Конспект уроку "Їжа. Здорове харчування"

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови на тему: «Їжа. Здорове харчування.» 6 клас.
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Конспект уроку

англійської мови на тему:

«Їжа. Здорове харчування.»

6 клас










вчитель англійської мови

Галина В’ячеславівна Книш









Form : 6

Topic: Food,  healthy eating

Aims: To develop communicative skills

To introduce and practice new vocabulary

To develop students’ reading skills

To develop students’ fluency skills

To raise students’ awareness of food issues


Computer, projector, glue, pictures of the basket and food.

HO 1-- Fill the chart in on fruit and vegetables. Tick the right squares.

HO 2-- Finish the dialogue

HO 3-- Complete the dialogue

HO 4-- Differentiated  task

HO 5-- School dinners text “ School dinners in the UK “

HO 6-- Comparing card of the dinner time at school in Ukraine and in the UK

HO 7-- Menu



I. Introduction.Greetings

In this lesson students do a jigsaw reading activity where they read and then compare two different texts  about food issues. They do a fast and furious speaking activity to practise fluency. There are optional  comprehension tasks based on the two texts to do in class. They will develop their vocabulary, complete the dialogues and speech on this topic.

 At this lesson we’ll  full in the basket by the healthy food. For that you have to work very attentivly and hard.



2 -3







II. Introduce the topic

1. Warming-up

In pairs students write as many ‘food’ words as possible in 1 minutes in their notebooks. Ask the pair with the most items on their list to write their items on the board. Ask the class which foods are healthy and which are unhealthy.Can they explain why?


Healthy                                                   Unhealthy

I think … is …. because it is good for…


2 min.

2. Vocabulary practice

Next task to the class -- try to find main descriptions of the vegetables or fruit.

HO 1-- Fill the chart in on fruit and vegetables. Tick the right squares.

Fruit or


It is a fruit

It is a vegeta­ble

It is soft

It is juicy

It has pips or a stone







Every pupil has such card on the desk. The teacher names for one word and the pupil glue it to the blackboard and tick the right squares.  Peach        Carrot 

                                                                                   Lemon Beetroot

                                                                                  Cherry        Tomato

Let’s put the first healthy food into our bascket. It will be apple.


4 -6 min

3. Speking task. Work in pairs.

Next our point to win the vegetable to put in our healthy bascket is finishing the dialogue. 2 pairs of the pupils read the task for all classmates. The dialogue is on the screen and on the cards

HO 2

Finish the dialogue

Ann: Do you have any food?

Mum: Yes. We have  … and  ….

Ann: I'd like a…., please.

Mum: Here you are.

Ann: Thank you. Do we have any more ….?

Mum: No, we don't. I'll get some more when I go shopping.

Ann: How do you like ….?

Mum: It's / They're delicious.


But now you’ll have more difficult task-- you have to complete the dialogue into the correct order and act it. Pupils can see the task on the screen. After 1 min. 2 pupils read the text.

HO 3-- Complete the dialogue:

  1. I like tasty cakes with juice.
  2. How many meals  do you have?
  3. What is your favourite main course?
  4. My favourite dish is potato.
  5. I have 4 meals a day.
  6. Do you like boiled or fried potato?
  7. Best of all I prefer boiled potato with meatballs.
  8. What dessert do you like?

It’s good-- we receive a cabbage.

5 min

4. Grammar task. Differentiated  task.(HO 4)

Do you help yor parents in the kitchen? What can you  do there? And our guest Mikky likes to cook too, but he has made a lot of mistakes when he wrote about meals. Let’s correct him.  ( Task has 3 levels) 5-6 pupils will be given marks.


1. Yesterday I have three meals a day. My meal were: breakfast, dinner and supper.  I have eaten a vegetable salad and sandwiches with tea before I went to school. For dinner  I have soup for starter, and meat with a lot of potatoes for main course. When my mother came home I had bake the cake for dessert. For supper my father  have already cooked fried fish and mashed potatoes.


2. Yesterday I have three meals a day. My meal were: breakfast, dinner and supper.  I have eaten a vegetable salad and sandwiches with tea before I went to school. For dinner  I have soup for starter, and meat with a lot of potatoes for main course. When my mother came home I had bake the cake for dessert. For supper my father  have already cooked fried fish and mashed potatoes.


3. Yesterday I ( to have )three meals a day. My meals  were: breakfast, dinner and supper.  I ( to eat)  a vegetable salad and sandwiches with tea before I ( to go) went to school. For dinner  I (to have) soup for starter, and meat with a lot of potatoes for main course. When my mother came home I ( to bake ) the cake for dessert. For supper my father  already (to cook) fried fish and mashed potatoes.


For this writing we have some fish to our basket.

6-8 min

5. Group work. Reading

a) Pre- reading task

-- How many meals a day do you have?

-- What is good to eat every day?

-- What bad food do you like?

-- What would you like to eat for lunch at school?

Lexical work: read on the slide new words and explanations with the examples.

