Lesson `My working day` Form 2

Про матеріал
Підсумковий урок в 2 класі,за темою 'Мій робочий день'. Активізація вивчених лексичних одиниць за темою 'Мій робочий день' та Present Simple Tense в писемному та усному мовленні. Повторення лексики за темою 'Годинник' та ' Дні тижня'. Цікаві рухливі пісні. Рольова гра ' Я- вчитель'. Застосовується розминка 'Мої уподобання' як тренування вивченої лексики.
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Lesson `My working day`  Form 2

               Outcomes: Students will be able to speak about their working day;

  • To use Present Simple Tense in speaking and writing
  • To revise the time and days of the week
  • To improve writing and speaking skills


Materials and Resources:  handouts, CDs


  1. The beginning of the lesson
  1. Greetings

Good morning, boys and girls. I`m glad to see you. How are you today? I hope you`re well.

  1. Aims

The topic of our lesson is `My working day`

  1. The main part of the lesson
  1. Warm up ( handouts `Your favourites`)
  • What `s your favourite food/drink/animal/popstar/sportsman/colour/day/number?
  1. Speaking. Using the card say :

Example :

My card is food.

 I like oranges.

I don`t like fish.

  1. Speaking. Revision.
  • go to school
  • clean the teeth
  • go shopping
  • play football
  • do homework
  • have breakfast
  • ride the bike
  1. Role game. `I`m a teacher`
  2. One student is a teacher and asks the questions:
  • Do you go to school?
  • Do you clean your teeth?
  • Do you go shopping
  • Do you play football?
  • Do you do your homework?
  • Do you have breakfast?
  • Do you ride your bike?

Example: Dima, do you go shopping? Yes,I do.

  1.  Speaking.  Complete the sentences about your family. (mum,dad,grandpa,grandma,sister,brother,aunt,uncle,cousin)


  1. My mum doesn`t go to school.
  2. My dad cleans his teeth. etc.
  1. Moving break. What time is it?
  2. Matching.

8: 00    go home   

1:00    go to school

11:00  go to bed

4:00  get up

7:00 do my homework

10:00  ride a bike

9:00  watch TV

2:00 dance

Example:  7:00  get up

  1. Speaking. What do you do at …o`clock?

Example: What do you do at 7 o`clock? I get up at 7 o`clock

  1. Revision. Days of the week. Game `Say a word keeping the rhythm`
  2. Mime game `What does she/ he do? Look and guess.

Does she/he

  • ride a bike?
  • swim?
  • rollerblade?
  • run?


  • dance?
  • play football/basketball?
  1. Reading. Sam`s story.
  1. Look and repeat, say the number of the picture.

wash his hair- picture 1

go to the shops – picture 2

clean his room-  picture 4

play football – picture 5

wash the dishes –picture 3

  1. Answer the questions: What does Sam on Monday…Friday?
  1. The end of the lesson
  1. Summing up

What have we done at the lesson?

  1. Home assignment

Write 5 sentences what you do on Monday….Friday.








  •        C:\Users\Оксана\Desktop\квитанція20190211.jpg




2.Sam`s story


11 лютого 2019
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