Завдання для учнів 11 класу екстернатної форми навчання з англійської мови

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Завдання для учнів 11 класу екстернатної форми навчання з англійської мови за підручником О.Карпюк на I семестр
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princess               paparazzi                fairy-tale              interest            charming         struggled              important              upbringing              headlines         funeral





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Make up Your Mind (Unit 2)


  1. Someone whose job is to design new styles of clothes is called …...
  1. builder;  b) a pilot;  c) a singer;  d) a designer.
  1. Someone whose job is to design roads, bridges, machines etc. is called ..….

a)a brick-layer;  b) a teacher;  c) an engineer;  d) a driver.

  1. Doing ….. work overseas is one of the most rewarding ways of spending your gap year.

     a) much  b) necessary;  c) important;  d) voluntary.

  1. If you don’t want to work, there are plenty of other exciting ….. possibilities to consider.
  1. educational;  b) emotional;  c) international;  d) necessary.
  1. There are many ways in which a school-leaver can usefully …..a year between school and university.

a) waste;  b) attend; c) visit;  d) spend.

  1. One of the reasons to study abroad is to experience ….. first-hand.

a) culture;  b) people;  c) language;  d) money.

  1. Another reason is to ….. every day in English.

a)sing;  b) dance; c)  sleep;  d) communicate.

  1. Ukrainian legislation gives wide opportunities for those who are ….. employment.

  a) looking for;  b) waiting;  c) against;  d) for.

  1. To do a job of a journalist, you have to be a ….. person and be able to talk with anybody.

a)reliable;  b) secret;  c) communicative;  d) well-organized.

  1.  A job of hospice …..  involves a lot of sacrifice.

a)lady;  b) nurse;  c) secretary;  d) pilot.

  1.  Around the age of sixteen you must take one of the biggest ….. of your life.

a) development;  b) research;  c) pollution;  d) decisions.

  1.  If you are an unemployed, you can go to the ….. in the nearest large town to look for a job.
  1. supermarket;  b) Invest Centre; c) Job Center;   d) library.

 2. Grammar

1.She asked me if (had I seen /I had seen) him.

2. He wanted to know what (was I doing/I was doing)that night.

3.My friend says that he (has been working/had been working)for that company since 1997.

4.The office manage ordered them( to not go /not to go)home until the job (was/is )done.

5.Mary told me that she (didn`t want /doesn`t want)anything from me.

6.You told me that you (had read/ have read )that novel the year before.

7.He said that they (were having/had)dinner then.

8.Did he say whether (he could/can he) lend you the money or not ?

9.I show them how (they use/to use  )computer .

10.She said she (was trying/had been trying) to phone you all day.

11.She couldn`t tell us what( had she spent/she had spent)money on.

12.She said she (loves/loved) chocolate.

 Rewrite the requests. Example: “Mike, can you help me find a book about monsters?” She asked Mike to help her find a book about monsters.

 1 “Amy, can you send the e-mail for me?”

 2 “Sally, please, don’t copy my homework.”

3 “Mum, please, let me go to the disco!”

4 “Ron, can you turn your music down?”

5 “Please, don’t make me tidy my room, dad.”

6 “Tom, please give me your new CD!”

Report the following sentences.

1 “Close the door, please,” the conductor says to a passenger.

2 “Open fire!” the officer ordered the soldiers.

3 “Bring me a sheet of paper,” Mike said to Ann.

4 The client said to the cook, “Please, warm the supper up.”

5 The teacher said to the children, “Don’t make such a noise.”

6 Mike said to Sue, “Don’t come tonight.”

7 Ann said to her dad, “Please, give me that sandwich.”

8 Mr Baxter said to his wife, “Don’t be so kind to the children.”


3. Reading

Read the text first, then read the statements (1-10) and tick only those ones which are appropriate to the content of the text.


