Методична розробка практичного заняття: A TRIP BY RAILWAY

Про матеріал
В сучасних умовах інформативного суспільства іноземна мова посідає важливе місце. Володіння іноземною мовою стало одним із визначальних факторів у підготовці сучасного висококваліфікованого фахівця, що вміє повноцінно спілкуватися із закордонними фахівцями в сфері своєї професійної діяльності. Тому, перед сучасним викладанням іноземної мови як ніколи гостро постало завдання поряд з комунікативною мовленнєвою компетенцією також формувати компетенції загальні, які, зокрема передбачають соціокультурні знання, вміння і навички міжкультурного спілкування, а також уміння учитися. Навчання іноземної мови у середньому спеціальному навчальному закладі передбачає комплексну реалізацію практичних, виховних і освітніх цілей. Іноземна мова є важливим засобом міжкультурного спілкування, вона сприяє вербальному порозумінню громадян різних країн, забезпечує такий рівень їхнього культурного розвитку, який дозволяє вільно орієнтуватись і комфортно почуватись у країні, мова якої вивчається. У звязку з цим стає актуальною позиція за якою здатність зрозуміти представника іншої культури залежить не тільки від коректного використання мовних одиниць, але й від особливих умінь розуміти норми його культури, у тому числі мовленнєвої поведінки у різноманітних ситуаціях. Це зобов'язує розглядати іноземну мову не лише як засіб міжкультурного спілкування,але і як своєрідний інструмент поєднання іншої культури та пропаганди власної, що сприяє духовному взаємозбагаченню, підвищує рівень гуманітарної освіти.
Перегляд файлу







                                                                                 Циклова комісія іноземних мов










Методична розробка


практичного заняття:


                  ” A TRIP BY RAILWAY “










                                                         викладача англійської мови:  Д.В.Молодова















Львів – 2021 р.

План заняття №



Тема  практичного заняття:” A TRIP BY RAILWAY


Мета заняття: 1) закріплення пройденого лексико-граматичного матеріалу,

                           2) розвиток та тренування діалогічного та монологічного  


Aim         Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

 Т. ------------




I. Topical vocabulary


Carriage ['kfleridjjf car, coach ['koutf ] - вагон

train f/trein]- поїзд

sleeper, sleeping car- спальний вагон

lunggage van ['lAgiifa, vsen], baggage van - багажний вагон

trunk - валіза

stopping train*- приміський поїзд

through train [eru:]- поїзд прямого сполучення

express train, fast train - швидкий поїзд

schedule, time-table, railroad time f^edju: 1, 'skedju: 1] - розклад

arrivals jVraivslz]-прибуття

departure ^і'ра:&з]-віднравлення

booking-office, ticket -office, ticket-room- білетна каса

to board a train [bo :dj, to take a train- сідати на поїзд

to miss the train- запізнюватись на поїзд

to announce (VnaunsJ- оголошувати

loud speaker ['laud 'spi:ka]- гучномовець

guard [gX:d], attendant, porter- провідник

dining-car- вагон-ресторан

left- luggage office, cloak-room, baggage-room, check room- камера для схову

bookstall, newspaper stall, news-stand - книжковий кіоск, газетний кіоск

to see off - проводжати

one way ticket - квиток в один кінець

return ticket, round ticket — квиток туди і назад

porter [*рЭ:1э] - носильник

inquiry office-fin'kwaisri' ofls]--квитково- каса $&(Jp&Ј< tffaAo

reserved seats car [ri'z3vd ai:ts ka:] - плацкартний вагон compartment [kam'partment] - купе

lower berth [Msva Ьз:е] - нижня лава

upper berth Е'Хрэ Ьз:е] - верхня лава Where do we change? - Де у нас пересадка?


II. Conversations Learn the dialogues:


1. At the Inquiry Office


- Please can you tell me from what platform trains leave for Simferopol?

- From the first platform. -Are there several trains?

- There are in all four trains from L’viv to Simferopol daily.


2. At the booking office


-What trains are there to Leeds?

-There are two through trains at 9 a.m. and at 3.20 p.m.

- How much is the one-way ticket there?

- 30 pounds.

-And a return one?

- 55 pounds.

- Fine. Please give me a return ticket for a 9 o'clock train.

- All right. What berth would you prefer?

- Upper one, please.

- That's unusual. Everybody asks for the lower berth.

- Of course, it is more convenient, but mere is always a lady or a child who needs a lower berth so I prefer an upper one.


3.At the Railway Station.


- Hallo! Porter.' Can you take my luggage?

- Certainly. How many things?

- Two. This little parcel I can carry myself.

- What is your train?

- The express for Simferopol. Is it in already?

- It is due to arrive in a few minutes. Will you pass into the waiting-room meanwhile, or do you prefer going straight to the platform?

- Let's go to the platform straight away.

- Here is your train coming in. Will you tell me what is the number of your car or berth?

- Carriage six, berth nine. I wonder whether it is an upper or a lower berth.

- I see from the number that it must be an upper berth. Do you mind it?