Meal-- the process of  eating a day. I have 3 meals a day: breakfast, dinner, supper.

Prefer-- like. We prefer to eat a lot of sweets.

Dessert-- sweet dish. Our dessert is a cake.

Pancake-- small cake frying on the pan. She likes pancakes with jam.

b)Work in groups. 2 groups (for 4 p.) will read about the “ School dinners in the UK“ (HO 5) and will do the task after reading. (for mark) 

School dinners  in the UK

A typical school dinner costs about 2 pounds a day for a secondary pupil in the UK. There is usually a main course, a dessert and a drink. Parents often pay in advance online. School dinners must include food groups such as fruit and vegetables, protein (for example meat, fish or cheese) and cereal (for example rice or pasta). There are rules about how the food is prepared, for example there are limits on the quantity of fried food. More than a third of British school pupils have school dinner. Some take a packed lunch, prepared at home. Others either have lunch at home or eat at nearby take-away restaurants.

We asked some young people to tell us about what they eat at lunch time on school days.

“I have school dinners most days but I take a packed lunch on Fridays. This Friday I had a cheese sandwich, tomatoes, crisps, a chocolate bar and an apple juice.”  Tom, 14, Dorset.

“Today we had pizza, salad, then an apple for dessert. I get free school.” Rae, 13, Hathersage.

“I had fish and chips today. I went to the chip shop near school with some friends. Sometimes I take a packed lunch and sometimes my parents give me money to buy lunch.” Theo, 15, Cambridge.

“I have school dinner every day. Today I had roast chicken, carrots, green beans and potatoes. For dessert I had cake.” Sarah, 14, Birmingham.

 1. Check your understanding: true or false


School dinner is eaten at  lunch time.




A school dinner in the UK costs about 2 pounds.




All British schoolchildren have school dinners.




All pupils have lunch at nearby take-away restaurants.



c) Post- reading task-- Comparing the dinner time at school in Ukraine and in the UK.

Using the information  on the cards (HO 6):

  1. A typical school dinner costs about 2 pounds a day .
  2. School dinners must include food groups such as fruit and vegetables, protein and cereal .
  3. There are limits on the number of fried food.
  4. School pupils eat at nearby take-away restaurants.
  5. Children have pizza, salad, then an apple for dessert.
  6. People eat  soup, meat for dinner.
  7. Pupils have a cup of tea  with cookies.
  8. Children like to eat sweets and fruit.


Fill in the gaps


The same


Ukrainian dinner

English dinner


School dinners must include food groups such as fruit and vegetables, protein and cereal .

There are limits on the number of fried food.

Children like to eat sweets and fruit.

People eat  soup, meat for dinner.

Pupils have  cup of tea  with cookies.



A typical school dinner costs about 2 pounds a day .

School pupils eat at nearby take-away restaurants.

Children have pizza, salad, then an apple for dessert.


For this task we have the healthy dish-- soup-- into our basket.



5 min

6. Guess the dish.

Some pupils have adding hometask-- to tell about the dish but they will not name  it. Listen to them very carefully and guess what is it.

The class listen to 4 pupils and answer after their descriptions.

Best of all I like healthy food. Firstly I take some vegetables, wash them and cut. Then we have to put some salt and pepper. After that I add a little oil and mix. It’s a very tasty dish. What is it?


My taste is alike to yours. We can buy this food easily in the shop. But you can cook it yourself.  We have to wash and peel potatoes. Then we slice them and fry every piece into the pan with a lot of oil. Take out  red-  yellow snacks and air. What is it?


Everyone has eaten my dish. Your and my mum prepare it. She takes meat, boils it. After that she puts peeling vegetables. Mum adds some salt, pepper. At the end she puts some sour- cream. It is delicious red- coloured dish. What is it?


It is Ukrainian dish. I help my mum to do it. Firstly we boil leaves of cabbage and  rice. We have to grind carrot and cut some onion. Frying  we mix them with rice and meat. Put salt, pepper. Then we put this mass into the cabbage leaf and boil 1 hour with tomato pasta. We eat this dish with sour- cream. What is it?


Pupils receive their marks

For this task in our basket we have the rice

8- 10 min.

7.Project work. Group work

We speak about healthy food--  what we have to eat and haven’t. Let’s check how do you understand it. Compete the menu:

1group-- breakfast

2 group-- lunch

3 group--dinner

4 group-- supper

Using the cards (HO 7) and pictures, write menu and tell about it.

Pupils in the group for 4  complete the menu and one of them describe it.

We put healthy drink to our basket-- milk.


2-3 min

III. Summary

1. Dialogue teacher- pupils

--Answer to me what is healthy food, looking at our basket?

-- What healthy drink do you like?

-- How many meals have we to have to be healthy?



2. Hometask

1 and 2 group -- Exercise 6, page 63-- write short stories about your favourite meals.

3 and 4 group-- Exercise 3 , page 63 -- answer the questions.



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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
12 березня 2021
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