Методична розробка відкритого заняття з англійської мови на тему: "Science and Technology"

Про матеріал
Розробка містить багато різноманітних форм та методів роботи (бесіду, читання, мозковий штурм, аудіювання діалогічного мовлення та з використанням тематичного відеоролику, роботу з інтерактивним підручником High Note, лінгвістичний квест, роботу на платформі Worldwall, гру Kahoot), що відповідають психофізіологічним та індивідуальним особливостям студентів і сприяють успішному досягненню мети заняття. Домашнє завдання є диференційованим.
Перегляд файлу



Міністерство освіти і науки України

Відокремлений структурний підрозділ

 «Фаховий коледж інженерії, управління та землевпорядкування Національного авіаційного університету»













Методична розробка відкритого заняття


з дисципліни :

« ___Іноземна мова  _»


Галузь знань  ___07_   «Управління та адміністрування»


Спеціальність _073       «Менеджмент»



Освітньо-професійна програма  «Організація виробництва»



Освітній /освітньо-професійний/ ступінь    бакалавр /фаховий молодший бакалавр/ 




                                                             Розглянуто та схвалено

на засіданні циклової комісії 

_іноземних мов       

Протокол № 3_ від  _27.10.2023

Голова  ЦК _______Ніна ГРИШКО

                                                                       Укладач_____     Ірина СЛИНЬКО




                                                     2023  рік

Тема заняття: Наука і технічний прогрес.



навчальна: формування вмінь сприймати спеціальну термінологію на слух; використовувати лексику в усному мовленні; практикувати в читанні текстів з вилученням повної інформації; удосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання та монологічного мовлення; активізувати лексику по темі, розширювати словарний запас;

розвиваюча: розвивати комунікативні навички; в процесі роботи на уроці сприяти розвитку вміння студентів формулювати та аргументувати свої думки, знаходити необхідну інформацію; розвивати навички самостійної роботи;

виховна: виховувати інформаційну культуру; розширювати кругозір; сприяти розумінню необхідності вивчення іноземної мови для досконалого володіння  інформаційними технологіями.

методична: показати методику організації та проведення занять з інтерактивним підручником  та гейміфікації під час дистанційного навчання.

Результати навчання (компетентності) студенти розуміють основний зміст текстів як під час безпосереднього спілкування зі співрозмовником, так і опосередковано (у звукозапису) відповідно до тематики ситуативного спілкування, виділяють тему / ідею, диференціюючи основні факти і другорядну інформацію, вибирають необхідну інформацію з прослуханого. висловлюються відповідно до певної ситуації або у зв’язку з прочитаним, почутим, побаченим; спілкуються, дотримуючись основних норм, прийнятих у країнах, мова яких вивчається; читають (з повним розумінням) тексти, побудовані на знайомому мовному матеріалі.

Тип заняття: заняття формування знань та умінь

Вид заняття: практичне з використанням комп’ютерної технології

Метод заняття: словесний, практичний, наочний.

Матеріально-технічне забезпечення:_інтерактивний підручник, фонограма.


Схематичний план уроку

  1.               Організаційний момент (вступний)                                                                1хв.
  2.               Актуалізація опорних знань                                                                            3хв.
  3.               Повідомлення теми, мети і завдань уроку.                                                    2хв.
  4.               Презентація нового лексичного матеріалу, тренування вживання його в мовленні.                                                                                                                8хв.
  5.               Презентація нового граматичного матеріалу та тренування вживання в мовленні граматичного та лексичного матеріалу.                                            15хв
  6.               Закріплення вивченого.                                                                                     50хв.
  7.               Підсумки уроку, коментування навчальних досягнень студентів, виставлення оцінок                                                                                                                  5хв.
  8.               Повідомлення домашнього завдання.                                                              2хв.
  9.               Організаційний момент (завершальний)                                                         2хв.                          




Хід уроку


Логістика заняття:

1.Організаційна момент. 

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. Dear children, I hope that you are in a good  mood today, you can evaluate your mood yourself.

2. Актуалізація знань.                                                                                       


1) What do you think of today’s technology?

2) Is technology a good or a bad thing?

3) What new technology could you not live without?

4) Has technology made our lives better than our grandparents’ lives?

(Слайд 1)

Let’s have a short quiz. There are three definitions about science and one of them

is false.

1. Astronomy is the study of everything in the universe beyond Earth’s


2. Biology is a natural science discipline that studies living things.

3. Physics is the study of composition, properties, and reaction of matter. (Слайд 2)


3. Повідомлення теми, мети і завдань уроку.

