Котрольна робота "Travelling" 6 клас (А. Несвіт )

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Контрольна робота для учнів 6 класу у двох рівнозначних варіантах з теми "Travelling" (підручник А.Несвіт) з завданнями на перевірку лексики з теми "Подорожі".
Перегляд файлу

6 form “Travelling” Name ________________________________________

I v.

1. Translate:

1. a token - ____________________________________________________

2. travelling by plane  -  __________________________________________

3. go sightseeing - _______________________________________________

4. проїзний на автобус - _________________________________________

5. квиток у два боки - ___________________________________________

6. пішки - _____________________________________________________

2. Fill in should or shouldn’t:

1 Your plane leaves at 10.00. You ………….... (to get) to the airport by 8.00

2 You …………..… (to walk ) alone in new city. You can get lost.

3 When you go to London. You …………….… (to visit) Westminster Abbey.

3. Answer the questions:

1 How do you like to travel?


2 Why do people travel ?  _________________________________________


3 What is the slowest way of travelling? ______________________________


4 Where do people pack their luggage? _______________________________


5 How long does it take you to get to school? ___________________________


6 How do you get to school? ________________________________________


4. Complete the text with the words from the box.


train,  journey,  tourists,  important,  country,  a sightseeing tour


My friend has just returned from Spain. He went there by_____________. Madrid is the capital of the ____________ , it is an  ____________and beautiful city. My friend went to ________________ around the country.

The weather was sunny and there were many _____________at the seaside.

M y friend enjoyed his ___________________ very much.

6 form “Travelling” Name ________________________________________

II v.

1. Translate:

1. a ticket  - __________________________________________________

2. travelling by train - ___________________________________________

3. people’s traditions - ___________________________________________

4. подорожувати машиною - _____________________________________

5. квиток в одну сторону - _______________________________________

6. пасажири - __________________________________________________

2. Fill in should or shouldn’t:

1 He ……………..…… (to walk ) alone in new city. He can get lost.

2 Your bus leaves at 8.15. You ……………. (to get) to the bus station  by 8.00

3 When you go to Lviv, you ………….…… (to visit) the Pharmacy Museum.

3. Answer the questions:

1 What is your favourite way of travelling ? ____________________________


2 What means of travelling do you know? _____________________________


3 What do people learn about while travelling? _________________________


4 How long does it take you to get to school? __________________________


5 What is the fastest means of travelling? _____________________________


6 How do you get to school? _______________________________________


4. Complete the text with the words from the box.


capital,  tourists,  photos,  comfortable,  sightseeing tour,  plane


Last year my parents and I travelled to Paris. It is the _____________ of France. We went there by ____________ . We stayed in a ______________ hotel in the centre of the city. We made a ______________ around Paris. It was fantastic. I have never seen so many ____________. I have taken a lot of _____________.

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  1. Бойко Ніка
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До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
2 лютого 2021
Оцінка розробки
4.3 (1 відгук)
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