Student’s Book Focus 3, additional grammar handouts, board.







  1. Greeting. Presenting the topic and objectives.

Good morning, everybody. I’m glad to see all of you safe and sound and ready to have our lesson. We are going to speak about a very interesting topic. Can you guess what it is?  (Guessing the topic. Playing a “Hangman” game)


_ _ _ _ _ _      A N D   _ _ _ _ _ _      _ _ _ _ _        (Sports and Sports Stars)


Thank you! Well done! It was easy to guess it, isn’t it? The objectives of our lesson are to develop speaking, reading, writing and listening skills, to enrich the vocabulary on the topic, to revise the usage of Past Tenses (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect) and, of course, to broaden the outlook.


I hope by the end of the lesson you’ll have been able to speak on the topic, to demonstrate understanding of the usage of Past Tenses, you’ll be more experienced of how to work in groups and pairs

  1. Warming up


1. What do you call the people who do these sports?

e.g. basketball – basketball player,

cycling – cyclist,

rowing – rower,

badminton –

skating –

volleyball –

tennis –

boxing –

skiing –

motor racing -

2. Can you name any world famous boxer (tennis player, skater, hockey player, … )


III. Listening

  • pre-listening task

What do you know about the sports people in photos A- C



  • While-listening task

Listen and match each speaker with their favourite sports star A-C.


Speaker 1

The sports person I look up to most is Cristiano Ronaldo. He’s always been a brilliant player, but he’s also a caring and generous human being. He’s given a lot of money to charities, and is especially passionate about children’s charities. He’s a real inspiration. He’s made generous donations to Save the Children who provides food, clothing and medicine for children in Syria. Once he paid for a baby’s brain operation and his most recent project is to build a children’s hospital in Santiago Chile.


Speaker 2.

Serena Williams inspires me. She’s been a champion for almost 20 years  now and is still at the top of her profession. She’s an excellent role model for girls and women. She’s strong and powerful and has a good body image. She‘s spoken out about body image, and also about what it means to be a black woman in tennis. She’s the most successful tennis player in history, but she’s also supportive of one of her biggest opponents, her older sister Venus.


Speaker 3.

I think Robert Kubica’s story is inspiring. He was the first Polish racing driver to win a Formula One Grand Prix, but then he had a terrible accident and he nearly lost his arm. Inspite of his serious injuries, he has stayed positive and returned to racing. He inspires young people because he is so courageous and determined.




  • after - listening task


  1. Answer the questions
  1. Who has been a champion for almost 20 years?
  2. Who makes donations to provide food, clothing and medicine for children in Syria?
  3. Where is Robert Kubica from?
  4. What happened to Robert Kubica?
  5. What human qualities do all three sports stars have in common?


  1. Match sports stars A-C with three adjectives each according to the speakers’ opinions. Then listen again and check (pair work)

















  1. Reading

- pre-reading task

Some people say a lot of sports stars are superstitious. They believe in supernatural influences. They believe that some special rituals can lead them to good or bad luck.


A. Work in groups and match the sports people with their rituals


  1. Sidney Crosby (Canada, ice hockey)
  2. Stephanie Rice (Australia, swimming)
  3. Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal, football)
  4. Laura Kenny (UK, cycling)
  5. Rafael Nadan (Spain, tennis)


a) always waits near the net to let the opponent rich his/her chair fist.

b) steps on a wet towel while wearing clean socks before a race

c) swings his/her arms 8 times , splashes his/her body with water 4 times and then presses his/her goggles into his/her face 4 times.

d) steps onto the pitch with his/her right foot first.

e) has used the same stick for years.



B. Can you predict what the text will be about?




  • while-reading task (pair work)

Complete the gaps 1-3 with sentences A-E.


  1. We shook hands, exchanged the faintest of smiles, and then each pretended the other wasn’t there.
  2. Some call it superstition, but it’s not. If it were superstition, why would I keep doing the same thing over whether I win or lose.
  3. It’s another manoeuvre that requires no thought, but I do it slowly, carefully, tying it tightly and very deliberately behind the back of my head.
  4. At one o’clock, with an hour to go before the start of play, we went back down to the locker room.
  5. It’s part of Wimbledon protocol on Final Day. It doesn’t happen anywhere else.



  • after-reading task

Answer the questions

  1. What are the five steps in Nadal’s final preparations for the match?
  2. Which Wimbledon rule upsets Nadal’s rituals?
  3. How often does Nadal drink from water from his water bottle?
  4. Why does Nadal smile during the match?


  1. Speaking.

 By the way, do you know that Serena Williams is quite superstitious? She believes that her success is the result of closely followed rituals and routines. For instance, she always takes her shower sandals to the court, ties her shoelaces a specific way and even wears the same pair of socks during a tournament run.


 Do you know any superstitious sports celebrity?



Who are they? What sport do they do? What rituals do they follow?


  1. Writing. Choose the proper Past tense (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect)


  1. The official fired the gun and the race (begin).
  2. It was raining heavily, when Mike (crash) his car.
  3. The race began at 4 p.m. and the last cyclist (finish) at exactly 5 p.m.
  4. Jane (watch) the game when the door bell rang.
  5. Nick (play) rugby when he broke his arm.
  6. They (climb) Everest, when the accident happened.


  1. Summing up

 To call it a day, can you tell me what activity or what stage of the lesson was the most interesting for you? Why?

What was the most difficult?

What new have you learnt during the lesson?


  1. Setting the home task: prepare a project (report) about any Ukrainian sportsman
    • his achievements in sport,
    • his lifestyle,
    • his public activity,
    • his superstitions.


  1. Assessment/marks.

Thank you for being active during the lesson. Your marks are:….

Have a nice day!





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Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 9 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В)
27 листопада 2022
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