Методична розробка «Формування навичок читання учнів початкових класів на основі текстів для домашнього читання»

Про матеріал

Текcти - казки, оповідання будуються на фактичному матеріалі про тварин і птахів , про країну та народ, мова якого вивчається, і відповідають віковим особливостям та інтересам учнів.

Перед початком кожного тексту подано словник нової лексики, який допоможе учням краще зрозуміти зміст тексту.

Сподіваюся, що наданий матеріал допоможе активізувати мотивацію читацької діяльності молодших школярів та розвинути їх інтелектуальний та пізнавальний рівень.

Перегляд файлу

«Формування навичок читання учнів початкових класів

на основі текстів для домашнього читання»

    Зміни в навчальному процесі висувають нові вимоги до діяльності вчителя, які орієнтовані на учня, і це викликає необхідність по- новому підійти до проблеми формування навичок читання на початковому етапі.

    На жаль, досить часто учні працюють з текстами, які не цікавлять їх, не розвивають їх пізнавальну активність, не тренують творчу уяву, пам’ять, логічне мислення що значно ускладняє весь процес вивчення іноземної мови. 

    Текти - казки, оповідання будуються на фактичному матеріалі про тварин і птахів , про країну та народ, мова якого вивчається, і відповідають віковим особливостям та інтересам учнів.

    Перед початком кожного тексту подано словник нової лексики, який допоможе учням краще зрозуміти зміст тексту.

    Сподіваюся, що наданий матеріал допоможе активізувати мотивацію читацької діяльності молодших школярів та розвинути їх інтелектуальний та пізнавальний рівень.

    Вправи, які виконуються з метою формування умінь читання, дадуть учням змогу не лише засвоїти граматичні явища англійської мови, а й розвинути творчі здібності, інтелект, волю, пам’ять та увагу.

     Застосовуючи ці тексти і завдання на уроках, вчителі зможуть прищепити інтерес учнів до читання англійською мовою.

    Даний  матеріал пропоную для учнів 3 класу загальноосвітніх середніх шкіл, батьків та вчителів англійської мови.


Read the tale about little Red Hen.

Картинки по запросу картинка курочки для дітей      Vocabulary

  1. Seed [siːd] насіння
  2. Plant [plɑːnt] саджати
  3. Make bread [tu meɪk bred] піч хліб
  4. Of course [kɔːs] звичайно
  5. With great pleasure [wɪð greɪt ˈpleʒə] з великим задоволенням
  6. Be hungry [tu biːˈhʌŋgrɪ] голодувати
  7. Always [ˈɔːlwəz] завжди
  8. What a pity [wɑːt ə ˈpɪtɪ] як шкода



     This is little Red Hen. Her name is Jen, or Jen the Hen.

     Jen the Hen has got three little children. They are chickens: one son and two daughters. They are little and yellow. Three little children are very, very nice.

     Jen the Hen has got three little friends. They are a cat, a dog and a duck.


Картинки по запросу картинка кота для дітей This is the Cat. His name is Pam, or Pam the Cat. He is a big grey cat.

Картинки по запросу картинка игрушечной собаки черно-белой для дітейThis is the Dog. Her name is Tug, or Tug the Dog. She is black and white. She is very big.

Картинки по запросу картинка  утенка для дітейThis is the Duck. Her name is Chuck, Chuck the Duck. She is brown. She is big, too.



   Jen the Hen has got five seeds. She wants to plant the seeds. “Help me to plant the seeds,” she says to her friends.

   Pam the Cat says, “I don’t want to help you. I want to play”.

   Tug the Dog says, “I don’t want to help you. I want to run and jump”.

   Chuck the Duck says, “I don’t want to help you. I want to swim”.

  “Can you help me to plant the seeds?” Jen the Hen says to her little chickens. Картинки по запросу картинка курица с цыплятами


 ” Yes, we can”.

 Three little chickens love their Mother. They want to help her. And they help to Jen the Hen

to plant the seeds. (They do it very well.)


   Now Jen the Hen has got many seeds. She wants to make bread.

Jen the Hen says to her friends, “Now I’ve got many seeds. Help me to make bread, please”.

“I don’t want to help you to make bread,” says Pam the Cat, ”I want to run and jump”.

“I don’t want to help you to make bread,” says Tug the Dog, “I want to play”.

“I don’t want to help you to make bread,” Chuck the Duck, “I want to swim”.

“What a pity,” says Jen the Hen.


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“Can you help me to make bread?” Jen the Hen says to her three little chickens.