You can find information about jobs at a number of different places. At school. During their last years at school, students get advice about further study and finding jobs. All secondary schools have a career teacher. It’s his/her job to provide students with information about study and work. Career teachers will arrange visits to factories, offices, colleges, etc. They invite people from local organisations to come to the school to talk to pupils. They also help pupils to apply for jobs. A lot of schools now organise ‘work experience’ for pupils in the last two compulsory years of school (aged 14-16). The students go out to work for a week. They work in all kinds of places — factories, shops, offices or hotels. Afterwards they have to write about their experience and what it has taught them. (Most pupils report that school isn’t so bad after all!) Outside school. For people who have already left school, there are number of places where they can find out about jobs. Local newspapers carry advertisements for jobs, and there is a Job Centre in every large town. Employers advertise jobs here. If you are unemployed, you can go to the Job Centre to look for a job. More and more young people now continue their studies as long as possible. They go on from school to university or college to get higher qualifications. There are also several training schemes, where young people can learn the skills to help them get a better job


4. Writing

Write a letter of application for a summer job (100 words). Be sure to mention:

  • What position you are applying for
  • Educational qualifications
  • Any training programmes or additional courses
  • Some special skills you have
  • Your job experience if you have any






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Family Relationship (Unit 3)

1 Vocabulary

1. A family is a little world …by love.

a) called;  b) known;  c) created;  d) destroyed.

2. Family members …alike in appearance but they are different in characters, hobbies and interests.

a) think;  b) look;  c) live;d)go.

3. There are  … everywhere: in families, between neighbors or between the boys and the girls in your group.

a) friendship;  b) parents;  c) success;  d)conflicts.

4.  … is a young person who is developing into an adult.

  1.           an adolescent;  b) an adult;  c) a cousin;  d) a student.

5. … is to do what someone in a position of authority tells you to do.

  1.                to obey;  b) to permit;  c) to break;  d) to follow.

6. Today parents are more … of the behavior of their sons and daughters than ever before.

a) patient;  b) tolerant;  c) delicate;  d) adopted.

7. Successful parents do their best to … their children’s minds and give them a good education.

a) improve;  b) come down; c) help;  d)develop.

8. Good children … their parents in the way they would like to be treated themselves.

a) behave;  b) show;  c) treat;  d) obey.

9. Many teenagers can’t make good … and control their emotions.

a) advice;  b) decisions;  c) marks;  d) behavior.

10.  Most conflicts between adolescents and their parents are caused by … of their choice of friends.

a) criticism;  b) disobedience;  c) misunderstanding;  d)problems.

11.  Real friendship is possible only when people … each other.

a) conflict with;  b) live;  c) respect;  d) meet every day.

12. Just married have it after wedding for a month or so.

a) honeymoon;  b) problems;  c) new house;  d) new relatives.

2. Grammar

Put the verbs in brackets into appropriative forms to make up conditional sentences

1.If  they had studied harder, they _________(not/fail) final exams.

2. If I went to Japan, I _________(try) all possible kinds of sushi.

3. If we____(not/ train ) hard, we’ll lose the match.

4. I __________(order) a steak unless it is very spicy.

5. If I ___________(be) an artist, I would paint a portrait of you.

6. There wouldn’t have occurred so many disasters if people _________(be) more careful to nature.

7. I would go skiing more often if we ______ (live) closer to the ski resorts.

8. The snow … (clean) if I had had a shovel.

9. If I had a key, I … (let) you inside.

10. If John … (be) in town, he would invite you to this new restaurant.

11. If I … (know) you were coming, I would have thrown a party.

12. If he had given her his email address, she … (send) him the price list.


3. Reading

Read the text. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-5)

How often do you hear parents complaining that teenagers are rebellious and refuse to listen? As a teenager, how many times have you complained that your parents do not at all understand or are 'control freaks?' How to overcome this problem? Well, here are some suggestions for teenagers to have a better relationship with their parents.
We should regard parents as great people 1) ______this world. They should gain good respect from you.
We have to show our parents that we are disciplined and responsible young people. To do this, we must behave responsibly. We need to act 2) _______when carrying out our duties.
Obedience to parents is important. If we listen to our parents and do 3) ________do, they will not nag us so much.
Return home early, but do not come late at night. Parents get worried when they do not know where their children are, especially 4) _______after dark. If you go home late, please inform your parents.
Do not do things that your parents disapprove of. If your parents forbid you to do something, they usually have a reason for it.
Treat your parents5) _______. Tell them what you think. Talk to them with your problems. Your parents will happy to offer their help.
Always keep in mind that parents are places for you to harbor in your life as they love you so much. In return, we should love them for their time and compassion to bring up us as a healthy person without hoping for any returns.

