Контрольна робота з англійської мови для 6 класу по темі "Shopping"

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови для 6 класу по темі "Shopping" (три завдання, обери правильний варіант, встав пропущене слово, напиши електронний лист)

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Unit 2 “Shopping” Test 6 form

  1. Read and choose the correct variant.
  1. We can buy bread at the …
  1. butcher’s          b) grocer’s                 c) baker’s
  1. We can buy milk at ….
  1. the chemist’s       b) a confectionary           c) a dairy store
  1. We can buy jeans at a …
  1.  toy shop    b) sports shop        c) clothes shop
  1. We can buy bacon at ….
  1. the butcher’s    b) a dairy shop    c) a confectionary
  1. We can buy meat at the ….
  1. butcher’s    b) grocer’s      c) baker’s
  1. We can buy sweets at ….
  1. the chemist’s      b) a confectionary           c) a dairy store
  1. We can buy a doll at a …..
  1. toy shop        b) sports shop                 c) clothes shop
  1. We can buy oranges at ….
  1. the greengrocer’s                b)  the grocer’s               c) a department store


  1. Fill in much or many

How __________________  eggs do we need?

There are not _______________ apples in the fridge.

Don’t buy too ________________ flour.

How _____________ milk would you like in your coffee?

How ____________ tomatoes do we need?

How _____________ cakes shall I buy?

There is not _____________ butter in the fridge.

How ________________ sugar would you like in your tea?


  1. Write an email to your friend.  Tell him/her about your favourite shops. Where are they? What do you usually buy there? Do you like to go shopping? How often do you help your parents to do the shopping? What is your favourite place to do the shopping?
4 листопада 2018
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