Контрольна робота в 5 класі

Про матеріал

Робота може бути використана для перевірки теми " Життя суспільства" а також для перевірки засвоєння вживання дієслова to be в минулому часі. Для цього розроблені вправи і текст з завданнями.

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови

Тема « Вживання was/were»

Конспект контрольної роботи з англійської мови в 5 класі

 Task 1   Put words in right order

  1. at the cinema, you, last week, were?
  2. your favourite toy,  a doll, was?
  3.  glorious, the weather, was?
  4. were, strict, the teachers?
  5. hilarious, the joke, was?
  6. sleepy, were, you, all still, at 7 o’clock?
  7. colour, were, the balloons, what?
  8. were, you, on Sunday, where?
  9. in  school, were, yesterday, when, you?
  10. at the party, who, was, yesterday?

Task 2   Make questions

  1. they were up at 6 o’clock. ( What time?, When?, Why?, Where?, Who?)
  2. There were many warm clothes in the bag ( What?, Where?)

Task 3    Read the text and answer the questions

The summer of 1666 was very hot and there was not any rain. During the night of 2nd September a strong wind started to blow.

In Pudding Lane there was a baker’s shop. The baker baked  bread aver a fire in a big oven. A fire started in the baker’s shop. Soon the fire was very big.

In those days the streets of London were very narrow. The houses were wooden and, because of the hot weather, they were very dry. The fire went quickly from house to house and from street to street.

  1. What was the weather in summer?
  2. Where was there a baker’s shop?
  3. What was the fire?
  4. What were the houses?
  5. What were the streets in London?


До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
28 липня 2018
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