"Контрольні роботи з англійської мови у 10 класі" (до підручника О. Карп’юк)

Про матеріал

Матеріали контрольної роботи для оцінювання рівня навчальних досягнень учнів з англій­ської мови за 10 клас підготовлено відпо­відно до чинної навчальної Програми з іноземних мов.

Матеріали забезпечують виявлення рівня сформованості в учнів умінь за двома видами мовленнєвої діяльності та дають можливість виявити рівень володіння учнем іноземною мовою. Завдання відповідають зазначеним у державних стандартах і навчальних програмах для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів рівням: рівень А2+ для загальноосвітніх шкіл

Контрольна робота включає завдання для оцінювання лексико-граматичних навичок, а також умінь читання, писемного мовлення. До складу тесту входять: текст для читання з одним післятекстовим завданням; текст із пропущеними словами на використання мови та завдання для написання письмового повідомлення.

Зміст тестових завдань будується на автентичних зразках мовлення, прийнятих у Великій Британії та відповідає сферам і тематиці ситуативного спілкування, зазначеним у шкільній навчальній програмі.

Перегляд файлу

Form 10                                    Reading   ( the First Term )


Text “Askania Nova Nature Reserve”

      Askania-Nova nature reserve is one of the most ancient in Ukraine and even in the world and has been a base of wide scientific research for about one hundred years. It is located in the southern steppes of Ukraine in the driest part of the Black Sea lowlands between the Dnieper and the Molochna. In the times gone nomadic tribes moved along its vast territory — Tavrichny steppe. Some of them left behind stone statues called “baby”. At the end of the 18-th century large manors became to appear there. One of them was a manor of a German duke Angalt-Ketensky called “Askania-Nova” in the memory of his estate “Askania” in Germany. Then it was sold to a highly- educated biologist Phalts-Phein who did his best for preserving fauna and flora in the area. He established a unique zoo and dendropark. In 1898 he selected a new plot of virgin lands and proclaimed it to be “defended forever”. This year is considered to be the year of founding the steppe nature reserve Askania-Nova.
      The climate of the reserve is continental with hot dry summer and changeable mild winter.
      The virgin reserve steppe is the centre of Askania-Nova. It stretches for 20 km. from west to east and 9 km. from north to south. It is divided into three separate parts: Southern, Northern and Big Chapelsky.
      Cereals prevail in the zone crop of grass though their number isn’t more than 15 species. The feather grass defines the most colourful and typical aspect of the reserve virgin land. But the most beautiful and the brightest steppe is undoubtedly in spring. It is the time of tulip flowering.
      A part of the reserve territory is covered with parks: Old Park, New Park and the Ornithological park: we can observe various kinds of trees and shrubs in the reserve. The old dendrological park was founded in the landscape style where trees and shrubs alternate with picturesque glades everywhere. There is a pond surrounded by oaks, willows and poplars in the centre of the park. The main types of trees in Askania-Nova parks are ashes, black locusts and conifers (Crimean pine and Virginian juniper). Among shrubs the lilacs predominate.
      Fauna of the steppe is unique. It is influenced by plain relief, plants and climate. But conditions are not favourable for amphibians. Almost the only their representative is a green frog. 21 species of birds have their nests in the virgin steppe. Larks are the most numerous. In the period of migrations many birds stay for rest in the area. The most numerous representative of the predatory animals is a steppe fox. Marten and weasel feel comfortable as well. Not a long time ago the roe deer and the noble deer appeared in the steppe reserve again. The rarest animals are concentrated in the zoo. They are the horse of Pryzhewalsky, the European bison, the fallow deer, the zebra, the ostrich, etc.
Askania-Nova is a place where complex study of nature is carried out and a great number of flora and fauna species are preserved for future generations.


manor – маєток,        martenкуниця,                  rodentгризун,         ,                           martenласка,                   

locustсарана,       herdстадо,                      ashясен,                   roe deer 



Task 1

Choose the correct variant

  1. Askania-Nova nature reserve is one of the most __________ in Ukraine and even in the world.

a) beautiful;                b) ancient;             c) interesting;            d) dengerous.


