Контрольна робота з англійської мови. Граматика 5 клас

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови за підручником "Solutions"elementary.Tim Falla.Paul A Davies.Систематизація знань з граматики:Articles:the,a,an,some;This,that,these,those;have got,has got.
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Test (5th form).

  1. Complete the text with a, an, some, or the.

a)  On my desk I’ve got 1___________ pens, 2___________ calculator and 3___________ exercise book. 4___________ exercise book is old and 5___________ calculator is broken. In our classroom we’ve got 6___________ interactive whiteboard,7___________ chairs and 8___________ cupboard.9___________ chairs are very old, but 10___________ whiteboard is new.


b)  1) I’ve got­­­­­­­­­­­­---- flute and------saxophone. I can play----flute. But I can’t play----saxophone. 2) I’ve got----rabbits and----goldfish. -------rabbits’names are Floppy, Blackie and Fred. -----fish’s name is Goldie. 3) At home we’ve got-----old piano and----drums. ------piano is in the living room and -----drums are in my brother’s bedroom. 4) We’ve got----computers and----interactive whiteboard in the classroom. ------computers are old, but----interactive whiteboard is new.


  1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.(this,these,that,those)
  1. Are this / these your pens?
  2. That / This is my bag next to me.
  3. They’ve got that / those books in our classroom.
  4. He’s got an / a old bike.
  5. Have you got some / a smartphone?
  6. Is that / those your pen?
  7. I’ve got a / an old skateboard.
  8. We’ve got that / those books in our classroom.
  9. This / That is my phone here.
  10. Have you got some / a dictionary?


  1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.(has got, have got)
  1. I has got/ have got a little brother.
  2. My teacher hasn’t got / haven’t got blue eyes.
  3. We hasn’t got / haven’t got computers in our classroom.
  4. My best friend has got / have got three sisters.
  5. You has got / have got black hair.
  6. My parents hasn’t got / haven’t got a car.


  1. Complete the sentences with the verbs below.

a)    dance     play     ride     ski     speak

  1. Poppy can __________________ the violin.
  1. Can you sing and __________________?
  2. She can’t __________________ German.
  3. I can’t __________________ a bike.
  4. We can __________________ in the snow.

b) dance     play     ride     speak     swim

  1. Can we __________________ in the sea?
  1. They can __________________ English.
  2. We can’t __________________ the piano.
  3. I can’t __________________ to this music.
  4. Can you __________________ a horse?


28 лютого 2023
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