Матеріали до теми "Пори року"

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Матеріали до теми "Пори року" рекомендовано для використання при вивченні теми в 11 класі,матеріал розрахований для різних рівнів вивчення.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Seasons The work of the teacher Svatkovska Nataliya Sergiyvna

Номер слайду 2

PLAN The words to be learnt Dialogues Winter Spring Summer Autumn It looks like rain (a story) Weather forecast On weather Forecast (a story ) Retell the story Proverbs and saings Translate into English

Номер слайду 3

The words to be learned simply просто wonderful чудовий beastly жахлива погода It is raining cats and dogs ллє як з відра There is no sign немає ніякої ознаки To clear up прояснитися Lovely weather чудова погода The weather has changed погода змінилася What can you expect а що можна чекати In our parts в наших краях It has been snowing heavily іде сильний дощ Everything is covered все покрито снігом A thick layer of snow товстий шар снігу If it does not melt якщо не розтане I am sick and tired of this rain мені сильно надоїв цей дощ Wet to the skin промок до кісток Wet through промок наскрізь Heavy clouds важкі хмари it’s going to rain збирається дощ A thunderstorm гроз A shower злива A flash of lightning спалах блискавки It’s pouring ллє як з відра ’

Номер слайду 4

Dialogues Fine day today , isn’t it ? Yes , simply wonderful. 2 A.What beastly wether we are having . B.Yes it is terrible

Номер слайду 5

3. A. It has been rainang cats and dogs since morning. B. Yes, and there no sign of the rain stopping. 4. A. Will it clear up, do you think? B. Who knows?You never can tell... 5. A. What lovely weather we are having! B. Yes, indeed. I hope it will last. 6. A. The morning was fine, and look how the weather has changed. B. Yes, it”s very unpleasant. But what can you expect? The weather in our parts is so changeable.

Номер слайду 6

A. It has been snowing heavily since morning. Look, everything is covered with thick layer of snow. B. Yes indeed! If it doesn”t melt, we can go skiing tomorrow. 8. A. I am sick and tired of this rain! I am already wet to the skin. B. Well, what can you expect? It”s always like this in this season. 9. A. Look at these heavy clouds over there. I think it”s going to rain. B. Oh!There is thunderstorm coming! Look, what a flash of lightning. Come, let”s run for shelter before we get wet through. 10. A. Is it still raining? B. Oh, it”s simply pouring – a real shower.

Номер слайду 7

Seasons Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart. Soft - мякий Blanket - ковдра Lovers of winter sports - любителі зимових видів спорту Go skiing and skating - кататися на лижах та коньках Enjoy tobogganing - дуже люблять кататись на санчатах Read and retell the text using the following questions as a plan

Номер слайду 8

Winter Winter is the coldest season, with short days and long nights, with frost and snow. But it is also a beautiful season, when nature is sleaping under a clean soft blanket of white snow. Lovers of winter spotrs go skiing and skating and hockey playing. Winter is a wonderful season for children too, who enjoy tobogganing, playing snowballs and making snowmen. Answer the questions. 1. What is the coldest season in the year? 2. What are days and nights in winter? 3. Is winter a beautiful season? Why? 4. What is nature doing under snow? 5.What do the lovers of winter sports do? 6. Winter is a wonderful season for children , isn’t it?

Номер слайду 9

Translate into English. 1.Зима найхолодніша пора року. 2. Але вона чудова, тому що природа спить під м”якою білою ковдрою. 3. Взимку ночі стають довшими, а дні коротшими. 4. Зима приходить зі снігом та морозом. 5. Взимку можна займатися різними видами спорту. 6. Якщо ви любите зимові види спорту, то можете покататися на лижах, коньках чи санчатах. 7. Хлопчики взимку люблять грати в хокей. 8. Зима чудова пора року для дітей, тому що в них є зимові канікули.

Номер слайду 10

Read the poems and learn them by heart. Winter. Grey is the sky And the wind is chill. Icicles hang From the window sill. Gone is the swing From the tree-bough, Nobody plays In the garden now. Only the robin With breast of red, Sits and waits For the crumbs of bread.

