Конспект заняття за темою:Взаємовідносини з іншими - RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHERS.Процес написання -THE PROCESS OF WRITING.

Про матеріал
Методична розробка заняття з дисципліни: «Іноземна мова» за темою:"Взаємовідносини з іншими - RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHERS. Процес написання -THE PROCESS OF WRITING." Підготувала Горлова Я.В. - викладач кваліфікаційної категорії «спеціаліст першої категорії» Маріупольського механіко-металургійного коледжу ДВНЗ «ПДТУ» - 2018 р. Викладено методику проведення практичного заняття, спрямованого на удосконалення лексико-граматичних навичок студентів за темою:"Взаємовідносини з іншими - RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHERS. Процес написання -THE PROCESS OF WRITING.", узагальнення правил, розвиток здібностей студентів (інтелектуальних,мовних) та закріплення лексичного та граматичного матеріалу за допомогою текстів, завдань та обговорень.
Перегляд файлу

Заняття 4.

Дисципліна: «Іноземна мова»

Tема: Взаємовідносини з іншими - RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHERS.

             Процес написання -THE PROCESS OF WRITING.

Мета заняття:


                  -  удосконалення лексико-граматичних навичок студентів 

                      використання різних форм і методів проведення заняття;

                  - вдосконалення навичок письма.



Навчальна:  -закріпити ЛО з теми;

                     -повторювати розділ «Past Tenses»;    

                    - закріпити розділ «Past Tenses» у вправах за темою;

                      -активізувати ЛО теми в мовних вправах;

                     -організувати тренування студентів з граматиці та лексики;

                     - формувати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.


 Розвивальна:  -розвивати стійкий інтерес до предмету;

                          -розвивати творчі здібності та активізувати розумову діяль-

                            ність студентів;

                          -розвивати вміння застосовувати інформацію у новій ситуації;

                          -творчо сприймати навчальний матеріал і осмислювати його;

Виховна:  -досягнути успіху і самореалізації особистості;

                  - виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань;

                  -стимуляція почуття гідності та самоповаги;

                  -формування самостійності, активності, творчої самоповаги;


Вид заняття: практичне.

Технічні засоби навчання: дошка.


Методичне забезпечення: підручник «Учебник английского языка. 10 класс»

                                              Карпюк О., Тернополь: Астон, 2010р.,

                                               с.29-31, додатковий матеріал.                     

Хід уроку


I. Організаційна частина уроку.

1. Greeting. Вчитель вітає студентів.

    T: Good morning, students. Glad to see you.

    S: We are glad to see you too.

    T: Sit down, please. Tell me are you going to work hard today?

    S: Yes, we are.

    T: Let us start then!




II. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: This lesson will focus on the writing process and how it relates to communication. You will be taught what the writing process is, its parts, and how they can use it. We’ll   revise the word combinations that we learned at the previous lesson. We will try to do the exercises using the new material. We also will revise the grammar rules and do the exercises.             


 2. Фонетична зарядка.  Pronunciation drill. 

2.1 T: Translate:


Contact details




Details  of  your  university  Undergraduate  degree  Courses 

Postgraduate education

Phone Number


Important skills

Was written incorrectly


Контактні дані




Дані про університет

Базова вища освіта

Університетський курс


Номер телефону

Електронна адреса

Вагомі навички

Було написано невірно



2.2 T: Writing is a very important skill. Think what would happen if you needed to make a call but the telephone number was written incorrectly or you were going to pick up your child after school, but the address was not complete. Poor writing skills can cause problems, but learning to be an effective writer can help you avoid those problems.

Open your books on p.29. let’s read the ex.2 (a,b)  and translate it.

2.3 Тренування навичок монологічного мовлення студентів.

T: Look through the ex. 3 (a) and try to answer the questions.

Вчитель пропонує ознайомитися з інформацією  вправи 3 та дати відповіді на запитання.

  1. What types of writing can you mention?
  2. Have you ever written a research paper or an essay?
  3. Why do you think writing is important?
  4. If you were asked to write a paper, how many of you have a topic you would like to write about but don’t know how to get started?





2.4 Brainstorming.

T:  Now, please, look at the blackboard, there are some rules for the writing process,

  let’s read and try translate them together to remember. 


As we learn the writing process, remember:

• Writing is not a natural talent; writing skills can be learned.

• Writing takes practice and patience; with practice your skills will improve.

• Good writers follow a writing process.


T: Now fill in the chart according to the types of letters and reasons for writing.


Reasons for writing








Giving information








Giving news




Giving advice












I am writing to draw your attention to...,

Could you do something for me?

