Тема: Збираємось у подорож. Модальне дієслово should. Актуалізація вживання лексики в мовленні.

Про матеріал
• продовжувати удосконалювати техніку читання, перекладу й переказу текстів; розвивати діалогічне й монологічне мовлення; • засвоєння та закріплення лексики по темі “ Travelling”, вживання модального дієслова should на письмі та в усному мовленні; • розвивати мовленнєві здібності ( фонетичний та інтонаційний слух, логічне викладення думок), розвивати інтелектуальні і пізнавальні здібності; • виховувати в учнів культуру спілкування, доброзичливості, активності, працьовитості та позитивного ставлення до англійської мови.
Перегляд файлу


Тема: Збираємось у подорож. Модальне дієслово should. Актуалізація вживання лексики в мовленні.



  • продовжувати удосконалювати техніку читання, перекладу й переказу текстів; розвивати діалогічне й монологічне мовлення;
  • засвоєння та закріплення лексики по темі “ Travelling”, вживання модального дієслова should на письмі та в усному мовленні;
  • розвивати мовленнєві здібності ( фонетичний та інтонаційний слух, логічне викладення думок), розвивати інтелектуальні і пізнавальні здібності;
  • виховувати в учнів культуру спілкування, доброзичливості, активності, працьовитості та  позитивного ставлення до англійської мови.


Обладнання: дошка, підручник, комп’ютер, картки із завданнями.

Тип уроку: формування умінь і навичок.

Хід уроку

І.Введення в іншомовне середовище.


Привітання. Оргмомент. Вступне слово вчителя.

 Good morning, children! I am glad to see you!

I want to ask you to be attentive and active. Don’t be afraid, don’t be silent.  Speak and express your opinion.

2. Introducting of the topic. Aim.

Повідомлення теми і мети уроку

The topic of our today’s lesson is “Travelling”. Today we’ll do different tasks. As we have already learned many words and about different ways of travelling you can show and use your knowledge. Слайд 1

3. Warm-up.

1) Фонетична зарядка .Слайд 2

Let’s read this short rhyme and practice some sounds: [w], [t].


We go by car

And we go by train.

We go by boat,

And we go by plane.

We go by land

And sea and air,

We go, go, go,

From here to there.

-Using what means of transport can you travel by land?

-Using what means of transport can you travel by sea?

- Using what means of transport can you travel by air?

Слайд 3

If you want to be in a good mood.
You don’t go by car, go on foot.
If you want to go far away.
You don’t go by car, you go by plane.

 If you want to have a restful trip,
You don’t go on foot, you go by ship. 
If you want to go far away, 
You don’t go by ship, you go by plane. 
If you want some close friends to gain, 
You don’t go by plane, you go by train. 

Is advice good for you? What advice will you follow?

2) Мовленнєва зарядка.

  Everybody likes travelling. Modern people cannot live without traveling. Modern life is impossible without travelling. Tell me, please: 

Why do people travel? Слайд 4

(Ps,: People travel because they want to visit new countries.

They often travel on business.

We travel to get new impressions.

They travel to meet new friends.

 My cousin travels to study at a university.

Some people travel to earn much money.

We travel to visit our relatives.)


II. Основна частина уроку.

1.)Активізація знань лексики.

 Відгадування загадок. Let’s guess the riddles. Слайд 5

 To check your knowledge about the kinds of transport guess my riddles.


This  house on wheels is running a race,

Taking people from place to place.(A bus)


 When it is driven it goes,

When it stops, it falls down.  (A bike)



 It is the fastest way of traveling. It can take you from one town to the other one in time. The seats are comfortable. That is a pity but sometimes you can see very little from the windows. The things are too small to see them. When the weather is rainy or foggy you can not travel by it. (A plane)


This way of traveling is fast. You can stop at any place you like and

go where you like. You need no tickets. Usually families go by it. ( a car)


This is the slowest way of traveling. Both young and old people like it. You need not worry about the tickets. The only thing you need is a rucksack. You can visit many places in such away. ( on foot)


This way of traveling is fast. The carriages are comfortable. It is so pleasant to travel in them. You can see a lot of interesting things from carriage windows. You can make a long journey on land by it. ( a train)


 Great. You're very smart. You've guessed everything.


2.)  Reading.Groupwork.Читання речень, добирання відповідностей до малюнка. Робота в групах.

Choose the true sentences to the picture.


Travelling by plane is the fastest. You can get to many cities only in a few hours. You can stop wherever you like. During the trip you can sit comfortably in the armchair and read, eat or sleep. During the trip you need no tickets. People can

visit many countries by plane. When the weather is rainy or foggy you can not travel by it.


Hiking is interesting and it is also good for health. This way of travelling is the fastest. You can visit many interesting places. It helps to learn many interesting things and enjoy beautiful places. You don’t need to think about the tickets and timetable.  Hiking helps physical training. You can get to many cities in a few hours.


Travelling by train is rather fast and not so expensive. When you are going by train you can sit comfortably in your carriage. You can stop wherever you like. You can read and sleep. For this way of travelling you need no tickets. It is good for your health. You can see the country you are travelling through and not only the clouds as you are flying.


3.)  Подання діалогу для читання. Слайд 6

  1. Pre –Reading Activity. Вправа 1 (с.102) Look at the pictures  and say which items:

… are perfect in cold weather?

… are good to wear when it is hot and sunny?

… are perfect for the beach?

… can you wear in winter/ in summer?

  1. Listening. Reading. Вправа 3 (с.103) .  Read and listen to the dialogue .
  2. Post – Reading Activity.
  • Answer the questions. Вправа 4 (с.103)
  • Retell the dialogue.


4.)Relaxing. Хвилина відпочинку.

 T: I think you are tired. So, I’d like to give you an opportunity to have a short rest. If you happy and you know it clap your hands( song ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71hqRT9U0wg

5.) Повторення граматичного матеріалу : модальне дієслово should.

  1. Look at the Grammar Lab on page 104 and answer the questions.
  • What does the modal verb should mean?
  • What form of a verb do we use after should?
  • What is the negative form of should?

Give some examples of sentences with should.

  1. Write what clothes people should take with them while traveling to these countries.( the UK, Spain, France, Canada) Слайд 7

Example: You should take a sweater with you while traveling to the UK, because the weather may be cool there.

  1. Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t. Write them down. Вправа 6 (с.104)


III. Заключначастинауроку.

T.: Now we’ll sum up our lesson

1.) Підведення підсумків  уроку. Thank you for your hard work at the lesson. I should say you worked well and were very active. Tell me please. Who was the most active today?


2.) Домашнє завдання. Homework. Слайд 8

Вправа 7 (письмово), *5 (усно), с.104

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