Методичні розробки уроків у 2 класі на тему "A Fantastic Shop"

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Методичні розробки уроків з англійської мови у 2 класі на тему "A Fantastic Shop", які допоможуть учителю цікаво провести уроки, розвиваючи усі мовленнєві навички і вміння
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                                          Методичні розробки уроків

                                           з англійської мови з теми

                                            “A fantastic shop” (2 клас)

                (Підручник “English World 2 by Mary Bowen and Liz Hocking”)








                                                                                   вчитель англійської мови

                                                                                   Зарічняк М. А.











                                           Topic: “A fantastic shop”


                                   Lesson 1: New words and speaking

Objective: • Ps will learn and practice new vocabulary

                   Ps will listen to the dialogue

                   • Ps will read and follow the dialogue

                   • Ps will repeat the dialogue

                   • Ps will practise thinking and sorting skills

Materials: Pupil’s Book “English World 2”; poster 4; flashcards 50-55; CD1 tracks 43, 45, 46; Workbook “English World 2”; a CD player.



I. Introduction

T:   Today, my dear children, you’ll learn and practise new vocabulary. You’ll listen to, read and follow the dialogue. So, visit a fantastic shop where you can buy anything you like.


II. Phonetic drill

T: But first let’s train our tongues and practise sounds [u:] and [ai]

Shoes and boots,                           Try them on

Boots and shoes,                           Before you choose,

Come and buy                               Shoes and boots,

The size you use.                           Boots and shoes.


III. Warming-up

T: Let’s sing the song “And don’t forget your hat”

Put on your T-shirt, your T-shirt, your T-shirt,

Put on your T-shirt, and don’t forget your hat.


Put on your trousers, your trousers, your trousers,

Put on your trousers, and don’t forget your hat.

Put on your socks and shoes, socks and shoes, socks and shoes,

Put on your socks and shoes, and don’t forget your hat.


IV. Main Part

1. Presenting new words

T: Repeat the following words after me:







2. Speaking

Pre-listening activity

T: Please, look at the poster, find, point to the objects and name them.

3. Listening – Reading PB P51 Ex 2

- I like this jacket.

- Mmm… It’s very nice.

- And look at these trousers!

- No. I don’t like yellow trousers.

- I like those boots! They’re great.

- And look at that hat!

- And that shirt!

- Oh! Wonderful!

- Princess Bella is here.

- She is buying a new dress.

- Does she like it?

- Yes, she does.

- And Biffo is here, too.

- He doesn’t like those shoes.

- Do you like your new clothes, Jack?

- One moment …

4. Listening – Speaking PB P51 Ex 3

Post-listening activity

T: Does Jack like the yellow trousers?

Ch: No, he doesn’t.

T: Who likes the boots?

Ch: Lily.

T: What is Princess Bella buying?

Ch: A new dress.

T: What is Biffo wearing?

Ch: New shoes. Does he like them?

T: No, he doesn’t.

5. Writing WB P32 Ex 1,2


V. Feedback

T: Let’s sum up. What topic have we discussed today? What have we done at the lesson?


VI. Home assignment

   1. Revise the words

   2. PB P50, 51 (read and translate)

   3. WB P33 Ex 1,2










                          Lesson 2: Grammar in conversation


Objectives: • Ps will practise the target language.

                    • Ps will learn new words.

                    • Ps will revise words for sports and toys.

                    • Ps will listen to a chant.

                    • Ps will read and repeat the chant.

                    • Ps will practise the chant.

                    • Ps will make up a new chant using different vocabulary.

Materials: Pupil’s Book “English World 2”; flashcards 52-53; CD1 tracks 47-49; Workbook “English World2”; a CD player.


I. Introduction

T: Today, my dear children, you’ll practise the target language. You’ll ask and answer the questions Does he/she like? Do you like…? Yes, we do./No, we don’t.

You’ll listen to, read and repeat the chant. You’ll learn new words. You’ll make up a new chant using different vocabulary.

II. Phonetic drill

T: Let’s train our tongues:

My dress is purple,

His suit is blue,

Now we are ready,

And what about you?

III. Warming-up

T: Let’s sing the song “And don’t forget your hat”

IV. Main part

1. Presenting new words

high jump

long jump




2. Presenting new grammar structures


          he     Yes,         does.