“Of course, we can!” they say. “With great pleasure!”


Now the Hen has got bread.

“Do you want to eat bread?” Jen the Hen says to her friends

“Yes, I do,” says Pam the Cat. “I’m hungry.”

“Of course, I do,” says Tug the Dog. “I’m very, very hungry.”

“Yes, I do,” says Chuck the Duck. “I’m hungry, too.”

    “But now I don’t want to give you the bread,” Jen the Hen says to Pam the Cat, Tug the Dog and

Chuck the Duck. “I want to give the bread to my little chickens. They are very, very nice. They always help me.”


I рівень

1) Match the words with the pictures. Зєднай слова з малюнками.


Hen                    chicken                      cat                          duck                        dog


Картинки по запросу картинка курочки для дітейКартинки по запросу картинка кота для дітейКартинки по запросу картинка игрушечной собаки черно-белой для дітейКартинки по запросу картинка  утенка для дітейКартинки по запросу картинка курица с цыплятами

2) Fill the missing words. Упиши пропущені слова.

  1. Jen the Hen has got three little .
  2. Three little friends are a cat, a dog and ….
  3. Jen the Hen has got five ….
  4. Jen the Hen … the seeds.
  5. Three little chickens love….
  6. She wants to … bread.
  7. Now the Hen has got ….

II рівень

  1. Fill the missing letters and write the words. Упиши пропущені букви.

Chil _ _en, dau _ _ter, fr _ _ nd, chi _ _en.

  1. Find 7 words. Знайди 7 слів.












































III рівень

1) Look at the pictures and write the words. Подивіться на картинки і напишіть слова.

Картинки по запросу картинка кота для дітейКартинки по запросу картинка игрушечной собаки черно-белой для дітейКартинки по запросу картинка курочки для дітейКартинки по запросу картинка курица с цыплятамиКартинки по запросу картинка  утенка для дітей

  1.                      2.                    3.                       4.                         5.
  1. ___________________
  2. ___________________
  3. ___________________
  4. ___________________
  5. ___________________

2) Make up a story about your pet. Use the following words. Склади розповідь про свого домашнього улюбленця. Використай поданні речення.

  1. I have got a … .
  2. Its name is … .
  3. I give him milk … .
  4. I give him food … .
  5. I like to … with my pet.
  6. I like … very much.

3) Read and learn the proverb. Прочитай и вивчи послівя.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.


“Why Rabbits Have Got Long Ears”

Read the tale about Brother Rabbit and his Aunt Mammy-Bammy.


  1. any [ˈenɪ] будь-який
  2. Why Rabbits Have Got Long Ears - Чому У Кроликів Довгі Вуха
  3. clever [ˈklevə] розумний
  4. one day [wʌn deɪ] одного разу
  5. get it for me дістань її мені
  6. hand [hænd] рука
  7. snake's tooth [sneɪks tuːθ] зміїний зуб
  8. some gum [sʌm gʌm] трохи смоли
  9. to make [tu meɪk] робити
  10. mouth [maʊθ] рот
  11. to close [tu kləʊs] закривати
  12. everything [ˈevrɪθɪŋ] все
  13. to teach a lesson  [tu tiːʧ ə lesn] дати урок
  14. here it is [hɪə ɪt ɪz] ось воно
  15. toy bird [tɔɪ bɜːd] іграшкова птиця

https://bipbap.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/rabbit_pictures_for_kids_12.jpg “Why Rabbits Have Got Long Ears”



This is Brother Rabbit. He is grey. Brother Rabbit is very little, but he wants to be big. He wants to be very, very clever, too.

   One day Brother Rabbit comes to his Aunt Mammy-Bammy.

   “Hello, Aunt Mammy-Bammy,” he says. “How are you?”

   “I’m fine, thank you,” says Aunt Mammy-Bammy. “And you?”

   “I’m very well, too. Aunt Mammy-Bammy, can you help me?” says Brother Rabbit.

   “What do you want?”

   “I want to be very big and very, very clever.”

   “I can help you if you do what I want. Can you see this blue bird on the tree? I want to have that bird. Get it for me.”                                                                                

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   Brother Rabbit takes a red box, puts seeds into it and goes to the river where the Bird lives.

Птицы в мультфильм для детей. Маленький милый синица — стоковый векторHe sits down under the green tree with the box in his hands.

   The Bird sees Brother Rabbit and says “Hello, Brother Rabbit. What do you want to do with your box?”

   “Oh, I’ve got many seeds in the box. They are yellow, they are big and they are very, very nice!”