  1. At the end of the 18-th century a large manor of a German duke ________called “Askania-Nova” appered in the southern steppes of Ukraine.

      a) Phalts-Phein ;                 b) Pryzhewalsky;             c) Chapelsky;     d) Angalt-Ketensky.


  1. A highly- educated biologist Phalts-Phein  established a unique ___________in Askania-Nova.

      a) steppe and forest;                     b) museum and gallery;                                                

      c) zoo and dendropark;                  d) village and buildings in it.


  1. The most beautiful and the brightest steppe is undoubtedly in spring because it is the time of _______flowering.
    a) tulip;                b) rose;             c) lilacs;      d) ox-eye daisy.


  1. In the  centre of the old dendrological park there is a ________ surrounded by oaks, willows and poplars.

       a) antient statue;                b) flower-bed;             c) river;       d) pond.


  1. The most numerous representative of the predatory animals is a steppe _____.

a) marten;                b) fox;             c) marten;       d) roe deer.



Task 2

Write whether the following statements True or False  


  1. Askania-Nova is located in the nouthern steppes of Ukraine in the driest part of the Black Sea lowlands between the Dnieper and the Molochna. There are primary and secondary schools in Great Britain.
  2. 1898 is considered to be the year of founding the steppe nature reserve Askania-Nova.
  3. The climate of the reserve is continental with hot dry summer and changeable mild winter.
  4. The virgin reserve steppe is divided into two separate parts: Southern and Big Chapelsky.
  5. The old dendrological park was founded in the landscape style where trees and shrubs alternate with picturesque glades everywhere.
  6. In the period of migrations many wild animals stay for rest in the area.

  8. 1. Choose the correct variant
  1. Askania-Nova nature reserve is one of the most __________ in Ukraine and even in the world.

a) beautiful;                b) ancient;             c) interesting;            d) dengerous.


  1. At the end of the 18-th century a large manor of a German duke ________called “Askania-Nova” appered in the southern steppes of Ukraine.

      a) Phalts-Phein ;                 b) Pryzhewalsky;             c) Chapelsky;     d) Angalt-Ketensky.


  1. A highly- educated biologist Phalts-Phein  established a unique ___________in Askania-Nova.

      a) steppe and forest;                     b) museum and gallery;                                                

      c) zoo and dendropark;                  d) village and buildings in it.


  1. The most beautiful and the brightest steppe is undoubtedly in spring because it is the time of _______flowering.
    a) tulip;                b) rose;             c) lilacs;      d) ox-eye daisy.


  1. In the  centre of the old dendrological park there is a ________ surrounded by oaks, willows and poplars.

       a) antient statue;                b) flower-bed;             c) river;       d) pond.


  1. The most numerous representative of the predatory animals is a steppe _____.

a) marten;                b) fox;             c) marten;       d) roe deer.


2. Write whether the following statements True or False  


  1. Askania-Nova is located in the nouthern steppes of Ukraine in the driest part of the Black Sea lowlands between the Dnieper and the Molochna. There are primary and secondary schools in Great Britain.
  2. 1898 is considered to be the year of founding the steppe nature reserve Askania-Nova.
  3. The climate of the reserve is continental with hot dry summer and changeable mild winter.
  4. The virgin reserve steppe is divided into two separate parts: Southern and Big Chapelsky.
  5. The old dendrological park was founded in the landscape style where trees and shrubs alternate with picturesque glades everywhere.
  6. In the period of migrations many wild animals stay for rest in the area.






Form 10                                      Listening   ( the First Term )


Text “Sports and Games in Great Britain”


Sport and games have always been very popular in England. The English are great lovers of sports, and when they are neither playing nor watching games, they like to talk about them. Almost all of young Englishmen go in for some kinds of sport. Every college has athletic or football clubs. Many people come to watch major sporting competitions, which are discussed as the greatest events of the day.


England is the birthday of many modern kinds of sports. That is why many games  that are very popular all over the world have English names: football, tennis, boxing and badminton rules were invented in England.


Basketball and volley-ball came from the United States of America.


In England, many traditional sporting competitions take place at approximately the same time every year. The most important of them are: boat races, horse races, car rallies, football and cricket games. These sporting events usually have greatest audiences.


Since England is an island country, water sports are very developed there. England was the first to hold sports swimming competitions. The English invented some new styles of swimming that have English names now. Many British sportsmen became world champions in swimming.


