Позакласний захід "Christmas Story"

Про матеріал

Позакласна робота мотивує учнів до вивчення іноземної мови, здружує дітей. Навіть сором'язливі і не дуже активні школярі заохочуються до участі й виявляють свої таланти.Запропонований сценарій театралізованого дійства для 5 класу "Christmas Story" стане справжньою окрасою як Тижня іноземної мови, так і Новорічного свята.

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театралізованого дійства з англійської мови

«Christmas story»






         Шклярук  Наталія Григорівна, 

          вчитель англійської мови,

          Баришівського навчально-виховного комплексу

         «гімназія - загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів»







Objectives: - to involve students in participating in after classes performances;

                    -to practice students’ skills in dialogue and monologue speech;

                    -to improve students’ pronouncing skills in reciting poems;

                    -to develop students’ curiosity and interest to the English language.


  • Father Bear
  • Mother Bear
  • Little Bear                                                              
  • Wind
  • Moon                                                                
  • Santa Claus
  • Rainbow
  • Author
  • Snowmen (1,2,3)
  • Snowflakes

Будинок ведмедів, ялинка. Райдуга. Звучить фонова музика.

Author : This is the North Pole. Father Bear, Mother Bear and Little Bear live here. They are a very happy family.

По черзі з’являється сім’я ведмедів.

Father Bear:

I am the Father Bear

And I’m from North Pole.

I’ve got a wife, a little son,

I love them most of all!

Mother Bear:

I am the Mother Bear     

And I live here too.

With my son and my man

We sing this song for you.

Little Bear:

I am the Little Bear

They are my mum and dad.

We play the games, sing the songs

And make each other glad!

Author: They are very friendly, but one day…

Mother Bear: Christmas is coming. Look at this Christmas tree, my son. Do you like it?

Little Bear: But it’s white. I don’t like it.

Father Bear: Everything is white here: houses, trees, you and me…

Little Bear: But look at this Rainbow. It’s not white. It’s red, yellow, blue, green…

Mother Bear: You are so funny! Winter is white and Christmas tree is white too.

Little Bear: I want to find colours for my tree.

Father Bear: You are a naughty boy. Forget about it!

Author:  But Little Bear doesn’t listen to his parents and goes to find colours. It’s very cold and windy.

Звучить музика Вітру. Вилітає Вітер зі сніжинками.


 I’m wind, I’m big and strong

  And I blow all day long.       

Snowflake 1:

 Snow, snow all round,                                                                              

On the trees and on the ground.                   

Snowflake 2:

 The snow is falling,                                           

The wind is blowing.

The ground is white

All day and night.


 Little Snowflakes come and play.

I have nothing to do today.

Snowflake 3:

 Yes, we’ll come and oh, what fun,

We’ll twirl, and dance, and skip, and run.


 Come on, Snowflakes come with me,

There is much for us to see.

Snowflake 4:

 Come on, sisters, back we go

To where the earth is white with snow.

Сніжинки танцюють .

Wind: Where are you going, Little Bear?

Little Bear: I am going to find colours for my Christmas tree. Help me, please!

Wind: I can’t help you. I don’t know where they are. Ask the Moon.

Звучить музика Місяця. З’являється Місяць.

Little Bear: Moon! You are so high. You can see everything. Where are the colours for my Christmas tree?

Moon: I am high. But I can’t help you. Santa Claus can help you.

Little Bear: Where is he?

Moon :Can you see that cloud? Santa Claus is there. But he is busy now.

Little Bear: Thank you, Moon .

Звучить фонова музика. Ведмежа йде далі.

Author: And Little Bear goes to Santa Claus’s house.

Little Bear: Hello! Is anybody here?

Звучить пісня Сніговиків. З’являються Сніговики. Усі разом співають.


Santa Claus has got a house


And in this house he lives with us


With a lot of snow here,

And a lot of snow there.

Here’s snow, there’s snow,

Everywhere’s snow!

Snowmen 1: Who are you and what do you want?