“And what do you want to do with the seeds?” says the Brother Rabbit.

“I want to eat these seeds, too,” says the Bird.

“If you want to eat these seeds,” says the Brother Rabbit, “then jump into the box!”

Картинки по запросу картинка коробки для детей The Bird is hungry, she wants to eat the seeds very much, and she jumps into the box.

   Brother Rabbit takes the box with the Bird in it and runs to Aunt Mammy-Bammy.



  Brother Rabbit goes to Aunt Mammy-Bammy.

  “Hello, Aunt Mammy-Bammy!” he says. “I’ve got the Bird for you. Here it is!” And he gives the Bird to his Aunt Mammy-Bammy.

    Aunt Mammy-Bammy takes the Bird and says, “You are clever, but not very clever. If you want to be very clever, get the snake’s tooth for me. Do you want to be very, very clever?”

“Of course, I do!” says Brother Rabbit, “I think I can do it!”

   Brother Rabbit takes some gum and makes a toy bird out of the gum. Then he takes the toy bird and goes to the Snake.

   The Snake is hungry. She sees the bird. She wants to eat it. The Snake takes the toy bird into her mouth. But now the Snake can’t close her mouth! Brother Rabbit gets the Snake’s tooth out of her mouth.

   “Now I’ve got it!” he says and runs to Aunt Mammy-Bammy.


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   Brother Rabbit comes to Aunt Mammy-Bammy and gives her the Snake’s tooth.

   “Hello, Aunt Mammy-Bammy!” says Brother Rabbit. “I’ve got the Snake’s tooth for you. Here it is! I can get everything. I can get birds! I can get snakes! I can… I can… I can do everything! Now I am big! I am very, very big! Now I am clever! I am very, very clever!”

   “Are you?” says Aunt Mammy-Bammy.

   “Of course I am!” says Brother Rabbit.

   “Then I want to teach you a lesson,” says Aunt Mammy-Bammy. She takes Brother-Rabbit by the ears, shakes him and says. “Don’t boast, Brother Rabbit! Don’t boast!”

   Aunt Mammy-Bammy starts shaking the Rabbit and shaking and shaking, and his ears get longer and longer and longer.

   And so rabbits have got long ears.



I рівень

  1. Guess the color and draw the balloons. Вгадай колір і розфарбуй повітряні кульки.


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             der                                lolwey                        enrge                     regy                        ulbe

  1. What animals can you name from this tale? Draw and write them. Яких тварин з казки ти можеш назвати.Намалюй і запиши їх.
  2. True (+) or false (-). Познач правдиві (+) та неправдиві (-) речення.
  1. Brother Rabbit is white.
  2. Brother Rabbit takes a pink box.
  3. He sits down under the green tree with the box in his hands.
  4. Brother Rabbit makes a toy cat out of the gum.
  5. Brother Rabbit gives her the Snake’s tooth.
  6. Rabbits have got long ears.

II рівень

  1. Combine one part of a word with another. З’єднай одну частину слова з іншою.
  1. rab
  1. ver
  1. yell
  1. ther
  1. cle
  1. bit
  1. bro
  1. ke
  1. ri
  1. uth
  1. mo
  1. ver
  1. un
  1. ow
  1. sna
  1. thing
  1. every
  1. der


  1. Write the words in Ukrainian. Напиши слова українською мовою.
  • to help __________________
  • to want __________________
  • to eat ____________________
  • to take ___________________
  • to teach __________________
  • to run ____________________


  1. Make up sentences from the words.Cклади речення зі слів.
  •  sits down, he,  the green tree, under.
  • wants, she, to eat, very the seeds, much.
  • makes, a toy bird, the gum, out of, he.
  • Wants, it, to eat, she.
  • have got, rabbits, ears, long.



III рівень

  1. Combine the rhyming words. Утвори слова, що римуються.















  1. Look at the pictures and write the sentences with these words. Подивіться на картинки і напишіть речення з цими словами.

https://bipbap.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/rabbit_pictures_for_kids_12.jpg Птицы в мультфильм для детей. Маленький милый синица — стоковый вектор Скачать бесплатно картинки змеи символа 2013 года. Красивые рисунки змей для новогодних работ. Скачать бесплатно змеи прямо сейчас! Картинки по запросу картинка коробки для детей

                       Rabbit                                            Bird                               Snake             Box

  1. Fill the missing words. Упиши пропущені слова.
  1. Brother Rabbit wants to be ___________.
  2. “Hello, ___________,” he says.
  3. “I’m fine, _________,” says Aunt Mammy-Bammy.
  4. Brother Rabbit ___________ a red box.
  5. Brother Rabbit takes some ___________.
  6. ___________ is hungry.
  7. Brother Rabbit gives her ____________.
  8. She takes Brother-Rabbit by ___________.


