Метеріали до теми "Я, моя родина, мої друзі"

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 Я, моя сім’я, друзі – My family and friends




Картинки по запросу МОЯ СІМЯ І ДРУЗІ













Картинки по запросу СІМЯ














Картинки по запросу ДРУЗІ






І. Read and translate the text.



Friendships are the gift to the mankind. The relations which we get in this world are blood related. But the only relationship which doesn’t relate to blood is friendship. Friendship has many forms and shapes. Friendship gives pleasure to human beings. Friendship is a feeling of comfort and emotional safety with a person. It is when you do not have to weigh your thoughts and words. It is when someone knows you better than yourself and assures to be your side in every emotional crisis. Friendship is when someone comes to rescue you from the worst phase of life. Friendship is comfortable and relaxed. Building friendship takes time. Friendship requires self-disclosure so any friendship has risks. Talking and listening builds friendships. Friendship requires equality and loyalty from friends. Friendship can not be neglected. Friends must be flexible. Friendship may not last. Friendship can lose importance and die gradually. Some friendships end abruptly with unresolved conflict. There is usually pain with the loss of friendship.


II. Choose the correct statement:

1. Friendship has many … and shapes.

A. size;

B. forms;

C. format;

D. modes.

2. Talking and listening … friendships.

A. builds;

B. makes;

C. does;

D. ends.

3. Friendships are the … to the man kind.

A. disaster;

B. present;

C. misfortune;

D. value.

4. Friendship gives pleasure to … .

A. humankind;

B. being;

C. women;

D. children.


III. Answer the question:

Describe your relationship with your best friend.





І. Read and translate the text.



 Everyone has got lot of problems with is parents. Every generation keeps with the tradition of yelling at home.              First of all something we like from anyone, and specially from a person who is close to you is to feel that person cares about you, about your interests. Parents tend to simply ask their children about their lives because they think; they have to, not because they are really interested. Another thing that a parent should take care along the life with his child is to create a relationship with them. It is so usual to feel that your relationship ended with your parents some time ago and now you just live together and still depend economically from them. That just make you feel that you are a bit alone and you need that person at your side. When you still growing up and need some independence, parents should understand and be comprehensive of your needs, knowing when your freedom starts and being sure of the education they gave you.


II. Choose the correct statement:

1. Parents … to simply ask their children about their lives.

A. size;

B. form;

C. want;

D. tend.

2. When you still growing up and need some … .

A. freedom;

B. understanding;

C. imprisonment;

D. confinement.

3. Every generation keeps with the tradition of … at home.

A. keep silence;

B. screaming;

C. understanding;

D. misunderstanding.

4. A parent should … along the life with his child.

A. understand;

B. punish;

C. look after;

D. help.


III. Answer the question:

What are the qualities of good parents?






І. Read and translate the text.



The article. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health


A new health report says that having good friends in your old age helps you live longer. The report also says that having close friends may be more important than having close family ties. Researchers interviewed 1,500 Australians over the age of 70 about their social and family ties. The results suggest that people with close friendships were 22 % more likely to live longer. The researchers said this is because of the positive effects on the body of social activity and recreation. The researchers analyzed data from an Australian study, which began in 1992. The 10-year-long study measured how behavioural, economic, environmental and social factors affected the health of 70-year-olds. The senior citizens were monitored annually for four years and then at three-yearly intervals. The team found that those with the strongest network of friends were less likely to die by the end of the ten-year period. This was true even when the senior citizen lost a spouse. The message is to keep in touch if you want to live longer.



II. True or false:

1. Friends are more important than family for a longer life.

2. A study was carried out on 1,500 British 70-year-olds.

3. Good friends can help you live 22 years longer.

4. Social activity has positive effects on the body.

5. A group of 70-year-olds was studied for a period of 10 years.

6. The group was monitored every year over the 10-year test period.

7. The death of a spouse greatly affected the test data.

8. The message is to keep in touch with friends for a longer life.


III. Writing:

Describe your relationship with your best friends.















І. Read and translate the text.





One of the important problems of all times is a generation gap. Adult’s mentality is different from teenagers. We are the children of two epochs with different views on various subjects. Sometimes when we talk to adults, they listen only to their own point of view. In most cases «new generation» doesn’t understand their parents and becomes depressed because of this. To protest against it, teens can shock people around them. Many people don’t understand problems and things which are very important in teenagers’ life, for example the lifestyles, piercing, tattoos, relationship with friends and teachers. Yes, today new generation «plays» with smoking, drugs and alcohol, but this doesn’t mean that all teens are really bad! Nowadays everyone has a different view on teen’s life. But, in fact, we should simply learn to understand each other.


II. Choose the correct statement:

1. Adult’s mentality is … from teenagers:

A. analogous;

B. the same;

C. different;

D. similar.

A. one epoch;

B. twenty epochs;

C. the same epoch;

D. different epochs.

3. We should simply learn to … each other.

A. misunderstand;

B. appreciate;

C. understand;

D. value.

4. In most cases «new generation» doesn’t … their parents:

A. see;

B. appreciate;

C. speak with;

D. misunderstand.



III. Answer the question:

What is the main problem of “Generation Gap”?



Sukhanytska Tanya
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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
30 серпня 2020
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