Контроль навичок письма до НМК "Solutions. Elementary" 5 клас

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Контроль навичок письма з англійської мови до НМК "Solutions. Elementary" у 5 класі з поглибленим вивченням іноземної мови. Дана робота містить орієнтовні завдання, які можуть бути використані при оцінюванні учнів навичок письма.
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Grammar 1 term

1. Order the words to make present simple sentences.

old / your / brother / is / how (?)

 How old is your brother?

1 got / maths / we / today / haven’t ()


2 there / any / on / the table / books / are (?)


3 sometimes / buys / Stella / DVDs ()


4 does / never / her / she / homework ()


2. Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs.

 Stephen plays football on Saturdays. (play)

1 She ________________ to school every day. (go)

2 They ________________ dinner now. (have)

3 He never _________________ his bedroom! (tidy)

4 She ___________________ tennis at the
moment. (play)

3. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the box. Use the present simple or present continuous.

1 Mark __________________ to the cinema  every weekend.

2 They __________________ dinner at the café at the moment.

3 ___________________________ (you) in an armchair right now?

4 My brother never __________________ his bedroom. It looks terrible!

5 Paul and Fiona __________________ a DVD at home now.

6 Matt is at home. He __________________ his homework now.

7 School usually __________________ at
nine o’clock.

8 I __________________ music every day.

9 ___________________________ (he) tea or coffee?

10 . She __________________ make-up today


4. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verbs.

 We went swimming yesterday. (go)

1 Sam _____________ at eleven o’clock. (arrive)

2 We _____________ football yesterday. (not play)

3 They _____________ the competition. (not win)

4 I _____________ a job last Saturday. (get)

5. Complete the sentences using the past simple form of the verbs in the box. There are two verbs you do not need.

be buy not call carry go 

have leave   not live not spend tidy



1 Sam __________________ a shower at eleven o’clock.

2 Mike _________________ me on my mobile phone last night.

3 I _________________ my brother’s bag because it was too heavy for him.

4 We _________________ to Paris last weekend.

5 She _________________ a house last year. It was very expensive.

6 They _________________ school last July and then they went to university.

7 She _________________ lots of money on clothes last month.

8 Victoria _________________ in Liverpool when she was a child.

5.  Write questions for the answers. Use the past simple.

1 _________________________

 I left school at four o’clock yesterday.

2 _________________________

 I met James in Manchester.

3 _________________________

 No, there weren’t any red bags in the shop.

4 _________________________

 My uncle was born in 1960.

6. Complete the text with suitable verbs. Use the present simple, present continuous and past simple.

Hi Don,

How are you? What (1) _______________ you _______________ at the moment? Right now, I  (2) _______________ on the sofa and using my laptop. My parents (3) _______________ dinner for us all in the kitchen.  (4) _______________ you _______________ that music programme on TV last night? It  (5) _______________ really good! I think there                   (6) _______________ a lot of good music programmes on TV now. I (7) _______________ them when I was younger, but I love them now!  How was your holiday last week? (8) _____________ it sunny? (9) _______________ there a lot of people at the beach?
(10) _______________ you _______________ to come round to my house later to listen to music?



7. Write questions. Use the present simple, present continuous or past simple.

1 they / reading / magazines / at the moment


2 it / be / cloudy / yesterday


3 they / got / geography / today


4 she / phone / you / last week


8. Writing

 Write about a visit to a museum or interesting building. Write where you went and when. Describe the place. Write what you did first, after that and what happened in the end. Write if you enjoyed your visit and why. Write about 80–100 words.


Grammar 2 term

1 Complete each sentence with one of the adjectives below. Use the comparative and superlative forms.

good   fierce   fast   heavy   easy

1 Carlos is ___________ than Tom, but Tarik runs 1 km in 7 minutes: he's __________ student in the class.

2 Writing English is _________ than speaking it, but listening to it is ___________ thing for me!

3 Rhinos are __________than hippos, but I think tigers are _____________ animals of all. They’re really scary!

4 The weather in Britain is _________ than the weather in Finland, but the Mediterranean countries have ___________ weather in Europe!

5 Vans are _________ than cars, but trucks can weigh 25 tonnes, so they are ____________ kind of transport on the road!

2 Write superlative sentences or questions using the prompts.

1 Luigi's / good / Italian restaurant / in town.  _______________________________

2 Japanese trains / fast / in the world.   _______________________________

3 The service in this hotel / bad / in the city!  _______________________________

4 Adam / popular singer / in the country.  _______________________________

5 Edvard / friendly person / I know.   _______________________________

6 What / cheap hotel / in the city?    _______________________________

7 Which / interesting place / to visit?   _______________________________

8 What / funny film / in the competition?   _______________________________

9 What / exciting sport / to watch?   _______________________________

10 Where / clean river / in the country?   _______________________________


3 Complete the sentences with the words below.

bears   mountains   spiders   caves   dolphins   elephants   forest

1 Swimming with __________ is now a popular tourist activity in many places.

2 Our children enjoy riding horses through the __________ behind our house.

3 Sometimes we can see eagles flying above the high ______________.

4 In Alaska, you can watch _________ in the river, catching salmon.

5 If there are lots of ________ in your house, you probably need to clean your rooms more often!

6 I don't like going into __________ very much, because they're often full of bats!

7 In Africa and Asia, they sometimes use _________ to pull very heavy objects.

4 Complete the sentences. Write the words in brackets correctly.

ancient   beak   die out   exist   fossils   hunt   reptiles

1 People aren’t sure what caused dinosaurs to __________ 65 million years ago.

2 Modern ___________ look similar to dinosaurs, but they are much smaller!

3 If you are ever near an eagle, keep your hands away from its _______.

4 Many people _______ animals for sport.

5 Animals from Africa and Asia only ________ in zoos in Europe.

6 Jack has a box full of old ___________ at home.

7 In the _________ world, there were all sorts of huge animals.

5 Put the dialogue in order. Write 1–6 next to each line.

A Well, how about going camping instead?   _____

B OK! Shall we invite Emma and Jack too?   _____

C I don't know. It's a bit far to go just for two days.  _____

D Why don't we go to Paris for the weekend?   _____

E That's a better idea! I've got a nice tent.   _____

F Yes, great! Let's ask them too!     _____



15 серпня 2019
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