Great Britain hosted the Olympics twice. Half a century passed since that time, but people still remember their champions, who took part in those games. English sportsmen take part nearly in all kinds of sporting events that take place in the world, but their greatest desire is to participate in the Olympics in their home country.


Who knows, maybe London will become an Olympic capital for the third time!












Task 1

Complete the  sentences

  1) Sports and games have always been                                     a) go in for some kinds of sport.

  2) Almost all of young Englishmen                                          b) boat races, horse races, car rallies, football and cricket.                     

  3) England is the birthday of                                                     c) world champions in swimming.

  4) Basketball and volley-ball came                                           d) from the United States of America.

  5) In England the most important sporting competitions are    e)  football, tennis, boxing and badminton.

  6) Many British sportsmen became                                           d) very popular in England.



Task 2

Write whether the following statements True or False  


  1. Every college has basketball and volley-ball clubs.
  2. England is the birthday of many modern kinds of sports.
  3. Football, tennis, boxing and badminton rules were invented in England.
  4. Boxing and badminton came from the United States of America.
  5. In England many traditional sporting competitions take place at approximately the same time every year.
  6. Water sports are not very developed in England.
  7. England was the first to hold sports swimming competitions.
  8. The Americans invented some new styles of swimming that have American names now.
  9. Many British sportsmen became world champions in swimming.
  10.                      The United States of America hosted the Olympics twice.
  11.                      English sportsmen take part nearly in all kinds of sporting events that take place in the world.
  12.                      London will become an Olympic capital for the third time.












Task 1

Complete the  sentences

  1) Sports and games have always been                                     a) go in for some kinds of sport.

  2) Almost all of young Englishmen                                          b) boat races, horse races, car rallies, football and cricket.                     

  3) England is the birthday of                                                     c) world champions in swimming.

  4) Basketball and volley-ball came                                           d) from the United States of America.

  5) In England the most important sporting competitions are    e)  football, tennis, boxing and badminton.

  6) Many British sportsmen became                                           d) very popular in England.


Task 2

Write whether the following statements True or False  

  1. Every college has basketball and volley-ball clubs.
  2. England is the birthday of many modern kinds of sports.
  3. Football, tennis, boxing and badminton rules were invented in England.
  4. Boxing and badminton came from the United States of America.
  5. In England many traditional sporting competitions take place at approximately the same time every year.
  6. Water sports are not very developed in England.
  7. England was the first to hold sports swimming competitions.
  8. The Americans invented some new styles of swimming that have American names now.
  9. Many British sportsmen became world champions in swimming.
  10.                      The United States of America hosted the Olympics twice.
  11.                      English sportsmen take part nearly in all kinds of sporting events that take place in the world.
  12.                      London will become an Olympic capital for the third time.











Form 10                                             The First Term


Text “ Safety in Relationships ”


During your teen years, you will have relationships with a lot of people. This information will help you to see the signs of an unhealthy or abusive relationship.


In healthy relationships, you and your friend feel good about each other and yourselves, there is respect and honesty between both of you. You do activities together, like going to movies or out with other friends, and you talk with each other about how are you feeling about each other. These relationships can last for a long time. Healthy relationships are fun for both people.


Be honest and srtick to your decision. Tell your friends you like spending time with them but you also want to spend time with other friend and family.


In a risky relationship, you and your friend do not usually feel good about each other and yourselves. You may feel afraid or pressured to do something that you don’t want to do.


Your friend is jealous or possessive of you, bosses you around, makes all the decisions, tells you what to do, tries to embarrass you in front of other people or even hurts you physically.


There are many reasons why a person could be rude or abusive to their friends. For example, a person who has grown up in an unfriendly family may have learned that violence like hitting was the way to solve a problem (which it is not!). He / she may want to control the relationship or may pressure their friends to prove how strong they are.


First, you think that you are in an unhealthy relationship, you should talk to a parent, friend, doctor, coach or other trusted person about your relationship. Tell them why you think the relationship is unhealthy and exactly what the other person has done (hit, pressured you to do something, tried to control you). With help, you can get out of an unhealthy relationship. Remember: you deserve to be in a relationship that is healthy and fun.