A in a more mature manner

B  when they learn

C  as they brought us to

D  what they ask us to

E  if they are out

F as parents feel embarrassed

G by being involved

H as good companions

4. Writing

Listening to a radio programme you heard different people discussing the topic of friendship between teens. You have decided to write a letter to the editor of the programme.

In your letter

  • describe what kind of friend you prefer and why
  • say what can cause a friendship to go wrong
  • argue whether it is better to have a wide circle of friends or a few close friends.




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Eating Out (Unit 4)

1 Vocabulary

1. Restaurant ….. has been developing rapidly in Kyiv.

      a) party;  b) government;  c) team;  d) business.

2. Ukrainian cuisine is rich in …...

a) traditions;  b) elections;  c) exit polls;  d) referendums.

3. Borshch is often garnished with …..

a) cream;  b) sour cream;  c) milk;  d) sour milk.

4. French food is one of the ………. a great many people come to Paris but there are other types of food as well.

a) problem;  b) solution;  c) reason;  d) reasons.

5. …..means to cook in oil or fat in an oven or over a fire.

     a) To stew;  b) To roast;  c) To bake;  d) To chop.

6. After having entered a café a …..asked a waiter if he might sit in a certain place. .

a) customer;  b) designer;  c) president;  d) policeman.

7. The French national passion for good …. makes eating out one of the greatest pleasures of a visit to Paris.

a) girls;  b) cheese;  c) food;  d) flowers.

8. People who follow a vegetarian diet are often fitter, have lower cholesterol level and are less likely to have ….. problems.

a) weight;  b) family;  c) height;  d) personal.

9….. design is the art of planning the decoration of the inside a house or the office.

a) inferior;  b) interior;  c) infant;  d) interferon.

10.  My wife and I enjoyed a wonderful meal at this beautiful ….. .

a) garden;  b) sea-shore;  c) restaurant;  d) picnic.

11. A  ….. knows a lot about food and enjoys good food and wine.

a) chief;  b) cook;  c) teacher;  d)gourmet.

12.  I asked the waiter to bring us a wine …..so that we could decide what to drink.

a) menu;  b) programme;  c) list;  d) chart.


2. Grammar

Change the sentences to reported speech!

1. He said, " I found the money in the garden yesterday." He said that ____ .

2. The policeman asked me , "What were you wearing last Sunday" ? The policeman asked me ____________________________________________________________ .

3. The teacher explained to us, "The moon takes 28 days to go around the earth." The teacher explained to us that _____________________________________________________ .

 4. Dad warned us , "Don't touch the fresh paint !" Dad warned us __________ .

5. He wanted to know, "Will you go to the concert next week ?" He wanted to know ___ .

6. Mary begged the teacher, "Please , give me another chance !" Mary begged the teacher ___ .

 7. Mother asked me, "Did he lend you the money ?" Mother asked me _________ .

 8. I was wondering, "Why does the earth move around the sun ?" I was wondering ___ .

3. Reading




4. Writing

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Being a Student (Unit 1)



  1. English learners should know how to use …... like dictionaries.
  1. resources; b) lessons; c) lectures; d) seminars.
  1.  ….. is a well-planned serious of actions for achieving an aim.
  1. planning; b) draft  c) strategy  d) performance.
  1. Besides cinema and television, independent learners also enjoy listening to ….. in the target language.
  1. FM; b) teachers; c) lectures; d) songs.
  1. We should try and use chances of learning a target language both inside and ….  the classroom.
  1. outside; b) on; c) in  d) of.
  1. ….. is a marking used in schools to admit students’ achievements.
  1. schedule; b) grading; c) garding; d) grades.
  1. Time is  ….. .
  1. money; b) mine; c) mony;  d)mani.
  1. Repeat the words and phrases two or three times will help you …... them.
  1. read; b) write  c) spell; d) remember.
  1. Dictionaries often tell you which words go together.   “Make a mistake” and “take a photo” are called …..
  1. verbs; b) sentences; c) idioms; d) grammar rules.
  1. Communicating with native speakers, I spoke some English but I couldn’t   ….. people when they spoke English to me. .
  1. keep silence; b) listen; c) hear; d) understand.
  1.  I worked hard at my English and after a while I could see that I was making a lot of  ….. .
  1. progress; b) mistake; c) fu; d) money.
  1.   ….. is something that you have done successfully.
  1. development; b) research  c) achievement; d) investigation.
  1.  English is an international ...of communication.
  1. kind; b) dictionary; c) means; d) book.


