Матеріал для роботи на уроці під час вивчення теми ЗМІ, представляє собою гру на зіставлення (завдання - зіставити слова з їх визначеннями), має відповіді. Роздатковий матеріал готовий до використання після розрізання за лініями.
Couch potato |
Game show |
Viewer |
Sitcom |
Commercial |
Channel |
Cartoon |
Thriller |
Tube/telly |
A suspenseful, sensational film
A television station and its programmes
A situation comedy |
A person who watches television or films
Another word for television
A programme in which contestants complete for awards |
A person who spends much time sitting or lying down, watching TV |
A film made for photographing a series of drawings to give the illusion of movement |
A television advertisement
Couch potato - a person who spends much time sitting or lying down, watching TV
Viewer - a person who watches television or films
Commercial - a television advertisement
Cartoon - a film made for photographing a series of drawings to give the illusion of movement
Tube/ telly - another word for television
Game show - a programme in which contestants complete for awards
Sitcom - a situation comedy
Channel - a television station and its programmes
Thriller - a suspenseful, sensational film