Контроль домашнього читання (6 клас)

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Розвиток навичок читання на уроках англійської мови у 6 класі. Домашнє читання на тему "Ukraine: Kyiv". Виконання тесту до прочитаного тексту. (підручник "Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас, А.Несвіт)
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Homereading  6 Form. Тopic  Ukraine: Kyiv.

Text  A legend about the foundation of  Kyiv.

Pre-reading activities

  1. Match the words with their definitions.
  1. a legend                1. a small ship
  2. to build                 2. precious white metal
  3. a hill                     3. to look after smb.
  4. beautiful               4. person who makes pots out of clay
  5. a potter                 5. powerful
  6. modest                  6. lower than a mountain
  7. a boat                    7. not boasting
  8. strong                    8. to construct
  9. to take care of       9. very pleasing to look at
  10. silver                     10. a story from the past which may not be based on fact

Key: a-10, b-8, c-6, d-9, e-4, f-7, g-1, h-5, i-3, j-2.

While-reading activities

  1. Write if the sentences are true or false. Make it true.

1. The brothers saw three green mountains covered with a thick forest.

2. They built a house for Lybid.

3. Kyi was a tall handsome man with blue eyes and fair hair.

4. Kyi made fine jugs.

5. Shchek was a good potter.

6. He had dark eyes and black hair.

7. Khoryv sang beautiful songs.

8. Lybid was a pretty girl with blue eyes and long golden hair.

9. Khoryv made the most beautiful earrings for his sister.

10. Lybid wove snow-white linen for their shirts.

Key: 1-, 2+, 3-, 4-, 5+, 6-, 7+, 8+, 9-, 10+.

  1. Describe the appearance and the traits of three brothers and their sister.
  1. Kyi was……

He had……

He made……

  1. Shchek was…..

He had……

He made…..

  1. Khoryv was……

He had……

He made……

  1. Lybid was……

She had…..

She made……



Post-reading activities

  1. Choose correct words from the text to complete the sentences.
  1. They saw green ----- covered with a thick forest.
  2. They settled those three hills and -------- a house for their sister.
  3. Kyi loved the river and ------- much time on the Dnieper.
  4. Their sister Lybid was a -------- girl.
  5. She was very good -------.
  6. Shchek --------- Lybid with his best jugs.
  7. The three brothers always ------- people.
  8. One day the --------- came to their land.
  9. The people didn’t want to be --------.
  10. The town was named Kyiv in -------- of their prince.

Key: 1 hills, 2 built, 3spent ,4 pretty, 5 spinner, 6 presented, 7 helped, 8 enemies, 9 slaves, 10 honour.


  1. Answer the questions.
  1. Where were three brothers and their sister boating one day?
  2. Where did they settle?
  3. How did people live for a long time around the hills?
  4. Who came one day to their land?
  5. What did people decide to do?
  6. How did they fight?
  7. Why was the town named Kyiv?









Many, many years ago there lived three brothers: Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv. They had a sister Lybid.

One day they were boating along beautiful banks of the Dnieper. They saw three green hills covered with a thick forest. “This is a fine place,” said Kyi. “Let us setlle here”. They settled those three hills and built a house for Lybid.

Kyi was the eldest brother. He was a tall handsome man with dark eyes and black hair. Kyi   was very strong and clever. He made fine boats. Kyi loved the river and spent much time on the Dnieper.

Shchek, his younger brother, had green eyes and red hair. He was a good potter and he made fine jugs.

Khoryv, the youngest brother, had brown eyes and fair hair. He was a fine psaltery- player and sang beautiful songs. And he also made fine silver rings and other things.

Their sister Lybid was a pretty girl with blue eyes and long golden hair. She was very kind and modest. Lybyd was very good spinner. The three brothers loved their sister very much and took care of her. Kyi made a fine boat for Lybid and often brought her fish. Shchek presented Lybid with his best jugs. Khoryv made the most beautiful rings for his sister. Lybid loved her brothers and she wove snow-white linen for their shirts.

By and by many people settled around the three hills near the Dnieper. The three brothers always helped them. For a long time the people lived happily, but one day the enemies came to their land. They wanted to make the people their slaves. But the people didn’t want to be slaves and they began to fight with their enemies. The three brothers fought bravely and killed many enemies. At last Kyi took the chief of the enemies into his hands and threw him into the Dnieper. It was the end of the enemy.

After that Kyi became the first Prince of this land. The people built the first walled town on one of the hills at the river Dnieper and named it Kyiv in honour of their Prince.

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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
4 листопада 2021
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