Контроль навичок читання з англійської мови для 5 класу по темі: "My favourite holiday"

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Контроль навичок читання з англійської мови для 5 класу. Робота містить розробки завдань для перевірки навичок контролю читання. Текст відповідає програмовому змісту матеріалу, тому труднощів у виконанні його не повинно виникати у дітей.
Перегляд файлу


1.Read the text and put the sentences into the correct order.

I like Christmas, Mother’s Day and St Valentine’s Day but my favourite holiday is the New Year. Usually my parents and I celebrate the New Year at home or at the cottage of my parent’s friend. But this New Year we celebrate at my grandparents’ house in the village. We had a lot of fun! We didn’t want to decorate the New Year tree in the house because we saw a nice fir-tree in the yard! My father and I decorated it with my old toys and garlands. At night my aunt, uncle and cousins came and we sang songs and danced around the New Year tree. Most of all everybody enjoyed playing snowballs. Then we gave presents to each other. My cousins got new bikes and I got a new mobile phone!


_____ a) My father and I decorated the New Year tree in the yard.

_____ b) As a present I got a mobile phone.

_____ c) This New Year we celebrate in the village.

_____ d) My favourite holiday is the New Year.

2. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.

1) The holiday I like most of all is ….

a) the New Year

b) Christmas

c) St Valentine’s Day

d) Mother’s Day

2) This New Year we celebrate …..

a) in the village

b) at home

c) at our friend’s place

d) at my aunt’s place

3) Most of all we liked ….

a) singing songs

b) dancing

c) decorating the New Year tree

d) playing snowballs

4) My cousins got ….. as present.

a) bikes

b) mobile phone

c) toys

d) garlands

3. Write short answers to the questions.

1) Where do my parents and I usually celebrate the New Year? _________


2) Where did we decorate the New Year tree? _______________________


3) Who came to celebrate the New Year with us at night? _______________


4) What present did I get? ________________________________________



24 липня 2019
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