“The Little Kitten”

Read the tale about the Mother Cat and her little kitten.


  1. paw [pɔː] лапа
  2. one day [wʌn deɪ] одного разу
  3. next day [nekst deɪ] наступного дня
  4. eye [aɪ] око
  5. hear  [hɪə] чути
  6. chick [ʧɪk] пташеня
  7. ear [ɪə] вухо
  8. mouth [maʊθ] рот
  9. to eat a mouse [tuː iːt ə maʊs] їсти мишу


Картинки по запросу картинка котенка для детейOne day a little kitten says to her mother, “Oh, Mother, look at my four little paws! One, two, three, four! What can I do with my four little paws?”

   And Mother Cat says, “Oh, you little kitten, you can run with your paws!”

   And the little kitten runs and runs and runs.

   The next day the little kitten says to her mother, “Oh, Mother, look at my two little eyes! One, two! What can I do with my two little eyes?”

  And Mother Cat says, “Oh, you little kitten, you can see with your eyes.”

  And the little kitten says, “Yes, yes, I can see with my eyes. I see you, Mother, I see little chicks, I see a big dog.”                                                                                                             

Картинки по запросу картинка собаки для детей The next day the little kitten says to her mother, “Oh, Mother, look at my two little ears! One, two! What can I do with my two little ears?”

    And Mother Cat says, “Oh, you little kitten, you can hear with your ears.”

    And the little kitten says, “Yes, yes, I can hear with my ears. I hear you, Mother, I hear little chicks, I hear a big dog.”                                                                                                             

    The next day the little kitten says to her mother, “Oh, Mother, look at my little mouth, what can I do with my little mouth?”

   And Mother Cat says, “Oh, you little kitten, you can eat a mouse with your little mouth.”


 ÐšÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚инки по запросу картинка мышки для детей And the little kitten says, “Yes, yes, I can eat a mouse with my little mouth.”


I рівень

  1. Match the words with the pictures and colour them. Зєднай слова з малюнками та розмалюй їх.

 Картинки по запросу картинки для раскрашивания лапа собаки   Картинки по запросу картинки для раскрашивания рот    Картинки по запросу картинки для раскрашивания рот          Картинки по запросу картинки для раскрашивания ухо                         


  Paw          ear          mouth          kitten            mouse          eye          chick          dog

 Картинки по запросу картинки для раскрашивания  мышь      Картинки по запросу картинки для раскрашивания цыпленок      Картинки по запросу картинки для раскрашивания собака      Картинки по запросу картинки для раскрашивания котенок


  1. Make up word-combinations. Склади словосполучення.
  1. One                                              a) eyes
  2. four little                                      b) day  
  3. two little                                       c) paws 
  4. The next                                       d) mouth
  5. eat                                                 e) day  
  6. little                                              f) a mouse   


  1. Read and learn the proverb. Прочитай и вивчи послівя.

      Live and learn. – Вік живи – вік навчайся.


II рівень

  1. Read the words under the pictures. Make up a new word from their first letters and write it. Прочитай слова під малюнками. З перших літер кожного слова склади нове слово та запиши його.

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         lion                  iguana                            tiger                       turtle

Картинки по запросу картинки животных для детей леопардКартинки по запросу слон картинки для детей                  _________________________

leopard                              elephant


  1. Do the crossword. Read the keyword. Розгадай кросворд. Прочитай ключове слово.










































Картинки по запросу картинки для раскрашивания рот   1.                   Картинки по запросу картинка мышки для детей2.          Картинки по запросу картинка котенка для детей3.

      4. Описание: Картинки по запросу картинка  цыпленок для детей              5.Картинки по запросу картинки для раскрашивания рот       6. Картинки по запросу картинки для раскрашивания ухо


  1.  Fill in the missing letters. Устав у слова пропущені букви.
  1. One day a little ki _ _ en says to her mother, “Oh, Mother, look at my four little p _ _ s!”
  2. The next day the lit _ _ e kitten says to her mo _ _ er, “Oh, Mother, look at my two little

e  _ _s!

  1. And the little kitten s _ _ s, “Yes, yes, I can s _ _ with my eyes.”
  2. And the little kitten says, “Yes, yes, I c _ _ hear with my e _ _s.”
  3. And the little kitten says, “Yes, yes, I can eat a m _ _se with my little mou _ _.”


