Контрольна робота " Holidays and Tradinions"

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контрольна робота для учнів 5 класу з теми " Holidays and Tradinions" для перевірки набутих знань
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Unit 8. “Holidays and Traditions”

Variant 1.

  1. Match the holidays with theirs symbols.
  1. Christmas                                   a) to bring chocolate eggs
  2. Halloween                                  b) flowers
  3. Birthday                                      c) a stocking
  4. Mother’s Day                             d) a pumpkin
  5. Easter                                          e)   to give presents


  1. Devide  words into three columns:

Monday morning,  Friday, a cold night, Easter, May, 7 p.m., night, spring, Ukraine, sunset, the moment, Main Street.






  1. Create ordinal numerals from the cardinal ones.

One –

Four –

Ten –

Thirteen –

Twenty –

Thirty one-


  1. Write a short story about your favourite holiday (5-6 sentence).




















Unit 8. “Holidays and Traditions”

Variant 2.

  1. Match the holidays with theirs symbols.
  1. New Year’s Day                                 a) school
  2. May Day                                             b) lovely short massages
  3. Valentine’s Day                                  c) maypole tree
  4. Independence day                               d) a flag
  5. Day of Knowledge                              e)   Santa Claus


  1. Devide  words into three columns:

36 London Road, Christmas, January, winter, Friday evening, a hot day, sunrise, Lviv, the weekend, the 21st centure, my birthday, 8 o’clock.






  1. Create ordinal numerals from the cardinal ones.

Two –

Three –

Nine -

Eleven –

Fifteen –

Twenty two -


  1. Write a short story about your favourite holiday (5-6 sentence).


До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
22 квітня 2019
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