Про матеріал
The aim of the lesson is to attract students' attention to the problems of the environment and help them understand the importance of its protection.
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Form 9


The objectives of the lesson:

  • to sum up the vocabulary on the topic “Environment”;
  • to practice using Conditional I;
  • to practice listening skills;
  • to help students understand the importance of environmental protection;
  • to develop communicative skills and stimulate creative thinking through the project work.

Equipment: multimedia system, quotations, students’ projects, handouts,

Internet resource: www.youtube.com.

At the end of the lessons students will be able to:

  • know more about environmental organizations;
  • reinforce vocabulary related to the topic;
  • develop global listening skills;
  • speak English using prepared and unprepared speech;
  • improve presentation skills;



  1. Introduction

T: We live in a magic world. The world is full of wonderful things. It's our nature. Nature gives us life. Nature teaches us to be kind and clever, attentive and creative. It teaches us to understand the world around us. We are the happiest people because we can walk along the seaside or listen to songs of the forest or of the wind, or of the birds...Y. Gagarin said: "How beautiful our blue planet is! How small it is! People of the world, take care of it, protect it".  So the topic we are going to discuss is one of the most actual problems of the world – it`s the protection of nature, keeping our environment clean and safe.

  1. Warm-up


T: Look at the slides. There are three quotations. Let's discuss them and make short comments. (slides 1-3)

(Student's comments)











  1. Main part


Video discussion (slide 6)


T: Now you are going to watch two different videos.  Your task is to fill in the boxes

You must write what you can hear, feel and see while watching these videos.  And then I’d like you to share your feelings and emotions with your mates.






Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "nature"










Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "future earth"











(handout 1)



T:  What could you hear, feel and see?

Vocabulary practice (handout 2)

T|:  The planet Earth is in great danger. It is suffering from many environmental problems. Have a look at these pictures. What problems do these pictures relate to?

P1: This picture relates to the problem of deforestation because the man is planting trees.

P2: This picture relates to the problem of pollution because the beach is covered with litter.

P3: This picture relates to the problem of resources in short supply because the man is recycling.

P4: This picture relates to the problem of energy crisis because wind is an alternative source of energy.

  Listening (slide 10)

T: Look at the picture. Guess, who is this?  How does he relate to the problems of environment?

T: Listen to the song and fill in the blanks. (handout 3)

What is the main idea of this song?

What are the problems mentioned in the song?

Is the writer worried or not worried about them?

Speaking (slide 11)

T: What possible solutions can you suggest to these environmental problems?

What can we reuse, recycle and reduce? (handout 4)


T: So, how can we solve the rubbish problem? We can recycle. And now take out an  item from this bin and tell us how it can be recycled.

P1: We can cover books with nice gift wrap.

P2: We can use old clothes for working in the garden, for cleaning.

P3: We can return glass bottles to the shop.

P4: We can use waste paper to make recycled paper.

P5: We can use plastic bags to take out the rubbish.

T: Now let`s watch video (slide 12). Fill in the table and discuss the problems, causes and solutions. (handout 5)

















e.g Water pollution is caused by people`s activity. I think we should … to solve this problem.

Project Work (slide 13)

T:  You are some Green organization activists. You should design T-shirts telling people about ecological problems of the day. Work in groups. Are you ready? Now come out to the board. Show us your T-shirt and tell what environmental problem do you want to attract our attention to?

Grammar Revision (slide 14)

T: Imagine, you are the leader of your country. What will you do? (handout 6)

If I am the leader of the country,

I will…

  1. Summing-up


T: Our lesson is coming to an end. Did you like it? What can we do to keep the Earth clean and green? Yes, we must be friends to her.  The key to a greener planet is in your hands (slide 20)






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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
26 січня 2020
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