Vocabulary :


  • abusive – образливий;
  • a relationship – відношення;
  • srtick- точний, вимогливий;
  • possessive – власницький;
  • to embarrass – бентежити, заважати;
  • a hitting- поштовх;
  • to deserve – заслуговувати.




Variant 1


Task 1.

Fill in the gaps to complete the sentences


  1. This information can help you to see the signs of an unhealthy or  ________relationship

            a ) real                b) abusive           c) healthy           d) true


  1. In _______relationships there is respect and honesty between both of you.

            a ) real                b) abusive           c) healthy           d) true


  1. If you want to be a real friend you should be ________and srtick to your decision.

a ) rude                b) abusive           c) possessive           d) honest


  1. A person who has grown up in an unfriendly family may want to control the ________or may pressure their friends to prove how strong they are.

a ) relationship                b) friendship           c) studying           d) leisure


  1. You think that you are in an unhealthy relationship, you should _________to a trusted person about your relationship.

a ) sign                b) sing           c) study          d) talk


  1. With help, you can ________of an unhealthy relationship.

 a ) get out                b) get on           c) get away          d) get along



Task 2

Write whether the following statements True or False


  1. During your teen years, you will have relationships with a couple of people.
  2. In healthy relationships, you and your friend do activities together and you talk with each other about how are you feeling about each other.
  3. In unhealthy relationships, you and your friend feel good about each other and yourselves, there is respect and honesty between both of you.
  4. You should have a friend who is jealous or possessive of you, bosses you around, makes all the decisions, tells you what to do.
  5. If your friend  tries to embarrass you in front of other people or even hurts you physically, you should talk to a parent, friend, doctor, coach or other trusted person about your relationship.
  6. Being a true friend you should remember: you deserve to be in a relationship that is healthy and fun.


Variant 2


Task 1.

Fill in the gaps to complete the sentences


  1. In _______relationships there is respect and honesty between both of you.

            a ) real                b) abusive           c) healthy           d) true


  1. A person who has grown up in an unfriendly family may want to control the ________or may pressure their friends to prove how strong they are.

a ) studying              b) friendship         c) leisure           d) relationship


  1. If you want to be a real friend you should be ________and srtick to your decision.

a ) honest               b) rude                c) possessive          d) abusive          


  1. With help, you can ________of an unhealthy relationship.

 a ) get on                b) get away           c) get out          d) get along


  1. You think that you are in an unhealthy relationship, you should _________to a trusted person about your relationship.

a )  talk              b) study           c) sing         d) sign


  1. This information can help you to see the signs of an unhealthy or  ________relationship

            a ) abusive             b) real          c) true           d) healthy


Task 2

Write whether the following statements True or False   


  1. During your teen years, you will have relationships with a lot of people.
  2. In unhealthy relationships, you and your friend do activities together and you talk with each other about how are you feeling about each other.
  3. In healthy relationships, you and your friend feel good about each other and yourselves, there is respect and honesty between both of you.
  4. You would like to have a friend who is jealous or possessive of you, bosses you around, makes all the decisions, tells you what to do.
  5. If your friend  tries to embarrass you in front of other people or even hurts you physically, you should talk to a trusted person about your relationship.
  6. Having a possessive friend you should remember: you deserve to be in a relationship that is healthy and fun.

Form 10                                                The  First  Term


1.  Write a letter to your penfriend about yourself, using the following  plan:

  • Introduce yourself (name, surname, age).
  • Say something about your family, pets, hobbies, interests, likes and dislikes
  • Describe  yourself (your appearance: hair, eyes, build, what you usually wear).
  • Describe your character, giving examples to prove it (Are you reliable, honest, lazy, boring, bossy, gossipy, hard-working, ambitious, a coach potato, a chatterbox, exc.?)
  • Say something about your friends.
  • Say something about your school, favourite subjects and teachers.
  • Say what would you like to be when you grow up.
  • Say something else that you think is important to know about you.


2. Write a letter to your penfriend to tell about  your friend, use the following  questions as a plan:

  • Who is your best friend and why?
  • What way can you describe your best friend’s appearance?
  • What makes a good friendship?
  • What should friends always do?
  • Do real friends share secrets?
  • Do your friends help you?
  • A close friend is “a single soul in two bodies”, isn’t it?


