Контрольна робота для учня-екстерна з англійської мови за 6 клас

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Дана контрольна робота підійде для оцінювання навчальних результатів за 6 клас. Усі з варіанти містять завдання для оцінювання усіх чотирьох видів мовленнєвої діяльності. Завдання підібрано за підручником Prepare 6
Перегляд файлу

                                Variant I

I Listening (3 points)

Listen to the text and decide whether the sentences are true or false.

1 Volleyball is an individual kind of sport.

2 To play volleyball you need 2 teams.

3 Children can play volleyball only in the summer.

4 In this game you need a rocket.

5 Girls can`t play volleyball.

6 There are 7 players in a team.

II Reading (3 points)

Read the text and answer the questions.

Hello, I`m Jake. I want to be a cook and I worked in a café. I worked as a waiter and sometimes helped in the kitchen. I served the food for the customers, washed the dishes, cleaned the tables, took out the rubbish. At first, I was very tired, because I woke up at 6.30 am and went to bed late. There were a lot of children and it was very loud sometimes, but funny. I really enjoyed the work. I want to work there when I leave school.

1 What kind of work did Jake do?

2 When did he get up and go to bed?

3 Did he work with children?

III Writing/Grammar (3 points)

Write about your holiday. Try to answer some questions.

1 Where did you go?

1 Who did you go with?

3 How did you travel?

4 Where did you stay?

5 What did you do?

6 What did you eat?

7 What did you buy?

IV Speaking (3 points)

Match the phrases to complete the dialogue.

1 Which floor is your classroom?                a They`re on the shelf.

2 What`s your classroom like?                     b It`s nice and big.

3 How many desks are there?                       c Yes, there is.

4 Where are the books?                                d The 5-th.

5 Is there a TV in your classroom?               e 14.






















Text for Listening

 Hello, my name is Marco. My favourite sport is volleyball. Do you know it? There are two teams with 6 players in a team. You need a volleyball and net, which separates the teams. The players must jump and hit a ball with their hands. The team with most points wins. I like to play voleeyball at school, but I also like to play it on the beach.
























                                 Variant II

Listening (3 points)

Listen to the text and decide if the sentences are true or false.

1 Rio de Janeiro is a beautiful place but noisy.

2 There isn`t much to see and do in Rio.

3 Rio has the most famous carnival parade in the world.

4 There is the smallest stadium in the world in Rio.

5 Rio de Janeiro is a capital of Brazil.

6 Rio is famous of its very big and beautiful Statue of Christ the Savior.

Reading (3 points) 

Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

Liz: How do I look in this blouse?

Ann: You look very beautiful. Hey! Is that my blouse?

Liz: That`s right.

Ann: And is that my jacket you`re wearing?

Liz: Well, yes

Ann: Why are you wearing my clothes, Liz?

Liz: It`s cool outside and I can`t find my jacket.

Ann: And you can`t find your blouse, I suppose.

Liz: Okay, listen. I just love your clothes. It is so beautiful.

Ann: Alright. You can borrow them. Where are you going?

Liz: To the concert. Vicky`s waiting for me outside.

Ann: Have a nice time.

Liz: Thanks, sis. You are great.

1 Where is Liz going?

2 Why is she wearing her sister`s clothes?

3 Is Ann going to the concert too?

III Writing/Grammar (3 points)

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

To be healthy….

1 you should/shouldn`t go to bed late at night.

2 you should/shouldn`t drink cola every morning.

3 you should/shouldn`t eat too much chocolate or cake.

Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1 I was enjoying my birthday party last week.

2 We were listening to music last Monday.

3 Mike watched TV at 7pm yesterday.

IV Speaking (3 points)

1 Tell about your school, your classmates and favourite subject.

2 Tell about your morning routine.





















                         Text for listening

Last summer I visited Rio de Janeiro. It is a very big city in Brazil. Rio is beautiful, but it`s much noisier and more crowded than London.

There`s so much to see and do here. Rio has the most famous carnival parade in the world. It is fantastic. There is one of the biggest football stadiums in the world. Its name is Maracana. Do you know its size? It can seat 150 000 peopie. The beaches in Rio are wonderful too.
























                            Variant III

Listening (3 points)

Listen to the text and answer the questions.

1Taipei 101 Mall is in China.

2 It doesn`t have any floors underground.

3 It is an old building, made of glass.

4 There is a library inside the Taipei 101 Mall.

5 At night, the tower lights up the building.

6 The light doesn`t have different lights.

Reading (3 points)

Read the text and fill in the gaps with: cut, paper, celebrations, special, had, celebrate.

                                                     Birthday treats

Birthday …… (1) are very special in China. I …… (2) a great time on my birthday. All my friends and relatives came to our house to …… (3). We ate very long noodles. They mean we will have a long life. They were in the soup and we tried not to…... (4) them because it`s unlucky! We also ate red eggs. Red is a …… (5) colour for us. We believe it brings good luck. We decorated the house with red …… (6) envelopes. We all had a lot of fun.

Lee (12 years old)

III Writing/Grammar (3 points)

Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Lilly_______________ (turn off) the radio and did her homework.

2 Tom_______________ (look after) the dog when his friend was on holiday.

3 Victor______________ (turn on) the laptop and did the presentation.

Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 We__________ (watch) TV when it _________ (start) to rain.

2 What _________ (you/ do) yesterday afternoon at 6 pm?

3 While we __________ (wait) for the bus, I __________ (listen) to music.

  IV Speaking (3 points)

1 Tell some information about a website you like.

2 Tell about your perfect school.





























                      Text for listening

Taipei 101 Mall in Taiwan is one of the tallest buildings in the world. It is 509 metres high and has got 101 floors above ground and five underground.

It is a modern steel and glass building, but it looks like a traditional Chinese tower. Inside there are two fast elevators that take only 37 seconds to go from the 5th floor to the 89th. There are also offices, restaurants, shops and night clubs. There is even a library.

At night tower lights up the city. The lights have a different colour of the rainbow for each day of the week. Taipei 101 is an amazing building.

































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