Презентація "Be Active!" Full Blast 6

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Презентація розроблена на основі підручника Full Blast 6. Містить компетенції НУШ, а також міжпредметні зв'язки.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Be active!Revise the vocabulary “Sport”Develop listening skills. Develop reading skills. Learn to treat nature with care. Activity in the lesson – 2 points. Reading Task – 3 points. Listening Task – 3 points. Homework – 4 points

Номер слайду 2

Номер слайду 3

Номер слайду 4

Номер слайду 5

Let’s do sport quiz!https://www.baamboozle.com/game/896https://wordwall.net/uk/resource/65992152/sport-equipment

Номер слайду 6

Page 761 A. Complete the table using the words in the box.water polo football volleyball hockey tennis{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}sportplaceequipment. Court. Ball, net, racket. Pool. Ball, goal, swimwear, goggles. Pitch. Ball, goal, boots, shin pads. Pitch. Ball, goal, stick, shin pads. Court Ball, net, knee pads. Tennis Water polo. Football Hockey Volleyball

Номер слайду 7

1 B. Listen and read. Can you guess what the phrases in bold mean?Task: find the definitions for the phrases in bold in the Internet. Every morning I exercise before I go to school. I want to keep fit. Last year I went on a diet and lost six kilos. Ted wants to take up a team sport. He’s really interested in volleyball. You have to be in good shape if you want to take part in the cycling race. I think I put on weight during the summer holidays. My clothes don’t fit me.

Номер слайду 8

1. keep fit =2. go on a diet = lose kilos = 3. take up = be interested in = 4. in good shape = take part in =5. put on weight =to stay healthy and strong through physical exerciseto eat less food because you want to become slimmerto become slimmerstart an activitylike sth very muchto be in a good physical conditionparticipate inbecome fatter

Номер слайду 9

2 A. Listen to three people talking about three different sports. Which sports are they talking about? Match. Linda football Carlos volleyball Owen hockey

Номер слайду 10

2 B. Listen again and write L for Linda, C for Carlos or O for Owen1. My friends and I play the same sport.2. This sport is more difficult than I thought.3. I used to enjoy playing a similar sport.4. I don’t like this sport, but I’m doing it to keep fit.5. I didn’t use to like this sport, but now I love it.6. We practice every day.

Номер слайду 11

Номер слайду 12

Do you know what is plogging? Watch this video and find out.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v0c8x. MAd3e. A&embeds_referring_euri=https%3 A%2 F%2 Fwww.plogging.org%2 F&source_ve_path=OTY3 MTQ&feature=emb_imp_woyt

Номер слайду 13

New tendency which combines taking care of the environment and keeping fit is being widely spread all over the world. The fans of running and healthy lifestyle started to collect trash while their everyday running. This activity is called plogging, which is a portmanteau word from the Swedish “plocka upp” that can be translated as pick up, and English “jogging”. Erik posted it on social media and many users liked his idea, so people started teaming up and going plogging together. In addition to basic running or walking, plogging also involves bending, squatting and stretching, which makes for a good workout. Erik Ahlström founded plogging in 2016. When he moved to Stockholm from a small town, he was surprised by the amount of trash on the streets. During his everyday runs he started picking up any litter he saw along the way. The movement spread and started trending on social media after people would take a picture with a bag full of trash and post it online with the hashtag #plogging. By posting pictures of the trash on social media, the movement aims to increase awareness of plastic pollution. Soon plogging communities started to appear and organize events in different countries.

Номер слайду 14

Іменник (noun) — це самостійна частина мови, що  означає назву предмета чи явища та відповідає на питання хто? або що?Дієслово (verb)— самостійна частина мови, що означає дію або стан предмета й відповідає на питання що робити? що зробив? що робили? що робитимуть? що робила?

Номер слайду 15

New tendency which combines taking care of the environment and keeping fit is being widely spread all over the world. The fans of running and healthy lifestyle started to collect trash while their everyday running. This activity is called plogging, which is a portmanteau word from the Swedish “plocka upp” that can be translated as pick up, and English “jogging”. Erik posted it on social media and many users liked his idea, so people started teaming up and going plogging together. In addition to basic running or walking, plogging also involves bending, squatting and stretching, which makes for a good workout. Erik Ahlström founded plogging in 2016. When he moved to Stockholm from a small town, he was surprised by the amount of trash on the streets. During his everyday runs he started picking up any litter he saw along the way. The movement spread and started trending on social media after people would take a picture with a bag full of trash and post it online with the hashtag #plogging. By posting pictures of the trash on social media, the movement aims to increase awareness of plastic pollution. Soon plogging communities started to appear and organize events in different countries. Task: find 5 nouns and 5 verbs in the text.

Номер слайду 16

Read the text about plogging and answer the following questions:1. What is the new trend mentioned in the passage?A) Collecting stamps. B) Plogging. C) Watching TVD) Playing video games2. What does the word "plogging" mean?A) Playing and jogging. B) Picking up trash while jogging. C) Posing for photos. D) Posting on social media3. Who founded plogging, and when did it start?A) Emma in 2016 B) Erik Ahlström in 2016 C) Stockholm in 2016 D) Plogging communities in 20164. Why did Erik start plogging in the first place?A) To find beautiful landscapes. B) To make friends. C) To keep fit and pick up trash. D) To become a social media star5. What extra activities are involved in plogging, besides running or walking?A) Swimming and cycling. B) Bending, squatting, and stretching. C) Playing basketball. D) Reading books6. How did plogging gain popularity on social media?A) By organizing large events. B) Through the use of the hashtag #plogging. C) By posting pictures of pets. D) By creating plogging communities

Номер слайду 17

Hometask: to find some information and photo of 1 interesting or unusual kind of sport. For example: Ostrich racing. Originated in Africa, ostrich racing has become quite popular, making its way to the United States. Ostriches can reach a marvellous speed of almost 70 km per hour, and this makes it exciting for the onlooker!

Номер слайду 18

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  1. Ruda Oksana Volodymyrivna
    Superb!!! Дякую за Вашу розробку! Чітко, лаконічно , є додаткові завдання!!!
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