Контрольна робота з теми "The fun you have. If-sentences". 11 клас

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Робота містить контрольний перевірочний тест (2 variants) з теми "Free time". За допомогою представленного тесту можно перевірити рівень знань учнів з вивченного лексичного та граматичного иатеріалу.

Перегляд файлу

Variant I

  1. Translate the words and word combinations from English into Ukrainian.


  1. free-will membership
  2. to show off
  3. peer group
  4. in relation to sth
  5. to swear an oath
  1. to intend
  2. to achieve the aim
  3. ultimate aim
  4. to dress up
  5. conformity



  1. Fill in the missing words.




outdoor activities




  1. To reach its … goals, Plast uses its own educational methods.
  2. The … in this organization is voluntary.
  3. The Wolf Cub pack is … on Kipling “Jungle’s book”.
  4. There are about 60 … organizations in Great Britain.
  5. His idea was to train boys in mapping, camping and other … .


  1. Виконайте вправи на знання умовних речень в англійської мові.


  1. Який це тип умовного речення?


  1. If I were rich, I would travel around the world.
  2. She wouldn’t have missed the train if she had woken up earlier.
  3. I’ll call you if I come back early.


  1. Open the brackets and write the words in the correct form


  1. If I (finish) early, I will call you.
  2. I (catch) the 7:00 train if I hurry up.
  3. She will know the answer if she (try) to understand.
  4. If I (wake up) early, I’ll go jogging.
  5. He (visit) his uncle if he finishes early.




Variant II

  1. Translate the words and word combinations from English into Ukrainian.
  1. to set up sth
  2. ethnicity
  3. to perform on a voluntary basis
  4. to rebel against sth
  5. to develop practical skills
  1. intentions
  2. aim
  3. youth subculture
  4. to behave badly
  5. antithesis to sth


  1. Fill in the missing words.


special uniforms






  1. Scouting uses a fun programme to promote character … , citizenship training and personal fitness for every member.
  2. They had … , badges, special training system and the … “Do your best”.
  3. The programme of training is planned to develop … and practical skills including cookery, needlework and childcare.
  4. Plast educates youth as conscious, … and valuable citizens. 


  1. Виконайте вправи на знання умовних речень в англійської мові.


  1. Який це тип умовного речення?
  1. If I were rich, I would travel around the world.
  2. She wouldn’t have missed the train if she had woken up earlier.
  3. I’ll call you if I come back early.


  1. Open the brackets and write the words in the correct form.


  1. If I (be) a star, I would help the needy.
  2. He (buy) a house if he had a job.
  3. She (be) happy if she married him.
  4. If I were a star, I (buy) a plane.
  5. If I (have) much money, I would travel to Japan.



12 листопада 2018
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