III рівень

  1. Make up the words. Склади слова.

        omues, nkitet, tmoerh, hcikc, tlitel, umoht.


  1. Dramatize this tale. Розіграйте цю казку за ролями.


  1. Learn the rhyme by heart. Вивчи напамять римівку.

I love my father,

I love my mother,

I love my sister and my brother,

Father, mother,

Sister, brother,

I love you very much.


“A Sly Cat Wants to Have a Friend”

Read the tale about the little sly cat.


  1. sly [slaɪ] хитрий
  2. everyone [ˈevrɪwʌn] весь
  3. to pass by [tuː pɑːs baɪ] проходити повз
  4. let us [let ʌs] дозволити нам
  5. to sing a song [tuː sɪŋ ə sɔŋ] проспівати пісню
  6. then [ðen] потім
  7. funny [ˈfʌnɪ] смішний


 ÐšÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚инки по запросу картинка котенка для детейA cat lives in a small house. Her name is Pussy. One day Pussy wants to have a friend. It looks at everyone who passes by. Everyone who passes by asks, “Little cat! Little cat! What do you want?”

And Pussy says, “I want to have a good friend.”

A dog passes by and says, “Do you want me?”

 “Sing me a nice song,” says the cat.

“Bow, wow, wow,” says the dog. Картинки по запросу картинка щенка для детей

 “I don’t like your song,” says the cat. “Your song is bad. I don’t want to be your friend.”

 A hen passes by and says, “Little cat! Little cat! Do you want me?”

“Sing me a nice song, “says the cat.


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“Cluck, cluck,” says the hen.                                                                            

“I don’t like your song,” says the cat. “Your song is very bad. I don’t want to be your friend.”

Then a mouse passes by and says, “Little cat! Little cat! Do you want me?”

“Sing me a nice song,” says the cat.

“Ziu, ziu,” says the mouse. “Oh! I like your song,” says the cat. “Your song is nice. Let us be good friends.”

Картинки по запросу картинка мышка для детей “Yes, yes,” says the little mouse, “Let’s be friends.”

What a funny little mouse! It wants to play with the cat! The cat is sly!

What does the cat want to do?                       

The cat wants to eat this mouse.



I рівень

  1. Look and write. Розглянь малюнки та підпиши їх.

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     _  _  _                            _ _ _                             _ _ _                            _ _ _ _ _


  1. Read and colour. Прочитай та розмалюй.

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A grey mouse has an                                     A brown dog is on the mat, on the

apple, this apple is red                                  blue mat.

and yellow.


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A black cat has a hat,                                 A white hen is on the

this hat is pink.                                          green grass.

3) Learn the rhyme by heart. Вивчи напамять римівку.

        My Cat

     I love my cat,

     It’s warm and fat.

     My cat is grey,

     It likes to play.


II рівень

1)Fill in the missing letters. Упиши пропущені букви.

pa _ s, son _, _ ittle, n _ ce, go _ d, pla _.

2) Answer the questions. Дай відповіді на запитання.

    1. Where does the cat live?

    2. What does Pussy want to have?

    3. Is the dog’s song nice?

    4. Is the hen’s song nice?

    5. Is the mouse’s song nice?

    6. What does the cat want to do?                         

3) Guess the riddle. Відгадай загадку.

It is not big. It may black, white, grey, red. Its eyes are green. Girls like to play with it. It says “Mew, mew.” What is it?


III рівень

1) Match the animal with its place of living. Say as in the example.

Зєднай назву тварини з її місцем проживання. Скажи за зразком.

Example: A parrot lives in a cage.

Who                   lives                 where

a dog                                          a basket

a cat                                           a kennel

a mouse                                     a henhouse

a hen                                         a hole


2) Choose the correct sentence. Вибери правильне речення.

1. a) A cat lives in a small house.

    b) A cat lives in a big house.

    c) A cat lives in a new house.

2. a) One day Pussy wants to have a mother.

    b) One day Pussy wants to have a friend.

    c) One day Pussy wants to have a father.

3.  a) “Read me a good book, “says the cat.

    b) “Sing me a nice song, “says the cat.

    c) “Help me, please, “says the cat.

4. a) The cat is bad!

    b) The cat is sly!

    c) The cat is good!

5. a) The cat wants to eat this fish.

    b) The cat wants to eat this meat.

    c) The cat wants to eat this mouse.


3) Do the crossword. Read the keyword. Розгадай кросворд. Прочитай ключове слово.







































  1.                              2.                                   3.

