Контрольна робота з англійської мови 5 клас (сімейна форма навчання)

Про матеріал
До Вашої уваги контрольна робота з англійської мови на ІІ семестр для 5 класу (сімейна форма навчання).
Перегляд файлу

Test 1

  1. Translate into English. (2 points)

Човен-                                               Метро-                 

Міжміський автобус-                      Тролейбус-

Басейн-                                             Залізнична станція-

Пошта-                                              Взуття-

Футболка-                                         Штани-

  1. Complete the sentences with the words because, and, but, or.  (2 points)   
  1. Jack wanted to swim ___ it was cold.
  2. John likes to eat rice ___ beans.
  3. Do you want to eat pizza ___ salad?
  4. Carla can’t go to school ___ she is ill.
  5. Sam likes sweets ____ cakes.
  6. I like Tom ____ he is a good friend.
  1. Open the brackets, use Present Simple or Present Continuous Tenses. (2 points)
  1. My sister ____ (not walk) to school on Monday.
  2. Sue and Ann ____(walk) in the park now.
  3. My friend always ____(play) with his dog.
  4. I ___(clean) my room at this moment.
  5. Today is my birthday! So we ___(go) to the restaurant now.
  6. Our family ___(like) to have rest at the Black sea.
  1. Make positive, negative sentences and questions in Present Continuous. (3 points)
  1. + My cat is eating pizza.
  2. + Your sister is watching a play.
  3. + The boys are playing tennis.
  1. Describe the picture. Use the prepositions In, on, under, above, between, next to, behind, opposite. (3 points)


26 березня 2024
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