Конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 9 класу на тему: "Вибір професії".

Про матеріал
Objectives:  to check the level of practical skills of the pupils on the given topic;  to develop students’ speaking, reading and listening comprehension skills;  to develop persistence, love to labour and learning in students;  to develop imagination, initiative, to promote professional orientation of the pupils;  to widen children’s outlook.
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  • to check the level of practical skills of the pupils on the given topic;
  • to develop students’ speaking, reading and listening comprehension skills;
  • to develop persistence, love to labour and learning in students;
  • to develop imagination, initiative, to promote professional orientation of the pupils;
  • to widen children’s outlook.

Equipment: phonogram, hand-out materials, texts for reading, sentences on the classboard.




T: And now, comment on the proverb “Handsome is as handsome does”.

Possible comments:

P1: To my mind, that’s quite right. A person mustn’t be judged by his or her looks. Appearance is not the main thing. It’s people’s deeds that matter.

P2: We can admire someone’s good looks and it’s only natural that we attribute high moral qualities to a handsome man or a beautiful woman. But the whole impression is spoilt at once if he or she turns out to be cruel, rude or selfish. We feel deceived and disappointed. And on the contrary – a plain face seems attractive if a person is helpful, considerate, friendly and generous.


T: Let’s define these professions: a farmer, a dress-maker, a researcher, a baker, a miner, a fireman, a vet, a teacher, a carpenter, a doctor, a builder. (Pupils give definitions.)

T: What professions or trades are defined?

  • this person delivers letters;
  • this person cuts man’s hair;
  • he or she is the head of a company;
  • he advises people about laws or represents them in court;
  • someone whose job is to repair electrical wires or equipment;
  • his job is to write about news events for a newspaper;
  • he serves customers at a restaurant;
  • someone who drives a car, bus etc;
  • he or she sells things;
  • his job is to stop fires burning.

Keys: Postman; hairdresser; director; lawyer; electrician; reporter; waiter; driver; sales assistant; fireman.


T: And now join together the two halves of the proverbs. Try to find their Ukrainian equivalents.

  1. Business, before …                                 a.  pleasure.
  2. Jack of all trades …                                 b.  to stars.
  3. The hardest work …                                c. than saying.
  4. Through hardship …                               d.  is a master of none.
  5. He that would eat the fruit …                  e.  to do nothing.
  6. Doing is better …                                    f.  must climb the tree.

Keys: 1-a; 2-d; 3-e; 4-b; 5-f; 6-c.


T: Let’s listen to the song “This Is How I Went”. Try to understand what the heroes of the song do and what they say while doing their work.


A soldier Left-right, get in line, eyes drop, don’t waste time.

A dentist Relax, open wide. That’s right. Drill inside.

A doctor – Heart’s bad, lungs worse. Liver’s gone. Where’s the nurse?

A barber – How do you like it? Short and straight? Long and white. You will have to wait.

A butcher – No bones, no fat. No, sir, it’s not your cat.

A baker – A loaf of bread. A piece of cake. It’s not easy. It’s hard to make.

A policeman – Yes, Madam, just doing my duty. Allow, allow. You’ve nicked me, beauty.

A grocer – A dozen eggs. A pound of cheese. That’ll be 5 pounds 60, please.


T: What is the style of the song?

  • dramatic;
  • humorous;
  • lyrical.


  1. While-reading

T: Now read a short text “The Secret of Success”.


Young Canadian writers often came to the famous humorist Stephen Leacock to ask him to tell them the secret of his success. Most of these young people had little or no talent but all of them had high hopes. In answer to their questions, Leacock usually told them: “It isn’t at all difficult to write funny stories. All you need is pen and paper; you sit down and write whatever comes into your head”.

And when the future author agreed with him, he continued: “Yes, it isn’t difficult to write. The only difficult thing is to make something come into your head”.

  1. Post-reading task

T: What is the message of the text? What makes a good writer? What do you really need to become a good writer?