Little Bear: I’m Little Bear and I need Santa Claus.

Snowmen 2: He isn’t at home. Go away. Christmas is coming.

Little Bear: I know. But I’ve got a problem.

Snowmen 3: A problem? What problem?

Little Bear: My Christmas tree is white, it has no colours. Only Santa Claus can help me.

Snowmen 1: Oh, poor Little Bear. We’ll help you.

2-й Сніговик телефонує Санта – Клаусу.

Santa Claus: (телефоном) Hello!

Snowmen 2: Santa Claus, we need your help. Come home, please .

Santa Claus: I’m coming.

Snowmen 3 Santa Claus is coming.

Santa Claus: I know you problem, Little Bear. I’ll help you. Can you see that Rainbow?

Little Bear: Yes, I can.

Усі зникають. З’являється Райдуга. Звучить музика Райдуги.              

Little Bear: Oh! Dear Rainbow. Only you can help me.

Rainbow You are welcome, Little Bear. What do you want?

Little Bear: I want your colours.

Rainbow: But why? You can see me in the sky.

Little Bear: No! My Christmas tree has no colours. It’s white.

Rainbow :You are so brave, Little Bear. I like you. Here you are. Take my colours.

Little Bear: Thank you, dear Rainbow. Good-bye.

Rainbow: Good-bye and Merry Christmas.

Ведмежа бере новорічні кульки – кольори і прямує додому. Звучить фонова музика.

Author: Happy Little Bear went home, to his parents.

Удома батьки-ведмеді сумують за сином. Разом співають пісню.

Father Bear & Mother Bear:

Where is our little son?

He’s gone away and didn’t come. ( twice)

He is not with us, it’s bad.

Oh, please, come back, we will be glad.(twice)

Mother Bear: Where is our son? Christmas is coming and our son is lost.

Зявляється ведмежа усі радіють.

Little Bear: I’m here, my dear mummy and daddy! Look what I have!

Father Bear :Oh! They are so beautiful. Put them on the Christmas tree!

Ведмеді прикрашають ялинку. Звучить мелодія пісні We wish you a  Merry Christmas” . З’являються всі герої, танцюють навколо ялинки. Співають пісню.

We wish you a Merry Christmas,

We wish you a Merry Christmas,

We wish you a Merry Christmas,

And a Happy New Year!

Glad tiding we bring,

To you and your kin.

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And Happy New Year!

We wish you a Merry Christmas,

We wish you a Merry Christmas,

We wish you a Merry Christmas,

And a Happy New Year! 

Звучать новорічні побажання.

Pupil 1:

 May Christmas bring you joy that stays

And gladness, deep and true,

Not only on this blessed day,

But all the whole year through.

Pupil 2:

 May your Holiday Season

Be merrier and happier

And the new year brighter

Than ever before.

Pupil 3:

 Good friends – good times

Good health – good cheer

And happy days

Throughout the year.

Pupil 4:

  Each time, old year closes

And we start a year that’s new

We think of those, we care about

And Jesus thinks of you.

Pupil 5:

And so for you, my special friend,

I wish with all my heart

Happiness to fill each day

Of the year that we now start.

Pupil 6:

 New things to learn

New things to meet

New songs to sing

New joys to greet

Pupil 7:

 New things to do

New things to hear

New things to see

In this blessed New Year

Pupil 8:

 We wish you luck,

And lots of cheer

Both today

And every year.

Santa Claus:

 A Merry Christmas for me,

A Merry Christmas for you,

A Merry Christmas for everyone,

That’s what I wish



1. Калініна Л. В. English after Classes : Метод. посіб. для позакл.    роботи на початковому етапі загальноосвіт. шк. У трьох кн. Кн. 1-   Харків : Веста : Видавництво «Ранок» , 2003 .

2 . Позакласні заходи з англійської мови . Випуск 1 / Укладач        О.С.Любченко . – Х . : Вид . гр. «Основа» , 2005 . – (Б-ка журн. «Англійська мова та література» ; Вип. 1(25)) .


30 липня 2018
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