Контрольні тести за підсумками 2 семестру.

Про матеріал
Контрольні роботи за ІІ семестр за програмою НУШ, підручник PREPARE A1 (автори Джоанна Коста, Мелані Вільямс),модельна програма за редакцією Зимомрі: - Reading Test.
Перегляд файлу

NAME: __________________________________________________    form: ___5 - ______

1. Read the text. Answer the questions based on the text (дайте ПОВНІ відповіді на спеціальні запитання згідно змісту тексту).

Clare is eight years old and she lives in Manchester. She has a big family. Her two older brothers are doctors. They work in a big hospital. Her brothers work a lot and they only come home sometimes. When they come home, Clare wants to play with them but they are usually tired and sleep all the time. Clare also has two sisters. They are twins. They are 17 years old. They go to school in Manchester.

This weekend is special because it’s their mum’s birthday. All the family are at home. It’s sunny and Clare and her brothers and sisters are all in the garden and help their mum. Their dad is in the kitchen. He makes a birthday cake for Mum. The weather is warm and sunny, everyone is at home and Clare is really happy.


  1. How many people are there in Clare’s family?


  1. Who does Claire live with?


  1. Where do her brothers work?


  1. Why don’t her brothers and sisters play with Clare?


  1. How old are her sisters?


  1. Why is all the family at home today?


  1. What does her dad do? Where is he?

____________________________________________________________________ _____

       8. What is the weather like today?

             ______________________________________________________________________ _____


2. Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? (визначте правдиві / неправдиві твердження до тексту, знайдіть у тексті підтвердження і виділіть чи підкресліть їх)

Phil Beazley writes for a newspaper. He tells Buzz magazine all about his life.

-          Where are you now, Phil?

I’m on a train and I’m going to Paris. I love Paris. It’s not my favourite city, but I like it. It’s big and exciting.

-          What’s your daily routine?

I’m very lucky. Life is never boring for me because I’m in a different place and with different people every day. I usually get up late. After breakfast, I start work. I write for two or three hours. I love writing, but I don’t like writing at home. I go to cafes or museums to work. I always have my computer with me, so I can write anywhere.

Sometimes I write outside – in a park or on the beach. I like that. At about one o’clock I stop for lunch. In the afternoon I usually meet people for interviews. I meet lots of famous people. I love talking to people, so it’s lots of fun.

-          Why are you going to Paris?

I’m going there because I want to speak to someone very famous. He lives in Paris and he works on a new film. I can’t say any more!


1. Phil’s driving to Paris.  ________                                 6. Phil gets up early. __________


2. Phil doesn’t like Paris.  ________                                7. He writes five or six hours a day. ________


3. Phil likes working outside.  ________                          8. He has lunch at two pm. ____________


4. Phil doesn’t work after lunch.  ________                     9. He doesn’t meet famous people. ________


5. Phil works on a new film.  ________                          10. Phil writes a book. ___________

9 серпня 2023
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