Міністерство охорони здоров’я
комунальний заклад
«Бериславський медичний фаховий коледж»
Херсонської обласної ради
з дисципліни: «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням»
на тему: «Objects care»
Розглянуто та схвалено на засіданні
циклової комісії викладачів гуманітарної та
соціально-економічної підготовки
Протокол № ___ від «___ » ________ 20__ року
Голова циклової комісії ______О. Запорожець
2019/2020 н.р.
Навчально-методична карта
Тема: «Objects care»
Курс: ІІІ, спеціальність «Сестринська справа»
Кількість навчальних годин: 2
Місце проведення: аудиторія № 309
Знати: Догляд за хворими
Вміти: вести діалог
Знати: лексичний матеріал
Вміти: застосовувати медичну термінологію в писемному та усному мовленні
Знати: лексичний матеріал
Вміти: читати та перекладати текст, відповідати на запитання
І. Підготовчий етап.
Teacher: Good afternoon, students! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.
Students: Good afternoon. ! I’m glad to see you, too.
Teacher: Who is on duty today?
Student: I am on duty today.
Teacher: What day and date is it today?
Student: Today is … .
Teacher: Who is absent?
Student: All are present.
ІІ. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
Teacher: Read and translate the proverbs
Health is above wealth.
An apple a day keeps doctors away.
A sound mind in a sound body.
Early to bed and early to rise,
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Teacher: So, the topic of our lesson: “Objects care”.
You should be able:
ІІІ. Основна частина заняття.
Task 1. Write down the words. Read and translate the words:
Task 2. Listen the text about objects care.
Patient care is a set of measures aimed at maintaining and restoring the patient's strength and creating minds that contribute to rapid recovery, prevention and prevention of complications.
It includes hygienic maintenance of the room where the patient is, maintaining proper hygiene of the patient, comfortable bed equipment, care for clean bedding and clothing, organization of nutrition, providing assistance to the patient in eating, toilets, various illnesses, disorders that occur during the disease (vomiting, urinary retention, gas, shortness of breath, epileptic seizures, etc.).
Usually patient care is divided into general and special. Particular difficulties arise in the care of the seriously ill.
Directly related to care is clear and timely implementation of all prescribed medical procedures and prescriptions, as well as monitoring of the patient's condition (according to appointments), which must be carried out by a mid-level health worker (nurse, paramedic, midwife), especially in the absence of a doctor .
All patient care is based on the principles of the regime that protects and defends the patient's psyche. Elimination of various stimuli, negative emotions, providing peace, quiet, creating comfort and sensitivity to the patient contribute to rapid recovery.
Physicians and nurses must understand and study the characteristics of each patient and remember that the disease often changes the psyche and behavior: the reaction to the environment, "increases" irritability, moodiness, and others. Patience, tact, composure, discipline and attentiveness are needed to find a way to establish contact with the patient, to gain his trust, to maintain his confidence in recovery and success of treatment.
In addition to morale, you need to monitor your appearance. Clothes should be clean, ironed, neat, hair tidy, hands clean, nails trimmed, use of cosmetics, perfumes and jewelry in moderation. Many medical institutions have special uniforms.
Task 3. Read and translate the text.
Task 4. Answers to the following questions.
Task 6. Fill in the blanks.
Task 7. Write 10 sentences with new vocabulary.
Examples of nurse’s work
Task 8. Write a short story about the care of a bedridden patient.
IV. Заключна частина.
Task 10. True or false.
Home task: