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Two Kittens

Two little kittens didn’t have a mother and a father. They lived in s big house with their aunt. She didn’t like kittens. They were very kind and friendly but their aunt was arrogant and selfish. She met her friends every evening and they ate, played games and sang songs. Poor kittens were often hungry and cold. Nobody took care of them. One day their aunt told the kittens to go away.

They cried, took their clothes and left their home.

It was winter. It was cold and windy. Poor kittens found a small house and lived there. Their aunt didn’t remember about the kittens. She lived in the big warm house.

But one day the house burnt and she didn’t have a place to live in. Her friends didn’t want to help her. The aunt-cat went to the kittens and asked them for help. The kittens were happy to help and let their aunt to live in their small cold house. They were real friends!

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

1. Дай відповіді на запитання.

1. Have you got friends?

2. Do your friends help you when you are in need?

3. Do your friends think you are a good friend?

2. Підкресли правильний варіант.

1. Two little kittens _________ a mother and a father.

a) had            b) didn’t have

2. They lived in a _________ house.

a) small  b) big

3. They lived with their _____________.

a) aunt   b) uncle

4. She ___________ the kittens.

a) liked        b) didn’t like

5. One day their aunt told the kittens ________.

a)to go away           b) to come in

6. It was _______________.

a) summer               b) winter

7. The kittens found a _____________ house.

a) small                   b) big

8. One day  the aunt’s house _____________.

a) burnt                               b) broken

9. A friend in need is a friend__________.

a) indid                                       b) indeed

2 травня 2019
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