3. Write a composition “Choosing a Career”, using the following plan:

  • hundreds jobs to choose;
  •  “Different jobs require different things”;
  • “Choosing a career is not an easy thing”;
  • person’s interests, natural abilities, skills and talents;
  • your future career;
  • what do you prefer / don’t like to do;
  • “I am good at … that’s why I ‘d like to choose a career of …”;
  • good / bad things about your favourite profession;
  •  some advices how to be a good worker.


4. Write a composition “Schooling in Ukraine”, using the following  questions as a plan:

  • At what age do Ukrainian children start going to school?
  •  How is a school year organized at your school?
  • Is elementary school compulsory in Ukraine?
  • Which types of schools are there in Ukraine?
  • What school subjects do you have?
  • What are your favourite subjects and teachers?
  • Have you any friends among your classmates?
  • Do you like school? Would you like to change anything about your school?


5. Write a composition “Ukrainian Cuisine”, using the following plan:

  • Ukrainian people and Ukrainian hospitality;
  • traditional Ukrainian meals;
  • eating at home and in a restaurant;
  • the world’s famous Ukrainian dishes;
  • the traditional everyday menu of your family;
  • your favourite Ukrainian dish;
  • What do you like about Ukrainian cuisine the most?















































Form 10                                                        Reading   ( the Second Term )

      Text “How to Shop” 

(After George Mikes)

              In America, just as in England, you see the same shops with the same boards and windows in every town and village.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Shopping, however, is an art of its own and you have to learn slowly where to buy various things. If you are hungry, you go to the chemist’s. A chemist’s shop is called a drug-store in the United States. In the larger drug-store may be able to get medicines, too, but their main business consists in selling stationery, sweets, toys, belts, fountain-pens and other things. Every drug-store has a food counter with high stools in front of it, and there they serve various juices, coffee, ice-cream, sandwiches, omelette and other egg dishes.
             If you want cigarettes, go to the grocer’s; if you want your shoes cleaned, go to the barber’s; if you want a radio, go to a man’s shop; if you want a suit, go to the chemist’s. On the other hand if you want to send a telegram, avoid the post-office. The post-office has nothing to do with the telephone either, as telephone service is supplied by the American Telephone and Telegraph Co.                                                                                                        Whatever you buy, it may be exchanged later for something in the same shop. This is a great pleasure with the Americans. A great many people do really buy things — they only get material for later exchangers. It is unusual at all to see a lady bringing back a hat with a lot of fruit on it exchanging it either for real fruit or a real hat.

Task 1

Make up the word-combinations according to the text

  1. to see the same shops with                     a) a drug-store;
  2. to buy                                                      b) a telegram;    
  3. a chemist’s shop is called                       c) with high stools in front of it;                                  
  4. a food counter                                         d) the same boards and windows;
  5. to send                                                       e) with the Americans;
  6. a great pleasure                                       f) various things.


Task 2

Finish the sentences, using the suitable words

Juices, coffee, ice-cream, sandwiches, omelette, the men’s shop, stationery, medicines, sweets, toys, pen and pencils, telegrams and telephones, exchange, the chemist’s    

  1. At a drug-store in America you can buy__________ .
  2. Every drug-store has a food counter where they serve _____________ .
  3. You can buy a radio at the __________ .
  4. If you want to buy a suit go to __________ .
  5. The post office has nothing to do with _________ .
  6. The Americans can __________ what they have bought before for something different in the same shop.


Task 3

Write whether the following statements True or False  

1.   Shopping is an art of its own but you haven’t to learn where to buy various things.

  1. If you are hungry in America, you go to the drug-store.
  2. They serve various juices, coffee, ice-cream, sandwiches, omelette and other egg dishes in a food counter.
  3. If you want your shoes cleaned, go to the men’s shop.
  4. Telephone service is supplied by the American Telephone and Telegraph Co.
  5. In America you  may not  exchange whatever you buy  for something in the same shop.

