Контрольна робота по темі "Music" + Passive Voice

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота по темі "Music" має 4 завдання: два на лексику, а також на складання речень, використовуючи Passive Voice та одне для написання розповіді.
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Test (I variant)

I. Match the words to make word combinations.

1. contemporary

a. language

2. to pass on

b. a solo

3. to write

c. inspiration

4. a universal

d. music

5. to improvise

e. lyrics

6. the main source of

f. traditions


II. Choose the correct word.

1. A French horn / kobza is a wind instrument which is made of special tubes.

2. The leader / conductor of the school orchestra was a teacher of Music.

3. Can you perform / play any musical instrument?

4. Music will accompany / follow people through the ages.

5. Elvis Presley helped make rock’n’roll / techno music popular.

6. Some of rock singers don’t sing / hum their songs, they shout them!

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present, Past, Future Simple or Present Perfect Passive Voice.

1. The concert of this rock band ________ (to give) next Friday.

2. The tickets for the concert ____ already ____ (to sell).

3. Lots of CDs ______ (to release) by this company every year.

4. This album ____ (to record) last month.

5. A new album of this pianist _____ (not to buy) yet.

6. This concert ______ (not to watch) every day.

7. This singer _____ (not to interview) by our journalist tomorrow.

8. The necessary musical instruments _____ (not to use) yesterday.

IV. Write a story about the role of music in our life.


Test (II variant)

I. Match the words to make word combinations.

1. a universal

a. lyrics

2. to improvise

b. language

3. the main source of

c. traditions

4. contemporary

d. inspiration

5. to write

e. a solo

6. to pass on

f. music


II. Choose the correct word.

1. Good music always washes away / down our problems.

2. The audience / visitors reacted positively to the singing of children.

3. The blues / Heavy metal is the traditional Black American music.

4. Xylophones / Bagpipes are the Scottish traditional musical instruments with the unusual sound.

5. Mozart wrote many kinds of classical / country music.

6. I will join / connect to the school orchestra next year.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present, Past, Future Simple or Present Perfect Passive Voice.

1. This wonderful concert hall ____ (to build) last month.

2. Photos of famous singers ___ (to publish) every day.

3. Concerts of famous bands and singers ____ (to organise) next month.

4. New facts about the life of Mozart ____ (to discover) recently.

5. The articles about new concert _____ (not to write) every day.

6. The tickets for the concert ______ (not to sell) yesterday.

7. The albums by this rock band ___ (not to release) yet.

8. The stage ____ (not to decorate) for the performance tomorrow.

IV. Write a story about the role of music in our life.

До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
13 жовтня
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