Контрольна робота 9 клас. Світ професій

Про матеріал
Контролььна робота розроблена згідно метедичним рекомендаціям, має 2 варіанти, готова до друку, перевірена на власному досвіді.
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Form 9    The world of professions

Variant 1

I. Who would you contract or call in the situations below? Match the situations in the left column with the name of the job or profession in the right column.

1. a filling has come out of one of your teeth            a) a lower

2. you need to have your hair cut                              b) a dentist

3. you need legal advice                                        c) a barber/ hairdresser                        

   4. your house is on fire                                               d) a surgeon

   5. your granny’s knee needs an operation              e) fireman

II. Say the names of jobs or professions.

1. A person who deals with office correspondence and records is a ______.

2. A person whose job is to treat sick animals is a ____________________.

3. A person who checks in and out books and give advice on what to read is a __________.

4. A person who gets goal from under the ground is a ________________.

5. A person who loads and unloads ships in a port is a ________________.

III. Circle the correct item.

1. Columbus was the person which\that brought cocoa beans to Europe.

2. It was H. Cortes which\who really brought chocolate to Europe.

3. That’s the boy where\whose cat disappeared.

4. I still remember the time where\when we met.

5. Is that the kind of food that\who you like?

IV. Translate into English

1.  Вона зустріла жінку, яка працює на телебаченні.

2. Це була сама цікава книга, яку я коли-небудь читала.

3. Готель, в якому вони зупинилися, був жахливим.

4. Я дійсно не знаю, чому вона плаче.

5. Компанія, на яку я працюю, заснована в Італії.

6. Хто був той чоловік, з яким ти розмовляв?

V. Write a short assay about the choice of professions in the modern world. What profession would you like to have? What do your parents advise you?







Form 9    The world of professions

Variant 2

I. Who would you contract or call in the situations below? Match the situations in the left column with the name of the job or profession in the right column.

1. in the shop you want advice on what sort of coffee to buy  a)mechanic

2. all the lights in your house have gone out                   b) a shop assistant

3. your car doesn’t start                                                   c) an electrician

4. your father needs someone to help his firm with money d) a policeman

5. your neighbour’s flat has been burgled                        e) an accountant

II. Say the names of jobs or professions.

1. A person who sells newspapers and magazines is a  ______________.

2. A person whose job is to cook in the restaurant is a ______________.

3. A person who works un a government office is a ________________.

4. A person whose job is to help people buy and sell houses is a ______.

5. A person who designs buildings is a ______________.

III. Circle the correct item.

1. The jeans where\which my mother bought are too small. 

2. I’d like to meet the girl who\which wrote that poem.

3. That was the time where\when I had straight as at school.

4. Is that the boy which\whose dog I found?

5. That’s the shop that\where I bought my bike.

   IV. Translate into English

1. Я працюю в тому місті, де живе мій син.

2. Машина, яку він купив у минулому місяці, фантастична.

3. Нікому не подобається салат, який приготувала Джейн.

4. Люди, які живуть в квартирах, не повинні тримати тварин.

5. Ваш друг може скористатися моїм комп’ютером, який я два йому вчора.

6. Квартира, в якій живе адвокат, найбільша.

  V. Write a short assay about the choice of professions in the modern world. What profession would you like to have? What do your parents advise you?             


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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
14 березня 2019
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