Form 10                                                        Reading   ( the Second Term )

      Text “How to Shop” 

(After George Mikes)

            In America, just as in England, you see the same shops with the same boards and windows in every town and village.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

           Shopping, however, is an art of its own and you have to learn slowly where to buy various things. If you are hungry, you go to the chemist’s. A chemist’s shop is called a drug-store in the United States. In the larger drug-store may be able to get medicines, too, but their main business consists in selling stationery, sweets, toys, belts, fountain-pens and other things. Every drug-store has a food counter with high stools in front of it, and there they serve various juices, coffee, ice-cream, sandwiches, omelette and other egg dishes.
             If you want cigarettes, go to the grocer’s; if you want your shoes cleaned, go to the barber’s; if you want a radio, go to a man’s shop; if you want a suit, go to the chemist’s. On the other hand if you want to send a telegram, avoid the post-office. The post-office has nothing to do with the telephone either, as telephone service is supplied by the American Telephone and Telegraph Co.                                                                                                        Whatever you buy, it may be exchanged later for something in the same shop. This is a great pleasure with the Americans. A great many people do really buy things — they only get material for later exchangers. It is unusual at all to see a lady bringing back a hat with a lot of fruit on it exchanging it either for real fruit or a real hat. _____________________________________________________________________________________

Form 10                                                        Reading   ( the Second Term )

     Text “How to Shop” 

(After George Mikes)

             In America, just as in England, you see the with same shops the same boards and windows in every town and village.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

             Shopping, however, is an art of its own and you have to learn slowly where to buy various things. If you are hungry, you go to the chemist’s. A chemist’s shop is called a drug-store in the United States. In the larger drug-store may be able to get medicines, too, but their main business consists in selling stationery, sweets, toys, belts, fountain-pens and other things. Every drug-store has a food counter with high stools in front of it, and there they serve various juices, coffee, ice-cream, sandwiches, omelette and other egg dishes.
             If you want cigarettes, go to the grocer’s; if you want your shoes cleaned, go to the barber’s; if you want a radio, go to a man’s shop; if you want a suit, go to the chemist’s. On the other hand if you want to send a telegram, avoid the post-office. The post-office has nothing to do with the telephone either, as telephone service is supplied by the American Telephone and Telegraph Co.                                                                                                        Whatever you buy, it may be exchanged later for something in the same shop. This is a great pleasure with the Americans. A great many people do really buy things — they only get material for later exchangers. It is unusual at all to see a lady bringing back a hat with a lot of fruit on it exchanging it either for real fruit or a real hat.



Task 1

Make up the word-combinations according to the text

  1. to see the same shops with                     a) a drug-store;
  1. to buy                                                      b) a telegram;    
  2. a chemist’s shop is called                       c) with high stools in front of it;                                  
  3. a food counter                                         d) the same boards and windows;
  4. to send                                                     e) with the Americans;
  5. a great pleasure                                       f) various things.


Task 2

Finish the sentences, using the suitable words

Juices, coffee, ice-cream, sandwiches, omelette, the men’s shop, stationery, medicines, sweets, toys, pen and pencils, telegrams and telephones, exchange, the chemist’s    

  1. At a drug-store in America you can buy__________ .
  2. Every drug-store has a food counter where they serve _____________ .
  3. You can buy a radio at the __________ .
  4. If you want to buy a suit go to __________ .
  5. The post office has nothing to do with _________ .
  6. The Americans can __________ what they have bought before for something different in the same shop.


Task 3

Write whether the following statements True or False  

  1. Shopping is an art of its own but you haven’t to learn where to buy various things.
  2. If you are hungry in America, you go to the drug-store.
  1. They serve various juices, coffee, ice-cream, sandwiches, omelette and other egg dishes in a food counter.
  2. If you want your shoes cleaned, go to the men’s shop.
  3. Telephone service is supplied by the American Telephone and Telegraph Co.
  4. In America you  may not  exchange whatever you buy  for something in the same shop.


Task 1

Make up the word-combinations according to the text

  1. to see the same shops with                     a) a drug-store;
  2. to buy                                                      b) a telegram;    
  3. a chemist’s shop is called                       c) with high stools in front of it;                                  
  4. a food counter                                         d) the same boards and windows;
  5. to send                                                     e) with the Americans;
  6. a great pleasure                                       f) various things.