    2. Grammar

I     Choose and circle the correct verb.

  1. If you get/got out in the rain, you'll catch cold.  
  2. If you see/saw  this film, you would know what it is about.
  3. If I have\had a lot of money, I would travel all over the world.       
  4. I'll help you  unless/if   I'm busy.
  5. If Ann  is/was back in town, she is going to see us.   
  6. I would have/would invited Peter to visit us if he were free.
  7. Would you stay/stayed at home if it rained?
  8. If I am/were  you, I would talk to your parents.

2   Write true answers to the following questions. Explain your ideas.


  1. If one song were to describe your life, what song would it be?_________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________2)If you could be famous, what would you like to be famous for?

3)If you could speak any other language, what language would you like to speak?


3. Reading

 Read the text. Some sentences were removed from the text.

  1. Oxford uses the tutorial method of teaching as well as lectures.
  2. The most important courses at first were Theology and Latin
  3. Twenty-five Prime Ministers and 86 Archbishops of Canterbury attended Oxford
  4. Oxford is one of the top ten universities in the world.

The University of Oxford has 38 colleges and six halls of residence.1____ Oxford was founded in the 11th century and is the oldest university in the UK. It really began to grow when the University of Paris expelled all foreign students in 1167 and English students returned to England.2____, because most students wanted to join the church, but Law soon became important too. By the 16th century, there were more students of law than theology.

Fourteen percent of full-time undergraduate students come from overseas and 63% of full-time postgraduate students are international students.3_____. Students really enjoy talking to their lecturers in their rooms with a coffee!

4______. Many famous writers, such as Oscar Wilde and J.R.R. Tolkien (author of the Lord of the Rings) also went to Oxford.

4. Writing

You have got a letter from your English friend in which he/she writes about his/her achievements in Physics. Write a letter to your friend in which you tell him/her

  • what your favourite subjects are at school and what your teachers do to make the lessons interesting
  • how the knowledge of these subjects may influence your future career and why
  • give some pieces of advice on how to arrange your timetable to be good at studies

Write a letter of at least 150 words. Do not write your own name, any dates or other personal information. Start your letter appropriately.


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I. Match the words with their definitions. (2 points)

  1. to blame  a) to get involved in a situation that doesn’t concern

 you, and try to influence what happens in a way that annoys people

  1. to interfere b) to stop someone from doing something
  2. to obey  c) to do what someone in a position of authority tells you                                                to do
  3. to prevent d) to say or think that someone or something is                         responsible for something bad.

 II. Complete the sentences using reported speech. (4 points) III. (2 points)

IV. (4 points)




Or do another task

IV.  (4 points)



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(Назва школи)



Індивідуальний план

для учнів 11 класу ______________________

    з англійської мови


на I семестр 202_/202_н.р.


№ за/п

Виконання навчального плану

Форма атестації


Тема 1

Шкільне життя (міжнародні освітні програми,  випускні іспити)

Conditionals I, II (Revision)

Тестова контрольна робота + написання твору з теми


Тема 2

Робота і професії (вибір професії, пошук роботи,  престижні професії в Україні та за кордоном, плани на майбутнє)

Direct and Reported Speech, Future-inthe-Past

Тестова контрольна робота + написання твору з теми


Тема 3

Я, моя родина, мої друзі  (норми поведінки та спілкування батьки й діти толерантне ставлення до оточуючих)

Conditionals III

Тестова контрольна робота + написання твору з теми


Тема 4

Харчування (їжа, напої й закуски особисті пріоритети в харчуванні заклади громадського харчування)

Reported Speech

Тестова контрольна робота + написання твору з теми



Контрольні роботи з 4 видів мовленнєвої діяльності.

Семестрові контрольні роботи з 4 видів мовленнєвої діяльності



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Завдання з англійської мови за підручником English 11 Оксани Карпюк


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