Номер слайду 11

Winter. The street cars are And everywhere Like frosted cackes- The people go All covered up With faces tickled By the snow. Snowflakes With ccold snowflakes. Merry little snowflakes Dancing through the street, Flying in our faces, Falling at our feet. Merry little snowflakes Winter”s wild bees, Covering all the houses, Dusting all the trees.

Номер слайду 12

Snowflakes. See the pretty snowflakes, Falling from the sky. On the walls and house-tops Soft and thick they lie. On the window ledgers, On the brunches bare, See how they gather, Falling from the air. Snow!Snow!Snow! What is going to do today? Rain or snow? The bunnies say. They look at the sky, all woolly gray, And watch he way the wind is blowing – And they suddenly know – “cause it”s suddenly snowing! Jack Frost. He comes, he goes, He nips our toes. He paints the trees, The pounds he”ll freese. It”s cold and still , the wind is away, And little Jack Frost is busy today. He neeps my cheeks, he nips my nose, And before I catch him, away he goes!

Номер слайду 13

Practice reading the following words and sentences. Learn them by heart. Famous - знаменитий If the heat gets too oppressive - якщо стає занадто жарко To bathe - купатися The hot sun ripens the corn - зерно дозріває від сонця Vegetables - овочі Harvest - урожай Read and retell the text using the following questions as a plan.

Номер слайду 14

Summer. Summer is the warmest season . The sun rises earlier and earlier and sets later and later. In June we have the longest days and the shortest nights .The weather is usually fine, the sky is blue and cloudless, the sun shines brightly in the sky. It is warm and even hot . If the heat gets too opressive, we can bathe in the river and lakes, or go to the sea-side.The hot sun ripens the corn,vegetables and the farmers get ready for harvest. Answer the questions. 1.Is summer the warmest season ? 1.When does the sun rise? 2.When does the sun set? 3When do we have the longest day? 4.What is the usual weather? 5.The sky is blue,isn’t it? 6.Can we bathe in the river?

Номер слайду 15

Translate into English. 1. Літо найтепліша пора року. 2. З кожним днем сонце встає раніше і раніше, а встає пізніше і пізніше. 3. Погода зазвичай чудова. 4. В небі світить яскраве сонце. 5. В червні найдовші дні і найкоротші ночі. 6. Коли спека стає неможливою, можна скупатись в річці чи в озері. 7. Спекотне сонце допомагає дозріти врожаю. 8. Літо – пора збору врожаю.

Номер слайду 16

A Summer Day. Come, my children, come away. For the sun shines bright today. Little children, come with me. Birds and brooks and flowers see; Get your hats and come away, For it is a pleasant day. Let us take a marry ring, Talk and laugh, and dance and sing! Quickly, quickly, come away, for it is a pleasant day. Green Carpets. Btight yellow buttercups, tiny white daisies, Strewn on green carpets where gaily we play, Fold tight your petals when dusk draws her curtain, Hold fast your beauty to gladden the day. *** Tall shining buttercups, shy gently daisies, Stay on green carpets, we’ll not spoil your spread; Plucked you would fade when the dusk draws her curtain, We’ll share your beauty as lighty as we tread.

Номер слайду 17

Two rainbows There’s a rainbow in my garden; Yes indeed, it”s true: Rose and orange, primrose, green, Mauve and deepest blue. Rainboe colours everywhere, Where my flovers grow; All from very tiny seeds, planted long ago. There”s a rainbiw in my garden; See how the colours shine! A rainbow in the sky soon fades, The one who”s lasts is mine. Bath time. Summer. Flowers lift Summer”s here Their faces high Days are long, For the rain to wash And the sun And the sun to dry. Is high and strong. Flowery months. June bring tukips, lilies, roses, Fill the children”s hands with posies, Hot July brings cooling showers, Pinks and many other flowers. The Month of August. The month of August Is the month of fruit; But remember,children, My fruit is not so good. Please remember To wait for September.

