Матеріал до уроку "Speaking Comprehension Questions"

Про матеріал
У розробці представлено 5 тем з говоріння з питаннями у якості плану. Матеріал може бути використаний для складання діалогів, монологів, семестрового контролю.
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Use the questions to talk about your favourite sport.

What skills do you need for this sport?

How often should you practise it?

Is it dangerous? Why? / Why not?

How important is it to be physically fit to do this sport?

What do you gain from doing this sport?





Use the questions to talk about what you do to protect the environment.

What do you recycle?

What do you reuse?

What do you reduce?

What do you do at home?

What do you do outside?

What do you tell people who are polluting or throwing litter?





Use the questions to talk about your relationship with modern technologies.

Can you use a computer?

What do you use it for?

How much time do you spend on the internet?

What are the dangers of the internet?

Should young people be taught more about modern technologies? Why? / Why not?





Use the questions to talk about your future ideal job. Give reasons for your answers.

What are you good at?

Would you rather be an employee or self-employed?

What field would you like to work in?

What are the advantages of this job?

What are the disadvantages?





Use the questions to talk about the best holiday you've ever had.

Where did you go?

When did you go?

Who did you go with?

How did you spend most of your time?

What special thing did you do?

Why was the holiday the best you’ve ever had?



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