Show a presentation with the topic and goals of the lesson on a slide. The topic of the lesson is science and technology.  (Слайд 3)


Objectives: (Слайд 4)


 To engage students in the learning process; to introduce and practice the new topic and grammar point; to focus students on using Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous Tenses; to revise previously taught vocabulary; to improve student’s  reading, speaking and listening skills; to activate the ability to think logically.

 To develop student’s communicative and linguistic competence; to active thinking and creative imagination; to encourage understanding and tolerance to others.

 To interest students in learning English; to broaden student’s outlook.


Announcement of expected results. (Слайд 5)

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson students will be able:

 To show the basic knowledge on the topic in English; to know the vocabulary of

the lesson.

 To understand using of Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous Tenses.

 To show the ability of reading, speaking and listening for the main ideas and



4. Презентація нового лексичного матеріалу, тренування вживання його в мовленні.

4.1.  (T–S, S–T) Exercise 1 Students take turns speaking about the branches of science.

Which areas of science do you find most interesting: astronomy, biology,   chemistry, earth science, physics? Discuss in pairs.                                                                   


Розвиток навичок аудіювання.

4.2. T–S, S–T) Exercise 2. Ss are referred to the rubric. SS look at the photo on page 18 and are asked to say what they think is happening in it. Ss read the question. It is explained that the audio will be played for Ss to identify what is happening in the dialogue. Audio is played and Ss are asked to listen carefully. Then Ss are answer the question.

 Read and listen to the conversation between Kit and Jen. What are they talking about?                                                                                                       



Hi, Jen! How's it going?


I'm fed up. I've been revising Chemistry all day.


All day? Seriously? How long have you been revising?



I've been revising for hours, ever since I had breakfast.
So far, I've read three units of the book and I've memorised
almost all the formulas. How have you been getting on?


I haven't been revising.


No? What have you been doing?


I've been thinking about our Physics project.


The project? I haven't had time to think about that.
Have you come up with any good ideas?


I've been working on a text about the Voyager space probes.
I've written a first draft.


Sounds good. What about the visuals?


I've been searching on the Internet and I've found some cool photos.
I'll send you what I've done.



5. Презентація нового граматичного матеріалу та тренування вживання в мовленні граматичного та лексичного матеріалу.


5.1.  (T–S, S–T) Exercise 4. Ss are referred to the Grammar box. Ss are asked to read through it individually and asked any questions if they do not understand something. Then Ss are asked to complete the activity individually. Answers are checked as a class. Each grammar point may be gone through and Ss are asked to make up their own sentence using the conditional in question. Ss are referred to the Grammar Reference and Practice section on page 174 for more information and practice exercises.

Study the Grammar box and find more examples of the Present Perfect Simple and the Present Perfect Continuous in the conversation.                   

Present Perfect Simple and Continuous 

  •                   We use the Present Perfect Simple to talk about a finished activity in the past if we don't say exactly when it happened or if it happened recently. We focus on the result. We often say how much/many things we've done, how many times something has happened or how far we've travelled.
  •                   We use the Present Perfect Continuous to talk about an activity that started in the past and may still be continuing. We focus on the activity, not the result. We often mention how long the activity has been going on. We use this tense for a recent finished or unfinished activity that explains something in the present.

Time expressions: since 2016/January/Monday, for two years/ three months/a week.

Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Simple

  •                   We use the Present Perfect Simple to talk about a finished activity in the past if we don't say when it happened. We focus on the result, which can often be measured:
    I've designed and built many websites. (I have done this work in the past, now I have experience in it.)
  •                   If we say how many things or how much we've done, how many times something has happened or how far we've travelled, we use the Present Perfect:
    Paul has lived in Spain for many years.
    I have read his blog three times already, now I can remember almost every word.
  •                   Questions in the Present Perfect Simple often begin with how many:
    How many books has she written?

 Present Perfect Continuous 







(have not)     





(has not)


Yes/No questions

Short answers



been studying?                     

Yes, I/you/we/they have.
No, I/you/we/they haven't.



Yes, he/she/it has.
No, he/she/it hasn't.


Wh- questions

Subject questions

How long     










  •                   We use the Present Perfect Continuous to talk about an activity that started in the past and may still be continuing. We focus on the activity, not the result:
    I have been revising for the test all day.
  •                   We often mention how long the activity has been going on:
    I have been waiting for the exam results for two weeks.
  •                   We use this tense for an unfinished or recently finished activity that explains something in the present:
    I've been revising for the Maths exam for hours. I am exhausted.
  •                   Questions in the Present Perfect Continuous often begin with how long:
    How long have you been waiting for the bus?

Since and for
We use since (from a point in time) and for (through a period of time) with both the Present Perfect Simple and the Present Perfect Continuous:
She's lived here since 2012.
They've been working on the project for ten years.