I am writing to apologize for...,

I’ve looked into...,

You’ll never guess what...,

 am writing to request some advice concerning..,

I’m writing to tell you about...,

I would be most grateful if you could...,

I am writing to apply for the position...,

Do you know anything about...,

This information should be useful to you...,

Why don’t you...,

In addition, could you tell me...,

I’m really sorry about...,

I am writing to inform you of...,

I’m sorry to hear that  and I think I can help...,

I am writing with reference to your advertisement which I saw.,

Glad to hear that...,

I would like to express my dissatisfac­tion...,

This information should help you...,






May I bring to your attention...,

 I really need...,

I didn’t mean to...,

I would suggest that...,

I am writing to offer my sincere apologies regarding. 


 III. Основна частина уроку.

Check on                1. Контроль домашнього завдання.

homework               T: Your homework for today was to revise the words and

                                the word combinations on the topic. Do ex.5, p.24

                       Who wants to be the first to answer?

 2. Предявлення лексичного матеріалу. Presenting vocabulary.           

 Introduction. Ознайомлення студентів з ЛО теми спілкування. Студенти ознайомлюються зі словами та словосполученнями, а також з додатковою лексикою. Вчитель звертає увагу студентів на складні випадки

читання або перекладу слів.

T: Let’s remember the list of words and phrases which based on the writing process.

Pay attention to remember: 

Application letter


Good working knowledge



Professional qualifications

English language capability


Living costs

Brief details


Письмо- звернення, заява


Гарні робочі знання



Професійна кваліфікація

Здатність до англ. мови, здібність до англ. мови

Витрати на проживання

Лаконічні деталі


1. Tom is a fluent speaker of Japanese. - Том вільно розмовляє японською.

2. Candidates must have a very good working knowledge of English and French. -

Кандидат повинен мати дуже гарне знання англійської та французької мови.
3. Circumstances forced us to put off the meeting. - Обставини змусили нас відкласти зустріч.

4. The document bore his signature. - На документі стояв його підпис.

5. We have to reduce the cost to a minimum. - Ми повинні зменшити затрати до мінімального рівня.

6. My intention here is to simply give a few brief details. -  Я тільки маю наміри додати декілька лаконічних деталей.

7. The old man moved away, raising his hand in salutation. – Старець шов геть піднявши руку щоб привітатись.





3. Тренувати студентів у вживанні ЛО. Language work .

3.1 Семантизація ЛО теми.

Т: Before you begin writing your job application letter, do some groundwork. 

Read some information given below.


Length: A letter of application should be no more than one page long.


Format and Page Margins: A letter of application should be single-spaced with a space between each paragraph. Use about 1" margins and align your text to the left, which is the standard alignment for most documents.


Font: Use a traditional font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri. The font size should be between 10 and 12 points.


Heading: A letter of application should begin with both your and the employer's contact information (name, address, phone number, email) followed by the date. If this is an email rather than an actual letter, include your contact information at the end of the letter, after your signature.


Salutation: This is your polite greeting. The most common salutation is "Dear Mr./Ms." followed by the person's last name. 

Body of the letter: Think of this section as being three distinct parts.

In the first paragraph, you'll want to mention the job you are applying for and where you saw the job listing.


The next paragraph(s) are the most important part of your letter.

The third and last part of the body of the letter will be your thank you to the employer; you can also offer follow-up information.


Complimentary Close: Sign off your email with a polite close, such as "Best" or "Sincerely," followed by your name.


Signature: End with your signature, handwritten, followed by your typed name. If this is an email, simply include your typed name, followed by your contact information.











3.2 Читання та переклад тексту.


Т: The Writing Process is a series of steps to help you write a paper. It is like using a map to get to an unfamiliar place. Read the text and translate it.



The Writing Process has five steps.

Step 1: Pre-Writing. Begin by brainstorming ideas for topics, organizing an outline, and developing a plan. After you have selected a topic, you can use the Logic Tree to outline your topic and prepare for Step 2.

Step 2: Writing the First Draft. Using your Logic Tree, write a strong topic sentence. The topic sentence is a simple sentence that sets the stage and tells the reader about the subject. In the topic sentence, you tell your audience what you are going to talk about. Next develop an introduction to the topic, your main points and supporting details, and write a concluding paragraph. Be sure to use facts, examples, and details to back up your sentence. Your main points will be several sentences that support and give further explanation to your topic. When you write the concluding paragraph, you are summarizing the main points in the body of the paper.

Step 3: Evaluating, Revising, and Editing. Read your paper carefully. Many times people skip this step. When you begin to evaluate and edit your paper, change from the role of writer to the role of a critic. Try to examine your paper through the eyes of a reader who does not know anything about your topic. — Have you explained everything fully? — Have you included enough facts and examples for the reader to understand? — Are there spelling errors? Read your paper out loud to make sure that it makes sense. After you have made improvements you may want to have someone else read your paper and make comments. When writing you may go through Step 3 several times before you are ready to write a final draft.