T: Now let’s have a mini-conference. You will speak about your favourite professions or trades and explain your choice. You will also explain which occupations you wouldn’t choose and why.

P1: I think the profession of a doctor is the noblest and most important one. They take care of people and often return them to life, and human life is the most valuable thing on earth. Of course, it’s a very responsible job; doctors spend many sleepless nights saving people’s lives. So far their salary is very low and that’s too bad.

P2: As for me, I would like to be a teacher. I like children – they are so funny and amusing and I like teaching too. The profession of a teacher is noble and important. A teacher not only gives knowledge to his pupils, but also he develops the pupils’ intellect, forms their views and characters, their attitude to life and other people. The results of his work are not to be seen at once. He works for the future. The best reward for the teacher is the success his pupils have in life.

To my mind, a teacher should be a personality, he should be interesting to his pupils. He must have a kind heart and love his pupils – they all need his love and understanding.

P3: I would like to be a journalist. This profession is very dynamic; you can always find something new. You can learn a lot working as a journalist. Besides, there is much room for creative work. Also you can meet many interesting people– famous actors, singers, sportsmen, scientists, artists. It is a very special experience.

P4: To my mind, the profession of a psychologist is very important nowadays. Psychologists help people in time of trouble. They help them to overcome and solve problems of life. If you are in a bad mood, if you feel depressed and lonely you go to a psychologist. If you don’t find understanding in your family or at work and you feel very unhappy, a psychologist can help you. He     

will listen to you, give good advice. He will also help young people and teenagers to make the right choice of a profession.

P5: Personally I would like to be a singer. It’s wonderful to be on stage and sing to people, give them joy, make them happy. Singers look beautiful, they wear fashionable clothes and I like it too.

Besides they are given flowers and love by their admirers. Also they travel a lot visiting new places and meeting new people. Of course, there is plenty of work behind their fame and success, but it’s great to be popular.

I would never choose the profession of a milkmaid, though. First of all, I don’t want to live in a village. Second, milkmaids have to get up very early and I am not an early riser. Also in my opinion there is nothing romantic about this work.

P6: I wouldn’t mind being a farmer. I like to till the land, to plant trees and vegetables, to see them growing. Besides I like to grow flowers in the room. But it is not my ambition, of course. After finishing secondary school I’m going to enter Kyiv Polytechnic University and become an engineer. I am interested in computers and I want my future profession to be connected with computer science.

P7: Personally I would like to be a trainer. I want to train little kids. I go in for gymnastics and I want other children to love this wonderful kind of sport. I love children and I think I’ll make a good trainer. After finishing school I am going to enter Kyiv Institute of Physical Culture. I’ll try to make children understand that sport is very important. It will make them healthy and strong. If they want to feel fit, they should do some sport. This is my choice.

P8: We are building a law-abiding state in Ukraine so the profession of a lawyer is very popular nowadays. I’d like to be a lawyer and defend legal rights of our citizens. I want them to feel safe and protected by law.

P9: I doubt it greatly if anyone here would like to be a miner. Personally I wouldn’t. Not that I disrespect this occupation. Not at all. The thing is that it is a very dangerous job. Miners go down into mines and they never know whether they will be back. The  technologies in many  Ukrainian mines are  outdated and require

modernization for which there is no money. That’s why accidents are too frequent. The government should pay more attention to the needs of the miners.


T: And now, let’s relax – listen to some jokes and comment on them.

  1. “A charwoman in a City office was very proud of her skill at polishing floors. “When I started working there”, she told a friend, “the floors were in terrible state. But now it’s quite different. Three men working there have fallen down. One of them is still in a hospital with a broken leg.”

T: Has the office benefited from the charwoman’s zeal?

  1. “A doctor told his patient that there was nothing really the matter with him: “All you need is to be more in the open air. What is your profession?” “I am a postman, doctor” – answered the patient.

T: What do you think of that doctor?


T: What have you done today? Was it interesting and useful to speak about professions? What activity did you like best?

Home assignment

Write a letter to your friend about your future plans.


1 квітня 2020
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