Контрольна робота з англійської мови для учнів 6 класу ІІ семестр ( сімейна форма навчання)

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Контрольна робота для учнів 6го класу, які навчаються за сімейною формою навчання.
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Test for 6th year-learners II Semester.

  1. Reading comprehension

We all want to be fit and healthy, so here are some tips to help. Watching TV or playing computer games won’t make you fit, but playing sports will. You can join a club or play with your friends in the park. You can also walk to school, go swimming or ride a bike. Regular exercises make you feel stronger and gives you more energy. Sweets, chocolate and crisps are tasty, but it is not good to eat them every day. These foods contain too much sugar, fat or salt. You should eat vegetables with every meal and a lot of fruit too. Fruit and vegetables help you stay healthy and grow strong. Drink lots of water and juices. It’s better than fizzy drinks because fizzy drinks contain lots of sugar. Eating a lot of sugar is bad for your teeth. Milk is good because it contains lots of calcium. You need calcium to help your bones to grow and keep your teeth strong.

Task 1. Complete the sentences.

1. Walking and riding a bike are types of __________.

2.There is a lot of_____in fizzy drinks.

3.Vegetables and fruit help you to stay ______.

4.You should eat _______with your meal.

5._______has got a lot of calcium.

6. Calcium keeps your __________strong.

Task 2. True or false?

1. Computer games are good for your health.

2.Doing sports is healthy.

3. There are a lot of vitamins in chocolate and sweets.

4.Fruit and vegetables contain much fat and salt.

5.Drinking a lot of fizzy drinks is not good for your health.

6. There is a lot of calcium in milk so it’s healthy for you.

II. Grammar.

Task 1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs.

1. She ….. (take) some photos of the animals at the zoo yesterday.

2. Look! They ….. (spray) graffiti on the classroom wall.

3. Our neighbours ….. (play) loud music at 11 o’clock last night.

4. I think we ….. (move) house next month.

5. He … just … (arrive) at the airport.

6. My friend sometimes ….. (drop) litter in streets.

III. Vocabulary.

Task 1. Choose the correct options.

  1. I think I’ll become a hairdresser / electrician / lifeguard and sit on the beach all day.
  2.  It’s dark. I must take a torch / campfire.
  3.  Passengers wait for the announcement of their flight at the check-in desk / in the departure lounge.
  4.  Jack speaks all the time. He’s very cheerful / clever / talkative.
  5. When we are on holiday, we usually sleep in rucksacks / sleeping bags.
  6.  He loves sport. He’s got a big strong body. He’s straight / well-built / curly.
  7. I’m a fashion designer. I make beautiful clothes. I have a dangerous / easy / creative job.
  8. You play football on a football pitch / court.
  9. Ben is often in comedies. He’s a scary / funny actor.


IV. Listening. Listen to the conversations and do the tasks.



V. Speaking. What about you? Answer.

1. What is your favourite school subject? Why?

2. What do you like to do after school?

3. How do you enjoy travelling?

4. Where did you go last summer?

5. How often do you go shopping?

6. Where do you usually do the shopping?

7. What can you buy at the grocer’s?

8. What is your mother’s job?

9. What do you usually have for the main course?

10. What are you going to do in the summer?



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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
19 жовтня 2023
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