- Not very much. Of course I should like a lower one better, but after all it's all the same to me.


III. Fill in the missing remarks:


1. Where is the inquiry office?-..................................................................

2. Is it a fast train?-.................................................................................

3. When is the train due in Boston?-.............................................................

4. Oh, I'm afraid it is not very convenient.-.....................................................

5. What berth would you prefer?-.............................................................

6. Did you check our luggage? Where is the receipt?-.......................................

7- We still have half an hour before the train. Shall we go to the waiting room?-........

IV. Answer the question:


1. Do you like traveling by railway?

2. How many days in advance do you book your tickets?

3. What trains are most convenient for traveling over long distances?

4. Where do you get information about trains?

5. Who helps travelers to carry their luggage?

6. Who takes care of the passengers while they are traveling?

7. Where do you have your meals while traveling by railway?

8. How are trains announced?


V. Read the article about European train travel in the next century. Answer the questions:


1. What is the CER proposal?

2. When did first TVG line start operating?

3. What effect have high-speed trains had on airlines on many routes?


Underline five verbs in the text which refer to the future:


"The new age of the train"


In January 1989, The Community of European Railways (CER) presented their proposal for. a high-speed, pan-European train network, extending from Sweden to Sicily, and from Portugal to Poland, by year 2020. If their proposal becomes a reality, it will revolutionize train travel in Europe. Brussels will be only one and half hours from Paris to Frankfurt, from Milan to Marseilles, and from Barcelona to Madrid, will be by train, not plane.

    When the network is complete, it will integrate three types of railway line: totally new high-speed lines with trains operating at speeds of 300kph; upgraded lines, which allow for speeds up to 200-225kph; and existing lines, for local connections and distribution of freight.

 In business people can choose between a three-hour train journey from city center to city center, and a one-hour flight, they'll choose the train, says an executive travel consultant. They won't go by plane any more. If you calculate flight time, check-in, and travel to and from the airport, you'll find almost no difference. And if your plane arrives late, due to bad weather or air traffic congestion or strikes, then the train passengers will arrive at their destination first!

Since France introduced the first 260kph TVG service between Paris and Lyon in 1981, the trains have achieved higher and higher speeds. On many routes, airlines have lost up to 90% of their passengers to high-speed trains. If people accept the CER's plan, the 21st century will be "The New Age of the Train'.




Make' up a short conversation, using the following word combinationіon


1. To have come to the station to see friends off.

2. To ask somebody where they have been.

3. To have a look at the station.

4. To ask friends if they have got tickets. To ask the number of the carriage.

5. To ask a friend if he has already got some-newspapers to read.

6. To ask a friend to write letters.


Home reading:


Mistaken Identity

(After Mark Twain)



Years ago I arrived one day at Salamanca near Mew York, where I was to change trains and take the sleeper. There were a lot of people on the platform, and they were all trying to get into the long sleeper train which was already packed.

I asked the young man in the booking-office if I could have two tickets and he answered "No!-." and shut the window in my face.

I found a local official and asked him if I could have some poor little corner somewhere in a sleeping - car, but he cut me short saying: "No, you can't, every corner is full. Now, don't trouble me anymore," and he turned his back on me and walked off.

I said to my companion. "These people talk to me like this because they don’t’ know who I am. If they Knew..."

But my friend stopped me, "Don't talk- such nonsense," he said, "if they knew who you are. do you think it would help you to get a vacant seat in a train which has no vacant seats in it?" That was too much. '

I found the same local official and said Very1 politely that my name was Mark Twain and... But he cut me short again: "I told you not to trouble me any more," and again he turned his tack on me.

Ї looked around helplessly but just then the conductor came to me, his face all politeness.

"Can I help you. sir?" he said. "Will you have a place in the sleeper?"

"Yes, certainly," I said.

"We have only the big- family compartment," be continued. "Here, Tom, take these suitcases to the big- family compartment. "

The porter made us comfortable in the compartment, and then said. "Now, is there anything" you want., sir? Because you can have just anything you want. "

"Well. How, that lamp is rather too high. Can I have another lamp just at the head, so that I can read comfortably?".

"Yes, sir. The lamp you want is in the next compartment. I'll get it from there. Yes, sir, you can ask for anything you want, " And he disappeared.

Here I smiled at my companion and said, "Well, what do you say now? Didn't their- attitude change the moment they learned that I was Mark Twain?"

As I was saying this, the porter's smiling Гасе appeared in the doorway, and this speech followed, "Oh, sir, I recognized, you the minute I set my eyes on you. I told the conductor so. "

"is that so, my boy?" .1 said, "who am I?"

"Mr. Mr. Clellah, Mayor. of New York," he said and disappeared.


Answer the following questions:


1. 'What did Mark Twain do at Salamanca?

2. What were all the people doing on the platform?

3. Who did Mark Twain speak to about getting a place in a sleeper?

4. What answers did he get from them?

5. Who helped Mark Twain to get the family compartment?

6. In what way 'did the porter make Mark Twain and his companion comfortable there?

7. Why did the conductor give him the family compartment?


29 листопада 2021
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