"Методична розробка на визначення рівня володіння іноземною мовою (англійською) за підручником "Prepare 6"

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота на визначення рівня володіння іноземною мовою (англійською) за підручником "Prepare 6" за І семестр навчання
Перегляд файлу

Початковий рівень

Choose the right verb to complete the phrases.

  1. play \ go \ ride a bike
  2. make \ do \ take a video
  3. become \ do \ have famous
  4. go \ do \ have sightseeing
  5. play \ listen \ open in a band
  6. do \ make \ take a photo
  7. do \make \ give a concert
  8. play \ do \ go camping

                                                                                                                                                                          SCORE ___\8

Середній рівень

Rewrite the sentences with the adverb of frequency in brackets in the correct place.

  1. I go swimming when the weather is good. (always)


  1. I never play football but I play rugby. (often)


  1. My mum doesn’t go snowboarding (often)


  1. Are you bored in class? (sometimes)


  1. I’m bored at the weekend. (never)


  1. Maria doesn’t go sailing in the evenings. (usually)


  1. Are they late for school? (always)


  1. I go swimming in the winter. (never)



                                                                                                                                                           SCORE ___\8

Достатній рівень

Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

Buying and selling on YouBuy

One way to sell something is to use YouBuy. YouBuy is a popular shopping website where people can buy and sell most things after they have registered with it. When someone is selling something, YouBuy gives them instructions on how to put information on the website and how much money the seller pays them. It’s not expensive, it’s not very difficult to do and sometimes it doesn’t take very long to sell things. Lots of people look on YouBuy every day. One day my mother put a wool jumper and some leather boots on YouBuy and 11 people wrote to ask her about the boots. She sold them to the person who wanted to give her the most money. But you don’t always get a lot of money for your things. My older brother put his guitar on YouBuy and nobody wanted to pay more than 10 pounds for it. He decided not to sell it. Sometimes YouBuy is brilliant for buying things and my dad always uses it for sport things. My mum hates using YouBuy for clothes and my brother doesn’t like to buy computer things on it. My aunt really hates YouBuy because she always sees something she likes but she never has any money to spend. But most people love it and things it’s a great way to buy, sell and save money!

  1. The writer thinks it’s difficult to use YouBuy. T\ F
  2. The writer’s mother sold some leather shoes on YouBuy. T \ F
  3. The writer’s brother didn’t sell his guitar on YouBuy. T \ F
  4. The writer’s mum hates buying clothes on YouBuy. T \ F
  5. The writer’s aunt likes using YouBuy. T \ F


                                                                                                                                                           SCORE ___\5

Високий рівень

Write about yourself and your friends. Use the questions below to help you.

         Who are your friends?

         What’s your favorite activity?

         What do you usually do together at the weekend?

         Where do you go?

         What don’t you like doing?

Write about 40 words.



                                                                                                               SCORE ___\10

                                                                                                TOTAL  SCORE ___\31



До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
10 березня 2024
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