Контрольна робота для 9 класу по темі “Екологія”

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Контрольна робота вміщує завдання для перевірки компетентностей, набутих у процесі вивчення теми “Ecology ans environment” , перевірка знання лексики, правила порядку слів у реченні, Passive Voice
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Test for the 9th form on the topic “Environment”

Task 1. Match the words.

  1. To pollute the air                                   a) захищати природу
  2. To save the Earth                                   b) зникаючі види
  3. To recycle the paper                              c) читати про ссавців
  4. To protect the nature                              d) руйнувати природне середовище
  5. To have ecological problems                 e) жахливе майбутнє людства
  6. Endangered species                                f) охорона навколишнього середовища
  7. Extinct animals and birds                       g) переробляти папір
  8. Ecological organizations of the world    h) берегти Землю
  9. Environmental protection                        i) забруднювати повітря
  10. To destroy the  natural habitat                 j) мати екологічні проблеми
  11. To read about mammals                           k) екологічні організації світу
  12. The terrible future of the mankind            l) вимерлі тварини й птахи


Task 2. Find the odd word.

  1. Garbage, trash, rubbish, ecology.
  2. Save, extinct, protect, fight.
  3. Animals, plastic, birds, fish.
  4. Reduce, reuse, revolution, recycle.
  5. Ozone, habitat, place, territory.
  6. Dangerous, terrible, horrible, useful.

Task 3. Read the explanations and find the meanings.

(human activity, Greenpeace, the Earth, extinct, natural habitat, mammals, garbage, endangered species, pollution, ecology)

  1. We live on this planet.
  2. This is the science which studies the relations between plants, animals and people and their environment.
  3. Rubbish, trash or bad things which we throw away.
  4. It is the process when people make the environment dirty.
  5. It is a place where an animal or plant is normally found.
  6. The groups of plants or animals that are in danger of  becoming extinct.
  7. One of the biggest ecological organization of the world.
  8. They feed their kids with the milk.
  9. This is what people do every day.
  10. The plants or the animals which don’t live today because they have died.


Task 4.  Complete the sentences.

  1. our /The Earth / home/  is /
  2. problems/  have / People / ecological / today /many
  3. nature / care / the / should / We /take / about
  4. are / and / a lot of / plants/  of / endangered/  species/ animals
  5. how / are/  many/  we/ There / save/  ways / the Earth /can
  6. ecological /Different/ to protect / the /organizations / environment/  international/ work


Task 5. Guess and write down the words using the transcription. Make up questions with these words.

1. [ ə: θ ]             2. [`indʌstri ]         3. [ pɔ`lu:ʃn ]        4. [ `teribl ]         5. [ smouk ]                            

6.   [ pɔ`lu:t ]       7.  [ prɔ` tekt ]           8.  [`deindʒərəus ]    9. [ ri`saikl ]   10. [ ig`nɔ: ]


Task 6.  Translate into Ukrainian.

  1. Many centuries ago people lived in harmony with nature because industry was not much developed.
  2. There was no ecological problem until people built lots of plants and factories which sent wastes into the air, water and land.
  3. Nowadays people ignore the laws of nature.
  4. That's why today the contradictions between man and nature are dramatic.
  5. People are slowly destroying the nature environment around them.
  6. Our planet is the only place where a human being might live.
  7. A person destroys not only environment, plants, animals, but also himself.
  8. That’s why we have to take care of the Earth and look after our nature and environment as well as possible.

Task 7. Rewrite into Passive Voice.

Example:  People pollute the environment every day.  – The environment is polluted by people every day.

1. Children protect the nature daily.

2. Kids plant trees in spring.

3. People help animals in winter.

3. The pupils wrote a story about pollution yesterday.

4. The teacher showed a film about nature last week.

5. We sort the garbage every day.

6. I will paint a picture about ecology tomorrow.

7. People will save our planet in future.


Task 8. Write the letter to the people of the planet Earth about the protection of the environment and give your propositions.



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  3. Суходольська Яна
    Дякую! Чудова перевірка знань з теми.
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    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
25 березня 2020
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3.7 (3 відгука)
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