Теми для усного мовлення 10 клас

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Даний матеріал містить приклад опису трьох ситуацій мовлення для розвитку усного мовлення або контролю мовлення у 9-10 класі. Теми обоано за матеріалом підручника Solutins Intermediate Plus B2
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1. Exams. Photo description.( lesson 1G  students book)

   The photos are connected with the topic of education (or exams). Both  photos show students, but there are some differences too. One of those differences is that in the first photo there are many students whereas in the second  only two girls. It could be that  students are taking their General Certificate of secondary Education exams (GCSEs). Judging by their appearance, they are all 15 or 16 years old. There are a lot of students sitting at their desks. I would guess that they are somewhere in the school hall or maybe in a gym. They are wearing T-shirts, so it's not a cold time of the year-  maybe summer. It's time for exams. There are bottles of water on a few desks, some pens and pencils  nothing more.

    On the other hand, the second photo shows  two students, theyre  both  girls. They are looking happily at their papers. I would guess, that they have just got their exam results, the girls look as if they are the  school-leavers. Their age may be  16 or 17 years old. They are both rather pretty: they  have got nice,long straight hair but one girl  is fair-haired while  the other is dark- haired. From their expressions I would say that they have passed the exams successfully. They look blissfully happy and highly likely they got a place at the university. So their future depended on this results. 

   As for the first photo it is clear from the expressions of the students that the exam they are taking is fiendishly difficult -  they are concentrated, they don't look relaxed they are thinking on the questions of their test. They understand, that if they get terrible grades, they won't be able to enter the university they want. 

   All in all, passing  exams well is one of the most important things in our school life. Maybe even in our whole life .


+  !!! Tell about your personal experience of taking an important exam, your emotions and feelings before and after it. 

2. Money and consumerism.

‘’Love for money is the root of all evil’’  Bible.

   Money and consumerism are two points that, in my opinion, modern society is based on. There are both positive and negative sides of this. 

  I suppose, the main advantage of living in a consumerist society is a fact that there are shops full of things to buy. Personally I love shopping, it's one of my hobbies. So I would hate to live somewhere that doesn't have a good range of products. Though, I agree this may be far too more than we really need. Take, for example, a sports shop, if you go there you will see hundreds of different styles of running shoes. Do you r ally need that much choice?? But, on the other hand, it gives people the chance to  be individuals, to express their personality. Without any choice everyone would have to dress the same.

    But it's also wrong to concentrate on  and to worry about only material things, like having the latest trainers or the latest model of a mobile phone. For many people it's like a kind of an addiction  buying unnecessary things. Possessions don't  really bring us happiness. You have to admit, that there is a lot unhappiness in  today's society, despite all the material wealth. Some people believe, that in  ancient times, when people were living in a primitive society, where there was no  consumerism, they were a lot happier. But personally I would hate to live in a  primitive society, without all the modern advances and technology, for example,  in medicine and science.

    We can't deny that consumerism encourages innovation and progress.

To sum up, money and consumerism have their pros and cons, but we must always keep in mind that money and possessions are less important for our state of happiness than our friends and relatives.

+  Tell us please about the most expensive and the most precious thing in your life.  Is it the same??))

3. Respect for the elderly.

   In all the stages of human life from an infancy to an old age people experience some positive and negative things.But being an elderly is not a pleasant thing  especially if you don't have anyone to care about you.

    In my opinion one of the most serious problems old people face is poverty. The majority of them in fact are quite poor. They haven't managed to save enough money during their working life and the pension they receive from the government is very small. Their families often have not enough money to support them and some elderly people haven't even got a family. I think the only option is for the government to do something about it, to increase the pension and make sure that all old people have enough to live on. It's also fair that everyone would receive the same amount no matter what their job before retirement was .

    Another problem is loneliness. Old people are often lonely because their children have grown up and left their homes. Some elderly live alone because their husband or wife has passed away. In my view, we should pay more attention on old people living nearby: visit them from time to time, ask if they are okay, do some shopping -  things like that.    

     In Ukraine it is utterly unacceptable not to care for elderly parents. Our people place and incredibly high value on duty and respect for older people. It's highly unlikely that you will come across many elderly people in my country who are not being cared for.  In my view, it's excruciatingly painful if an elderly person has to go to a care home because relatives don't want to look after them.

    In an Ideal world, grandparents should spend time with their grandchildren, even take up a hobby like….( here you may give examples of people p.36-37 , student’s book)

+ !!! You may tell about your grandparents.


4. Man’s relationship with animals.

   Throughout our history humans and animals have been connected. These relationships not always have a positive side and effect. Sadly, humans are not usually the best friends of  an animal world. Some centuries ago, there was no such demand for the animals’ fur and people killed the animals only for food. However, in modern times, animals are killed in large numbers because of their fur (tigers, bears, minks)  tasks, (for example elephants), fins ( sharks)  or even horns (the rhino’s horns are used in alternative medicine). Because of this some animals are in danger of extinction. Humans are also destroying their natural habitat -  the place where they live -  they cut down rain forests, pollute rivers, seas, oceans. Hunting for fun is also one of the most cruel forms of entertainment. Keeping wild animals in captivity (in zoos mainly) is one of the negative aspects, as far as the animals are used only for entertainment there and for making profit.

     Despite all these bitterly disappointing facts, humans can also show some positive examples of their relationship with animals. Take, for instance, rescue dogs and search dogs. Dogs working in a K9 unit help police officers in finding criminals, tracking drugs and in searching lost people, in particular after such natural disasters as earthquakes or avalanches. Guide dogs are especially helpful for blind people: they show them the way in the street and are also a good company for them. There is also a kind of animal therapy -  horses can help cure autism, as  they affect positively on children who have this illness.

      All in all, animals are our friends and our pets are always like a member of a family spoiled by our love and attention.

    But we mustn't forget that all the animals deserve our love and compassion.

+ !!! Tell us about your pet, describe it.