Номер слайду 18

Practice reading the following words,word combinations and sentences.Learn them by heart. Nature awakens - природа пробуджується It grows warmer - стає тепліше Buds - бруньки Shoot out new leaves випускають новї листочки Meadows - луки Flowers begin to blossom - квіти починають розквїтати Farmers till the soil - фермери орають землю Sow the seeds - сїяти зерно A nightingale - соловей A swallow - ластівка Migrant birds - перелітні птахи Nests - гнізда Lay and hatch their eggs - вїдкладають яйця та висиджують пташенят Corn fields - поля засїянї злаками Cornflowers - волошки Poppies - мак Read and retell the text using the following questions as a plan.

Номер слайду 19

Spring. Many people think that the most pleasant season is spring. In spring nature awakens from her long winter sleep.The days get longer and the nights shorter.It grows warmer.The trees open their buds and shoot out new leaves. The meadows grow green again,flowers begin to bloom.Farmers till the soil and sow the seeds.Nightingales,swallows and other migrant birds come back from the south, They build their nests,lay and hatch their eggs and sing their merry songs.The corn field are bright with blue cornflowers and poppies. Answer the questions. 1.What do many people think? 2.Does nature awake from winter sleep? 3.Does it grow warmer or colder? 4.The trees open their buds,don’t they? 5.What do the flowers begin to do? 6What do the birds do? 7.What colour are the fields?

Номер слайду 20

The Runaway Snowman. One winter”s day He stayed with me When clouds hung low, All next day. I made a snowman The sun came out: In the snow. He ran away. March wind. March wind goes out to play, He will have such fun today! When the bous and girls come out, He blows their caps and hats about. April. Winter is over Swallows fly back Without any doubt, From teir winter in Spain, Down the meadow Little brown martins The blackthorn is out! Are with us again Far off the dictance I”m sure I hear, too, The herald of spring With his first faint ”Cuckoo!”

Номер слайду 21

The Bells of Spring. The bells of spring are ringing, Are ringing loud and gay. By hill and dale they”re flinging Sweet melody today. In the Garden. It is good to be back At the soil again, Out of the garden To work again. It”s good to plant And sow again, To dig and to rake And to work all day. I”m happy and merry I sing again Because today Is spring again.

Номер слайду 22

Autumn Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart. Autumn sets - осінь наступає A spell of fine sunny weather - період ясної та сонячної погоди Indian summer - “бабине літо” The ground is covered with fallen leaves - земля вкрита опалим листям The farmers are busy harvesting - фермери зайняті збором врожаю Read and retell the text using the following questions as a plan.

Номер слайду 23

Autumn. Autumn sets in september and brings shorter days, longer days and colder weather. Autumn is a rainy season, but there may be spell of fine weather in september which is called Indian summer, when the sky is clear and the nature is full of bright colours. The ground is covered with fallen leaves, and the trees are red,brown and golden.The farmers are busy harvesting. Answer the questions: When does autumn set in? What does autumn bring? What kind of season is autumn? What is Indian summer? What is the graund covered with? What colour are the trees?

Номер слайду 24

Autumn. The maple-tree has turned to red, The poplar leaves are gold. The sky is sunny over the head, The wind is gettung cold. Autumn. The grass is dry and brown. Chrysanthemums are bright and gay. Autumn has come to town! The robins all have gone away. Autumn,autumn, autumn! The trees are all bare. The summer is over. There”s mist in the garden And frost in the air. Summer is over. September comes. October and November Are also autumn months.

Номер слайду 25

Practice reading the following words, word combinations and sentences. Learn them by heart. A little village inn – маленький сільский готель War-time – военний час Food was hard to get – їжу було важко дістати Soup - суп A waiter - офіціант Nodded - кивнути Presently - скоро Stepped - відійшов It looks like rain – схоже на дощ He had just tasted –він щойно скуштував It tastes like rain – на смак як дощ Retell the story.