Task 2

Finish the sentences, using the suitable words

Juices, coffee, ice-cream, sandwiches, omelette, the men’s shop, stationery, medicines, sweets, toys, pen and pencils, telegrams and telephones, exchange, the chemist’s    

  1. At a drug-store in America you can buy__________ .
  2. Every drug-store has a food counter where they serve _____________ .
  3. You can buy a radio at the __________ .
  4. If you want to buy a suit go to __________ .
  5. The post office has nothing to do with _________ .
  6. The Americans can __________ what they have bought before for something different in the same shop.


Task 3

Write whether the following statements True or False  

  1. Shopping is an art of its own but you haven’t to learn where to buy various things.
  1. If you are hungry in America, you go to the drug-store.
  2. They serve various juices, coffee, ice-cream, sandwiches, omelette and other egg dishes in a food counter.
  3. If you want your shoes cleaned, go to the men’s shop.
  4. Telephone service is supplied by the American Telephone and Telegraph Co.
  5. In America you  may not  exchange whatever you buy  for something in the same shop.


Form 10                                                 Listening   ( the Second Term )

Text “Medicine and Health (At the Doctor)”

                 “Medicines are not meant to live on”, an English proverb says. That is true and I can add that good health is the best medicine. And if your health is good you are always in good mood. You have “A sound mind in a sound body”, as an old Latin saying goes. Taking medicine is an unpleasant thing, of course, and if you want to avoid it, you should go in for sports and keep yourself fit.
                  But, if something is wrong with our health, we must consult a doctor who will examine you. He will ask you to strip to the waist, listen to your heart and chest, feel the pulse, take the temperature and measure your blood pressure. But if the illness is serious and you need an operation, the doctor will advise you to get a specialist in a hospital where they have all the necessary equipment.
                  If your teeth need attention, you go to the dentist. If something is wrong with your eyes, you visit an ophthalmologist. The common illnesses are: cough, cold, flue, sore throat, headache, earache, stomach-ache, rheumatism, heart troubles, abnormal blood-pressure and others. Some diseases are infectious and contagious. Great care must be taken by people, who have these illnesses so, that they don’t pass them on to other people.
                  Some traditional things used to prevent or cure illnesses are medicines, pills, powders, injections, massage, antiseptics, tablets, drops and others.

Task 1

Find the translation of the following word-combinations

  1. good health
  2. taking medicine
  3. to keep yourself fit
  4. to measure blood pressure
  5. serious illness
  6. to prevent illness
  1. підтримувати гарну фізичну форму;
  2. міряти тиск;
  3. хороше здоров’я;
  4. серйозна хвороба;
  5. попередити захворювання;
  6. прийом ліків


Task 2

Match the beginning of the sentences with their endings


  1. Medicines are not meant                      a) the best medicine;
  2. Good health is                                    b) is an unpleasant thing;    
  3. A sound mind                                     c) to live on;                                  
  4. Taking medicine                                 d) go in for sports;
  5. You should                                               e) common illnesses;
  6. Cold and flue are                                      f) in a sound body.


 Task 3

Put the sentences into correct order (according to the text )


  1. Go to the dentist, if you have a bad tooth.
  2. Medicines are used to prevent or cure different illnesses.
  3. An English proverb says, “Medicines are not meant to live on”.
  4. If you want to be healthy, you should go in for sports and keep yourself fit..
  5. The common illnesses are: cough, cold, flue, sore throat, headache, earache, stomach-ache, rheumatism, heart troubles, abnormal blood-pressure and others.
  6. An old Latin proverb says, “A sound mind in a sound body”.





































Task 1

Find the translation of the following word-combinations


  1. good health
  2. taking medicine
  3. to keep yourself fit
  4. to measure blood pressure
  5. serious illness
  6. to prevent illness
  1. підтримувати гарну фізичну форму;
  2. міряти тиск;
  3. хороше здоров’я;
  4. серйозна хвороба;
  5. попередити захворювання;
  6. прийом ліків


Task 2

Match the beginning of the sentences with their endings

  1. Medicines are not meant                      a) the best medicine;
  2. Good health is                                    b) is an unpleasant thing;    
  3. A sound mind                                     c) to live on;                                  
  4. Taking medicine                                 d) go in for sports;
  5. You should                                               e) common illnesses;
  6. Cold and flue are                                      f) in a sound body.


