Матеріали для дистанційного навчання на тему "UKRAINIAN CUISINE"

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Матеріали для дистанційного навчання на тему "UKRAINIAN CUISINE" можуть бути використані вчителями та здобувачами освіти під час вивчення теми "NATIONAL CUISINE"

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Lesson 2



to revise previously taught vocabulary on the topic;

to improve students’ reading and speaking skills; to motivate linguistic guess;

to activate critical thinking skills;

to encourage understanding and tolerance to others;

to develop self-esteem a sense of respect to others.


By the end of the lesson students will be able:

to use topical vocabulary in speech;

to describe food and traditional Ukrainian dishes;

to speak about cooking Ukrainian borshch.


1. Warm-up

2. Vocabulary

3. Reading & Writing

4. Reading & Speaking

5. Summary

6. Homework

Task 1

Brainstorm your ideas with the topic of the lesson:

varenyks                                         kholodets’








Task 2

a/ List the ingredients you need to cook borshch.

1 cup of chopped fresh beetroot

 1 cup of chopped fresh carrots

 2 cups of green beans, cut into small pieces

 3 or 4 medium potatoes, cubed

 1 kilo of chopped or shredded cabbage

 1/2 kilo of fresh or canned tomatoes, chopped

 1/2 cup of chopped onion

 1/2 cup of fresh dill, chopped salt to taste

 2 tablespoons of finely chopped onion

 2 tablespoons of oil

 2 tablespoons of flour


 minced garlic, to your taste

b/ Read the recipe and put the steps below in the correct order.

Example: Step 1- g/ Cook the beetroot, carrots and green beans in 2 l of water.

















a/ Prepare the thickener.

b/ Taste, add salt.

c/ Add the rest of the cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, onion and dill and let them cook.

d/ Serve.

e/ Add the thickener to borshch.

f/ Add cream and garlic, and cook.

g/ Cook the beetroot, carrots and green beans in 2 l of water.

Task 3

Match photos of the Ukrainian specialties below with the paragraphs.

Example:    a/ - 6. kholodets’

Несладкие вареники с тыквой и луком, пошаговый рецепт с фото   Самый вкусный борщ - пошаговый рецепт с фото на Повар.ру   Смачні голубці по бабусиному рецепту — вони просто тануть у роті   Деруни у блендері - рецепт приготування з фото та видео

  1. varenyks              2. borshch                  3. holubtsi                4. deruny

Сало запеченное в духовке в рукаве рецепт с фото пошагово - 1000.menu   Як варити холодець правильно – рецепти з різних видів м'яса   Млинці з сиром рецепт покроково - як приготувати смачні млинці з сиром —  УНІАН   Домашня ковбаса: секрети приготування від Ігоря Місевича і Андрія Дикого

5. salo                      6. kholodets’            7. mlyntsi             8.domashnia kovbasa

a/ It is a brawn made from boiling pigs’ trotters. The meat is picked off the bone and the gravy sets around it into a jelly as it cools; served with horseradish or mustard.

b/ Pancakes, often made with soured milk for a lighter batter. Thinner pancakes are called nalysnyky, which are rolled and served with a stuffing, usually fruit or jam.

c/ Cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and vegetables, or possibly with spiced minced meat, and stewed slowly in the oven.

d/ Soup based on beetroot with meat and other vegetables; served with sour cream. There are many regional varieties.

e/ Pork fat — no description of Ukrainian cuisine would be complete without it. Ukrainians like their pigs to be fat for it. Spices are rubbed into the skin. It’s eaten in thin slices on black bread with garlic and salt. Especially delicious is the smoked version.

f/ Ravioli-like pasta stuffed with potato, cabbage, mushrooms, meat or cheese, or with cherries as a sweet dish.

g/ domestic sausage, but it can’t be called saliami. The only way to sample true home-prepared sausage is by experiencing it for yourself with the sights and smells of the markets of Ukraine.

h/ Pancakes made from grated potatoes and flour, fried and served with sour cream.


Homework 2

Levels 1-2

Watch the video “Top 10 Most Popular Ukrainian Foods” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l40NbEIzN0w

a/ List the top 10 most popular Ukrainian foods mentioned in the video.

Level 3

b/ Match the names of the dishes with the sentences given below.

  1.               There are more than 300 types of this dish.
  2.               This cold snack is made of meat gelatin.
  3.               These are small dumplings stuffed with unlimited selection of ingredients. This food is loved for every occasion.
  4.               It is a traditional Ukrainian snack usually served on a piece of dark bread and garlic.
  5.               These are potato pancakes.
  6.               They are an elegant and delicate food.
  7.               This soup was loved by Zaporizhian Cossacks.
  8.               This dish is cooked in the oven and contains meat and fat.





Карпюк О. Д. Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання) (English (the 10th year of studies)): підручник для 10-го класу закладів загальної середньої освіти. Рівень стандарту. — Тернопіль: «Видавництво Астон», 2018. — 256 с. іл., ст.92.



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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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