Контроль навичок читання з англійської мови для 5 класу.

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Контроль навичок читання з англійської мови для 5 класу. Робота містить розробки завдань для перевірки навичок контролю читання. Текст відповідає програмовому змісту матеріалу, тому труднощів у виконанні його не повинно виникати у дітей.
Перегляд файлу

My Native Village

I am a village boy. My village is big and beautiful. It is not far from a big town. The houses in my village are not high, but they are nice. There are gardens round the houses. The streets in my village are green with fruit-trees and flowers. My school is not far from my house. We have a museum at school.

In the centre of the village you can see a hospital, shops, a church and a new village club. Near the village you can see a forest, fields and meadows. There is a cattle – farm, a pig – farm and a poultry–farm in our village too. The poultry-farm stands on a little river. My mother works on this farm. I like to help her. I love little ducklings and goslings. They are very nice and funny.


1. Познач правильну відповідь.

1. I am a village __________________.

a) girl              b) boy

2. My village is _______________________.

a) big and beautiful         b) small and narrow

3. There are _____________ round the house.

a) fields                b) gardens

4. My school is ___________ from my house.

a) far                       b) not far

5. My mother works on the _______________.

a) farm                    b) forest

6. In the centre of the village there is ________.

a) a new village club                       b) cinema


2. Дай відповіді на запитання.

1. Is his village big or small?

2. Are there gardens round the houses?

3. What can you see in the centre of the village?

4. Where is his school?

5. What can you see near the village?

6. What farms are in the village?


2 травня 2019
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