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4.                                    5.                            6.

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 “My Little Dog Pif.”

Read the tale about the little dog Pif.


  1. dog-house [dɔg haʊs] будка для собаки
  2. small [smɔːl] маленький
  3. yard [jɑːd] двір
  4.  run out [rʌn aʊt] вибігати
  5. street [striːt] вулиця
  6.  meet [miːt] зустрічати
  7.  be afraid [biː əˈfreɪd] боятися
  8. happily [ˈhæpɪlɪ] щасливо
  9. again [əˈgen] знову
  10. bark [bɑːk] гавкати

    Картинки по запросу картинка щенка для детейOnce in a very old house there lived a little dog. His name is Pif. He is a good dog. His old house is a doghouse. It is a small house. The doghouse is brown, it is in the yard. Картинки по запросу будка для собаки картинка для детей        


                                                                                              This yard is big and nice. Pif likes it.                                                                                     

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    One day Pif says, “I want to run and play.”

    And he runs out of his house. He runs in the street and meets two little kittens. Their names are Pam and Tom.

    “Bow, wow,” he says. The little kittens run from him. Pif runs after them. “Bow, wow,” he says. ”This is good.  I am big, the little kittens are afraid of me, they run from me.”

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      Pif is happy; he runs and runs. He meets five little chicks.   


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      “Bow, wow,” he says. The little chicks run from him. Pif runs after them.

      “Bow, wow,” he says happily. ”This is good.  I am very big, the little chicks run from me.”

      And Pif runs and runs. He meets Mother Hen. She is clever.


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    “Bow, wow,” he says. But Mother Hen does not run from him. She runs after him. “Bow, wow,” says Pif. “This is not good. I am not very big. Mother Hen does not run from me. She is not afraid of me. It’s bad”.

    And Pif does not want to run anymore; he does not want to play, too. He only wants to come back home to his dog-house. There he lives in his brown dog-house. There he is happy again.

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What does the dog like to do?                       

 The dog likes to bark.


I рівень

1) Choose and read aloud the sentences which are true to the tale.Вибери і прочитай

вголос речення, які вірні для казки.

  1. The dog’s name is Rex.
  2. The doghouse is brown.
  3. This yard is small and bad.
  4. Pif runs in the street and meets two little kittens.
  5. He meets Mother Hen.
  6. Mother Hen runs from him too.


2) Match the wors with the pictures. Зєднай слова з малюнками.

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Описание: Картинки по запросу картинка улица для детей


3) Guess the riddles and draw the pictures with these animals. Відгадай загадки і намалюй картинки з цими тваринами.

I am big,                                It is a big animal,

I am grey,                              It eats grass,

My nose is long.                    It gives milk.

My tail is short.                     What is it?

I am an … .                    


II рівень

1) Correct the sentences according to the tale. Виправ речення відповідно до казки.

     1. The dog’s name is Wolf.

     2. The doghouse is white.

     3. This yard is small and bad.

     4. Pif runs in the street and meets three little kittens.

     5. He meets Mother Cat.

     6. Mother Hen runs from him too

     7. The dog likes to jump.


2) Write and fill the missing letters. Напиши та встав пропущені букви.

     1. This is a li _ _ le dog.

     2. The doghouse is br _ _ n.

     3. Pif runs in the str _ _ t.

     4. The little ki _ _ ens are afraid of me.

     5. The dog is ha _ _ y again.


3) Guess the riddles and draw the pictures with these animals. Відгадай загадки і намалюй картинки з цими тваринами.

It is brown.                           It is a green animal.

It has got four legs,               It can swim and jump,

 It sleeps in winter.                It likes to eat flies

 What is it?                            What is it?




III рівень


1) Answer the questions. Дай відповіді на запитання.

     1. Where does a little dog live?

     2. What is his name?

     3. Is his yard little and bad?

     4. Where does Pif run out?

     5. Do the little kittens run from him?

     6. Does he meet five little chicks?

     7. Does Mother Hen run from him?

     8. What does the dog like to do?                       


2) Look at the pictures and write as in the example. Розглянь малюнки та напиши за зразком.

Example: I’m afraid of a crocodile.

                I’m not afraid of a monkey.


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3) Learn the rhyme by heart. Вивчи напамять римівку.

The dog says “Bark-bark!

Take me to the park.”

            The cow says “Moo-moo!

             I’m a cow. Who are you?”

                        The horse says “Bray-bray!

                         I work all through the day.”



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Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів 3 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
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