Матеріал для підсумкового уроку за 1 семестр у 5 класі "My winter holidays"

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                                   My winter holidays

                                              Preparation task

Unscramble the words and match them to the pictures.

roftsy -

basnllow –

msonwan –

rismCtahs –

kastign –

kisngi –

  1.            2)           3)

4 )              5)            6)


                                     My winter holidays

          Hi! I’m Lisa and I live with my parents, my little brother and our funny cat Ginger in St. Paul. We are very friendly and spend our free time together. I like my winter holidays. I have a lot of free time and can play with my little brother Ken. Ken is five years old. He has got dark curly hair and brown eyes. He likes to play in the park. I often walk there with him. Sometimes when it snows we make snowballs and play a lot. We often make a snowman in the yard of our big house.

   I often go skating to our city skating rink. My friends and I always ski in our city park. It’s such a pleasure to ski when the weather is sunny and frosty. It’s simply great!

  I like December because we have two holidays –Christmas and New Year. I help my parents to decorate the house and the Christmas tree. I prepare presents for my parents and my little brother. I love my winter holidays.

                                    Check your understanding

Complete the sentences with the necessary words.

  1. The girl’s name is …
  2. She has got   …
  3. Ken has got     …    hair and     …     eyes.
  4. She likes              …           holidays.
  5. Lisa often walks to the …
  6. She makes a               …              with her brother.
  7. Sometimes they play   …
  8. Lisa often      …      in winter.
  9. She always         …         with her friends.
  10.                      They celebrate         …              and          …             in December.
  11.                      Lisa decorates …
  12.     She prepares           …           for her family.




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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
20 грудня 2020
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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