6. Закріплення вивченого.

6.1.  (T–S, S–T) Exercise 5.Working with dialogue. Students complete the exercise by inserting grammatical constructions and explaining their use.

Look at Kit's draft of the Physics project and choose the correct forms to complete it.                                                                                                   

The Voyager programme 
PHYSICS PROJECT Kit Hart & Jennifer Jordan

The mission of the Voyager space probes is to study the outer planets and to voyage beyond our solar system into interstellar space.

They've travelled /been travelling for over forty years. Voyager 2 left Earth on August 20 1977, and sixteen days later, on 5 September, Voyager 1 was launched.

Voyager 1 has travelled/been travelling over 21 billion kilometres. No man-made object has ever gone/ beeb going so far from the Sun. It has flown/been flying past Jupiter and Saturn and their moons. Since August 2012 it's travelled/ been travelling through our galaxy in the direction of the constellation Ophiuchus.

Voyager 2 hasn't gone/been going quite as far as its sister spaceship. It's travelled/been travelling about 17.6 billion kilometres and it's visited/been visiting four planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. However, it hasn't reached/been reaching interstellar space yet.

Since they began their amazing voyages, the probes have continuously sent/ continuously sending back radio waves together with images and other scientific data. So far, they've sent/been sending tens of thousands of photographs and a lot of valuable information about the planets and their satellites.


6.2. Організація проведення інтерактивної гри  KAHOOT (Додаток 1)


6.3. (T–S, S–T) Exercise 6. Students should write questions about the voyage programme using  the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous. Then put them in pairs to ask and answer the questions.

Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in brackets. Use the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous. Then listen and check.      


A. How long have you’ve been studying (you/study) Biology?

B. I______   (not/study) Biology for long, only since I started high school.

A. What ______ (you/do) in class recently?

B. We  _______ (do) projects and experiments with light and plants.

A. How many experiments _________(you/do)?

B. So far, we               (carry) out three experiments.

A. ______  (you/ever/think) of studing Biology at university?

B. No, it _______  (not/cross) my mind. I  _____  (always/be) more interesting in astronomy. ______ (you /here) about the mission to Mars? It’s fascinationg. I  ______ (follow) it on the spaceX webside.

A. Yes, I


In pairs, ask and answer the questions from Exercise 6.                       

Then replace Biology with another science, change partners and ask and answer the questions again.

  •                   How long have you been studying Biology?
  •                   What have you been doing in class recently?
  •                   How many experiments have you done?
  •                   Have you ever thought of studying Biology at university?
  •                   Have you heard about the mission to Mars?


6.4. (T–S, S–S, S–T) Exercise 9 Students perform a vocabulary exercise, filling in the blanks with the necessary vocabulary.

Complete these sentences with the highlighted words from Kit and Jen's Physics project.                                                                                                    

The Voyager programme 
PHYSICS PROJECT Kit Hart & Jennifer Jordan

The mission of the Voyager space probes is to study the outer planets and to voyage beyond our solar system into interstellar space.

They've been travelling for over forty years. Voyager 2 left Earth on August 20 1977, and sixteen days later, on 5 September, Voyager 1 was launched.

Voyager 1 has travelled over 21 billion kilometres. No man-made object has ever gone so far from the Sun. It has flown past Jupiter and Saturn and their moons. Since August 2012 it's been travelling through our galaxy in the direction of the constellation Ophiuchus.

Voyager 2 hasn't gone quite as far as its sister spaceship. It's travelled about 17.6 billion kilometres and it's visited four planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. However, it hasn't reached interstellar space yet.

Since they began their amazing voyages, the probes have been continuously sending back radio waves together with images and other scientific data. So far, they've sent tens of thousands of photographs and a lot of valuable information about the planets and their satellites.

6.5. Організація та проведення інтерактивної гри на платформі Wordwall «Rotating wheel».


6.6. (T–S, S–S, S–T) Exercise 10 Students watch the video. and they are allowed to go on page 196. Read the question and watch the video. Say what the speakers answer. Then in pairs, ask and answer the question.                                               What have scientists been working on recently?

 Read the sentences  one by one and say if the statements are true or false.

(Слайд 6)

Chris said that scientists have been working on a renewable and focusing on improving the sustainability of the world and ecosystem.  

Alex said that scientists have been working on ocean cleanup things like cleaning  up plastic from the oceans.

Nicole said that scientists have been working on reducing emissions from cars, trains, more electric energy, that’s what’s much better.

Alizee said that scientists have been working on cancer research because  it’s very important  for everyone around the world.