Номер слайду 26

It looks like rain. A man came into a little village inn and sat down at a table near the window. It was war –time, and food was hard to get. “We”ve got only soup today, sir”, said the waiter to the gentleman. “O”k., bring me a plate of soup”, said the man. The waiter nodded and left the room. Presently he returned with the plate of soup. He put on the table befoore the man and stepped to the window. “It looks like rain, sir”, said the waiter, looking out of the window. While he waiter was thinking of the weather, the gentkleman was thinking of the soup, which he has just tasted. “Well” he said”, and it tastes like rain, too”

Номер слайду 27

Practice reading the following words, word combinations and sentences. Learn them by heart. Occasional local thunderstorms - часами локальні грози Precisely - вточності I don”t believe – я не вірю Opposite - протилежний Completely – цілком, повністю Ruined - зіпсований May be expected – можна очікувати Stopped indoors – залишились влома Passed – проходили повз Coaches - екіпажі It was clear – було ясно There was not a cloud in the sky – в небі не було ані хмаринки With the sun pouring into the room – а сонце заливало всю кімнату We wondered – ми не розуміли A landlady – господиня квартири Not a drop of rain ever fell – не випало ні краплі дощу Put on light clothes – одягли легкий одяг Gave up – залишили, полишили(думку про що-небудь і т.д.) Picnic - пікнік A bitterly cold wind – жахливо хололдний вітер To blow - дути With colds and rheumatism – з застудою та ревматизмом

Номер слайду 28

On weather forecast. George took the newspaper and read us the weather forecast: “Rain, cold, wet to fine, occasional local thunderstorms, east wind”. I don”t believe this waher forecast business. It forecastes precisely what happened yesterday or the day before, and precisely the opposite that is going to happen today. I remember how our plans were completely ruined one late autumn day. We had been plannning to go to the country for a picnic, but then we looced at the weather report in the lpcal newspaper. “ Heavy showers, with thunderstorms, may be expected today,” it said, so we gave up our picnic and stopped indoors all day, waitin for the rain. Many people passed by uc in cars and coaches. It was clear that they were going to the country. The sun was shining, and there was not a cloud in the sky. “Ah!” we said as we stood looking at them through the window,”they will come home wet to the skin!”. And we smiled , thinking how wet they are going to get. By twelve o”clock, with the sun pouring into hte room, the heatbecome quite oppresive, and we we wondered when those heavy showers and occasional thunderstorms were going to begin. At one o”clock a landlady came and asked uf we were going out, as it seemed such a lovely day. “No, no” we replied,”not we. We don”t want to get wet through – no, no.” But not a drop of rain ever fell, and it was fine till late night. The next morning we read that it was going to be “ warm fine day, much heat”, and we put on light clothers and went out, and half an hour after we had started, it began to rain hаrd, and bitterly cold wind began to blow, and it lasted for a whole day, and we came home with colds and rheumatism and went to bed.

Номер слайду 29

WEATHER FORECASTS Two men were travelling in a very wild part of America.They saw no modern houses and no traces of civilization for many days. What they saw were only a few huts made of wood or tents where Indians lived.One day they met an old Indian who was a hunter. He was very clever and knew everything about the forest and animals living in it and many other things. He could also speak English quite well. ‘’Can you tell us what the weather will be like during the next few days?’’ one of them asked him. ‘’Oh, yes ,’’he answered. ‘’Rain is coming, and wind. Then there will be snow for a day or two but then the sunshine will come again and the weather will be fine.’’ ‘’These old Indians seem to know more about Nature than we with all our science,’’ said the man to his friend. Then he turned to the old Indian. ‘’Tell me ,’’he asked ,’how do you know all that?’’ The Indian answered;’’I heard it over the radio.’’

Номер слайду 30

Answer the questions; 1.Where were two men travelling? 2.What did they see? 3.What were the houses they saw made of? 4.Who lived in the tents? 5.What was an old Indian? 6.An old Indian was very clever,wasn’t he? 7.What did he know about forest and animals living there? 8.What language could he speak? 9.What question did the travellers ask the old Indian? 10.What did he answer? 11.Do old Indians seem to know more about Nature then the science?

Номер слайду 31

Speaking of Climate An English and American were discussing the question of climate. The Englishman said it was quite common in England to go out in a sport jacket in the morning and be glad of a thick overcoat in the evening. ‘’That’s nothing,’’ said the American. ‘’I remember two of my friends who argued on the road when the snow lay eught or nine inches deep. At last one of them made a snowball and threw it at the other. It had only five yards to travel,but the weather changed so rapidly and it became so hot that instead being hit by a snowball the man was scaldedby hot water

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