Контрольна робота за тему "Working/school day", 6 клас (друга іноземна мова)

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота містить 2 варіанти лексико-граматичних завдань та розроблена до підручника "Англійська мова. Другий рік навчання" автори М.О.Кучма, Л.І.Морська.
Перегляд файлу


6 Form


Unit  4  “Working/school day”


Variant 1

  1. Translate the words and word combinations.
  1. To come home from school
  2. to have breakfast
  3. to wash hands and face
  4. мити посуд
  5. одягатися
  6. лягати спати
  7. робочий день


  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.
  1. In the morning I (get) up early.
  2. We ( not to watch ) TV at home yesterday.
  3. Bob (to be) at home at 6 o'clock.
  4. My mother (to like) milk in the childhood.
  5. My friend (to come) home from school.

lll. Write numbers in words.

705 –

243 –

315 –

1575 –


lV. Write about your working or school day.


Variant 2

  1. Translate the words and word combinations.
  1. To go out with friends
  2. to do morning exercises
  3. to ride a bicycle
  4. вмиватися
  5. вставати
  6. дивитися телевізор
  7. відвідати бабусю


  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.
  1. I (to clean) the room last week.
  2. In the evening we to (meet) him.
  3. Catherine (not to have) a shower in the morning.
  4. They (to be) in the forest 2 days ago.
  5. Our children ( to play) football yesterday.

lll.  Write numbers in words.

509 –

671 –

811 –

1254 –


lV. Write about your working or school day.




31 грудня 2020
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