Nicky said that scientists have been working on a cure for HIP over past ten years.

Nathan said that scientists have been working on way to get to Mars to get people to go there on holidays.

Eleanor said that scientists have been working on technology, especially the glasses that you can take photos with.

6.7. SPEAKING In pairs, role play the situations.                                           



You are training for a mission to Mars. You have been at a training camp in the Atacama desert in Chile for the last three months. You have an online interview with a student. Answer his/her questions.


You are interviewing an astronaut who is on a mission to Mars. Ask him/her what he/she has been doing, how he/she has been feeling and the things he/she has done and seen.



You are interviewing an astronaut who is training for a mission to Mars. Ask him/her what he/she has been doing, how he/she has been feeling and the things he/she has done and seen.


You are a member of the crew on a mission to Mars. Your spaceship has almost arrived at the red planet. You have an online interview with a student. Answer his/her questions.


7. Підсумки уроку, коментування навчальних досягнень студентів, виставлення оцінок. 

 Ss are referred to the Can-do statement at the bottom of the page and encouraged to reflect on what they have learnt. They are told  to think about what they found new, interesting, easy or challenging.

Summing up. (Слайд 7)

What can we say about today’s lesson?

What new things have you known?

What types of work did you like most of all?

What did you learn in class today?

Was it difficult to work in class?

What did you like in the lesson?


8. Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

Prepare an oral report (or presentation) on the topic “Internet: advantages and disadvantages”




  •                  Рекомендована література та інформаційні ресурси


  1. Bob Hastings. High Note 3. Pearson Education Ltd., 2020. – 128 c.
  2. Любченко О.М. Англійська мова 10 клас. Харків : Видавництво «Основа», 2019. – 160ст.  (Серія «Мій конспект»).
  3. О.М. Павліченко, Англійська мова. Граматичний практикум. (Збірник вправ для середнього рівня) Видавництво «Ранок»).2018р.
  4. Англійська мова.Граматичний практикум: збірник граматичних вправ для високого рівня / О. М. Павліченко. — 8-ме вид.,випр. і доповн. — Харків : Вид-во «Ранок», 2018. — 320 с.









ДОДАТОК 1 (Інтерактивна  ГРА Kahoot)

  1.               Find the definition of the word SCIENCE

А) using the latest technology.

В) knowledge or theories about the world which are based on facts, experiments and research.

С) the process of finding information, a place, or an object, especially for the first time, or the thing that is found.

D) the activity of making, buying, or selling goods or providing services in exchange for money.


  1.               Invention is ...
  1.                something that has never been made before, or the process of creating…
  2.                using the latest technology.
  3.                someone who designs or creates something that did not exist before.
  4.                the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems.


  1.               An inventor is ...
  1.                something that has never been made before, or the process of creating something that has never been made before
  2.                the study and knowledge of the practical, especially industrial, use of scientific discoveries
  3.                someone who designs or creates something that did not exist before
  4.                the ability to produce original and unusual ideas, or to make something new or imaginative


  1.               Discovery is ...
  1.                the process of finding information, a place, or an object, especially for the first time, or the thing that is found
  2.                the study and knowledge of the practical, especially industrial, use of scientific discoveries
  3.                knowledge and theories about the world which are based on facts, experiments and research
  4.                the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality


  1.               What is the name of our planet?
  1.                Mars
  2.                Mercury

C)      Venus

D)      Earth


  1.               What is the closest planet to the Sun?
  1.                Earth      
  2.                B) Mars
  3.                Venus    

D)     Mercury

  1.               The scientific study of plans is called?
  1.                Zoology
  2.                Botany
  3.                Physics
  4.                Chemistry
  1.               Name of the galaxy to which the planet Earth belongs
  1.                Black Eye
  2.                Andromeda
  3.                Milky Way
  4.                Whirlpool
  1.               Which is the fastest orbiting planet in the Solar System?
  1.                Jupiter
  2.                Uranus
  3.                Venus
  4.                Mercury


  1.          In which direction does the Sun rise?
  1.                East
  2.                West     
  3.                South       
  4.                North


  1.          What is the nearest star to our planet?
  1.                Moon        
  2.                Mars           
  3.                Venus      
  4.                Sun


  1.          Which was the world’s first computer virus?
  1.                Brain
  2.                Creeper
  3.                Elk Cloner
  4.                Morris Worm


  1.          Which was the first internet search engine?
  1.                Yahoo 
  2.                Google
  3.                Archil          
  4.                  Lycos


  1.          Which type of star is the Sun?
  1.                Red giant
  2.                Red dwarf
  3.                Yellow dwarf
  4.                Blue giant




Ірина Слинько
До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 листопада 2023
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