Step 4: Write Your Final Draft. When you have corrected all errors including spelling, punctuation, and grammar, you are ready to write your final draft. When you have completed the final draft, proofread again to make sure you did not miss any errors, such as spelling, punctuation, and paragraph indention.

Step 5: Publish the Final Draft. Present it.














3.3 Post-reading activity.


T: Now you know the main tips about writing. We are going to check your knowledge using the exercises below. Try to guess who will get the job?


Positions available

International marketer

A major U.S. manufacturing firm is seeking an experienced (5-10 years) market­ing expert to develop their international efforts in the areas of distribution, service and sales administration. The specific territory is Eastern Europe and Ukraine. Heavy travel will require absence from home for a high proportion of time. Oral and written skills are a must including fluency in English, Ukrainian, Polish and Ger­man. Master’s degree in Business or International management required.

All replies are confidential. Send correspondence to:

Box LF 567

The Wall Street Journal


T: This is an advertisement from the “Wall Street Journal”. Two people have applied for the job. The Personal Manager has made some notes after the interviews. Compare the applicants. Who do you think will get the job and why?



John Smith

Alex Walter

Present job

5 days a week, 7 hours a day

6 days a week, 5 hours a day

Previous jobs

Sales manager (1993-2001) Chief of the Commercial Department(2001-2007)

Chief of the Advertising Depart­ment (2007 — present)

Shop-assistant (2001-2003) Stock broker (2004-2009) Shop owner (2009 — present)


good, studied it at college for 3 years

very good, self-study


quite good

mainly reading


not very good, speaks with mis­takes

fluent speaking, excellent writ­ing


married, 3 children



42 years

32 years


Master’s degree in Business Management


Italy, Bulgaria, France, Ger­many

Ukraine, Germany, Austria, Poland






4.  Робота з додатковим матеріалом.  

4.1 Fill in the application form.


Send to:

E.S.L. Co-ordinator

P.O. Box 171

Riverstone NSW 2765

Fax: +61 2 9627 3342



Family name:___________ Given name(s) ___________

Present Address _______________________________

_____________  Postcode _____  Country __________

Phone:_________ Fax:__________ E-mail:__________

Date of Birth ___________  Gender ___________

Citizenship ____________  Passport No _________


Next of kin (name, address, phone)_________________

Marital status __________  Name of spouse _________

Name(s) of children (age)_________________________

Health Insurance number:________________________


What educational standard did you reach?____________

What further study have you done?_________________

Have you previously studied English?________________

If so, what level did you achieve?___________________


What is your general state of health?________________

Do you suffer from any illness or disorder that may affect your studies of English?




Do you take any medication or have any dietary requirements?  





What hobbies and recreational activities do you enjoy? (i.e. reading, cooking, music, singing)


What are your reasons for studying English?__________


How did you hear about this course?________________


Signature: ___________  Date: ___________

Please attach a recent Photo to this form.



Please send the application form to: The ESL Co-ordinator, PO Box 171, Riverstonea NSWa 2765, Australia.

(Fax: +61 2 9627 3342; E-mail: admin@glo-australia.com)



4.2 Відпрацювання у вправах.  Formal and informal letters

T: Here are two jumbled letters. One is written to a hotel, and the other is to a friend. Decide which sentences go with which letter and put them in the right order.

Letter to a hotel __               Letter to  a  friend __



I would like a single room with a shower


I’m writing to ask you a favour


I don’t mind where you put me. I’ll sleep anywhere!


I have a further request


I would like to make a reservation for the nights of 22nd, 23rd, and 24th May


I hope the above is convenient


write soon and let me know


I’m coming down to London at the end of the month to go to a conference


Could I have a bite to eat when I arrive?


I hope you are all well, and that you’ve recovered from the busy Easter period


I would be extremely grateful


could I possibly have a room at the back a I find the front rooms very noisy?


Could you put me up for a few days?


Just a sandwich will do


I look forward to your reply


It’s the 22nd-24th May


As I will be arriving quite late, could you possibly put a cold buffet in my room on the 22nd?


I hope that’s all right


There’s something else I’d like to ask you

T: Let’s check your answers.


IV. Заключна частина уроку.

      1. Домашне завдання. Homework.

 T: Your homework will be  the ex. 5-6, p.31.

        2. Підбиття підсумків урок. Summarizing.

 T: Today you have learned about two new tools that can help you be a successful writer. You will begin using the Writing Process and the Logic Tree to create your papers. Ask learners if they have any questions or concerns. Assure them that we will take it step by step and work on the paper together. After you have worked with the process you should begin to see how the tools are helpful. So your marks for today are…                                   

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
12 березня 2019
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