 Task 3

Put the sentences into correct order ( according to the text )

  1. Go to the dentist, if you have a bad tooth.
  2. Medicines are used to prevent or cure different illnesses.
  3. An English proverb says, “Medicines are not meant to live on”.
  4. If you want to be healthy, you should go in for sports and keep yourself fit..
  5. The common illnesses are: cough, cold, flue, sore throat, headache, earache, stomach-ache, rheumatism, heart troubles, abnormal blood-pressure and others.
  6. An old Latin proverb says, “A sound mind in a sound body”.










Form 10                                              The  Second  Term


  1. Read the following situation and write an email, choosing an appropriate style.

   You are travelling to London on a business trip next week. Your school friend lives there   and you would like to meet him/her one evening while you are in London. Try to arrange a   meeting.


  1.  Write an essay for a daily newspaper following the instructions:
  • You are a reporter for a daily newspaper. Develop a number of Wh-questions about the terrible earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
  • After completing the list of questions, answer them.
  • Write a short paragraph for your newspaper.


  1. Write an essay on the role of art in our lives. You may use the phrases below:

to form an outlook, to enrich one’s inner world, an educational value, to bring up, to hold up one’s spirit, to appeal to the heart and mind, to proclaim life, to understand the outside world, to influence feelings and emotions.



  1. Write an essay. Narrow the topic “Sport” and mention about your personal experiences. Include  the following information:
  • which sports you have played;
  • what your attitude to sport is;
  • how you think sport can help people in their lives.











Form 10                                Reading   ( the Second Term )

 Text “How to Shop” 

(After George Mikes)

              In America, just as in England, you see the same shops with the same boards and windows in every town and village.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Shopping, however, is an art of its own and you have to learn slowly where to buy various things. If you are hungry, you go to the chemist’s. A chemist’s shop is called a drug-store in the United States. In the larger drug-store may be able to get medicines, too, but their main business consists in selling stationery, sweets, toys, belts, fountain-pens and other things. Every drug-store has a food counter with high stools in front of it, and there they serve various juices, coffee, ice-cream, sandwiches, omelette and other egg dishes.
             If you want cigarettes, go to the grocer’s; if you want your shoes cleaned, go to the barber’s; if you want a radio, go to a man’s shop; if you want a suit, go to the chemist’s. On the other hand if you want to send a telegram, avoid the post-office. The post-office has nothing to do with the telephone either, as telephone service is supplied by the American Telephone and Telegraph Co.                                                                                                        Whatever you buy, it may be exchanged later for something in the same shop. This is a great pleasure with the Americans. A great many people do really buy things — they only get material for later exchangers. It is unusual at all to see a lady bringing back a hat with a lot of fruit on it exchanging it either for real fruit or a real hat.

Task 1

Make up the word-combinations according to the text


  1. to see the same shops with                     a) a drug-store;
  2. to buy                                                      b) a telegram;    
  3. a chemist’s shop is called                       c) with high stools in front of it;                                  
  4. a food counter                                         d) the same boards and windows;
  5. to send                                                    e) with the Americans;
  6. a great pleasure                                       f) various things.


Task 2

Finish the sentences, using the suitable words

Juices, coffee, ice-cream, sandwiches, omelette, the men’s shop, stationery, medicines, sweets, toys, pen and pencils, telegrams and telephones, exchange, the chemist’s    


  1. At a drug-store in America you can buy__________ .
  2. Every drug-store has a food counter where they serve _____________ .
  3. You can buy a radio at the __________ .
  4. If you want to buy a suit go to __________ .
  5. The post office has nothing to do with _________ .
  6. The Americans can __________ what they have bought before for something different in the same shop.


Task 3

Write whether the following statements True or False  

1.   Shopping is an art of its own but you haven’t to learn where to buy various things.

  1. If you are hungry in America, you go to the drug-store.
  2. They serve various juices, coffee, ice-cream, sandwiches, omelette and other egg dishes in a food counter.
  3. If you want your shoes cleaned, go to the men’s shop.
  4. Telephone service is supplied by the American Telephone and Telegraph Co.
  5. In America you may not  exchange whatever you buy  for something in the same shop.





















































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