Кросворд на тему "Заснування британських колоній на приатлантичному узбережжі Північної Америки". Ця тема вивчається на уроках культурознавства США в 11 класі.
2. The original name of this colony was New
4. This colony was founded for English Roman
5. The settlers called this town in honour of their king
6. This city became the leading city of British America.
7. A group of British Puritans sailed in this ship to
9. It was founded as a place of tolerance 10. This colony was named in honour of the English queen
11. This colony was founded to get profits and slave labour was used there a lot.
1. It was a place for British debtors and people without money and support
3. This colony was founded on the principle of freedom of conscience and was named in honour of a wealthy Quaker's father
8. It was one of the reason why people left their homeland an moved to America