Does        like?                   she

          she                           he

                                   No,          doesn’t.




      they                      Yes,         do.

Do         like?                      we

      you                               they

                                    No,          don’t.



She does not like…


He does not like…


They do not like…


3. Speaking. Ask and answer. Children practise in pairs the new grammar structures. PB P52 Ex 1,2.

4. Revising words for sport PB P53 Ex 1.

swimming      tennis       basketball       football

5. Listening and reading. PB P53 Ex 2.

- Do you like swimming?

- Yes, we do.

- Do you like tennis?

- Yes, we do.

- High jump, long jump, basketball and football. Do you like sports?

- Yes we do!

6. Listening and speaking. Children listen and practise the chant. PB P53 Ex 3,4.

7. Revising the words for toys. PB P53 Ex 5.

8. Speaking. Children repeat the chant activity asking about toys. PB P53 Ex 6

9. Writing. WB P35 Ex 1,2.

1. Complete the conversation with  the words in the box.

  football       sports          fantastic         No        Yes       do         How       like

Do you like _________________________?

Yes, we do _________________________.

Do you ________________________?

______________________, it’s great.

______________________ about tennis?

Do you like tennis?

________________, we don’t.

We like _________________.

Football is _________________.

2. Complete the sentences with do or does.

1. __________ the children like computer games?

2. __________ Amy like sports?

3. __________ you like basketball?

4. __________ the dog like the cat?

5. We __________ not like football.

6. Billy __________ not like swimming.

7. Ned and Sam ___________not like picnics.

8. The teacher ___________ not like noisy children.


V. Feedback

T: Let’s sum-up. What have we done at the lesson? Have you done anything



VI. Home assignment

1. Revise the words.

2. Learn the chant.

3. WB P34 Ex 1,2.

                 Lesson 3: Reading comprehension


Objectives: • Ps will learn new vocabulary.

                    • Ps will listen to and follow a text.

                    • Ps will read and understand the text.

                    • Ps will answer simple comprehension questions.

Materials: Pupil’s Book “English World 2”; flashcards 50-63; CD1 tracks 32-50; Workbook “English World2”; Grammar Practice Book “ English World2”; a CD player.



I. Introduction

Today, my dear children, you’ll learn new vocabulary on the topic “Clothes”. you’ll listen to and answer simple comprehension questions.


II. Phonetic drill.

T: Let’s train our tongues:

I have boots for cold days

And sandals for the sun,

Trainers for playing out of doors

And party shoes for fun.


III. Warming-up

T: Let’s sing the song “And don’t forget your hat”.


IV. Main part

1. Presenting new words










2. Reading. PB P54

 What clothes do you like?

These are clothes for hot weather. The children are wearing T-shirts. The boy is wearing shorts and the girl is wearing a pretty skirt. She is wearing sandals. The boy is wearing trainers.

These are clothes for rainy weather. The children are holding umbrellas. The girl is wearing boots and a coat. The boy is wearing a jacket and trousers He has got thick shoes.

These are clothes for dancing. This girl likes dancing. She is wearing a dress.  She has got short socks and thin, black shoes. She can dance in these shoes. She can hop and skip quickly.

These are clothes for football. This boy likes football. He is wearing shorts and a football shirt. He has got long socks and boots. He cannot dance in these boots but he can kick the ball!

3. Reading comprehension. Read. Circle the clothes they are wearing. Find three things. PB P55 Ex 1.

Today it is raining. I  am wearing my…

                                      shoes           shorts         trainers          trousers          jacket

Today it is hot. I am wearing my…

                                         T-shirt         gloves           boots           skirt            sandals

I am playing football. I am wearing my...

                                                 shorts         trainers          skirt          shirt         boots

I am dancing. I am wearing my…

                                              sandals           shoes             coat         socks        dress


4. Writing. GPB P15 Ex 1,2.

1. Match.

1. Does           ____           a    they like high jump?

2. Does she    ____            b   he like football?

3. Do             ____            c   like basketball?

4. Does          ____            d   like tennis?

5. Does          ____            e   they like swimming?

6. Do              ____            f   she like long jump?

2. Write questions.

1. he/ computers _______________________________? Yes, he does.

2. she/ grapes _______________________________? No, she doesn’t.

3. they/ singing _______________________________? No, they don’t.

4. he/ sweets _______________________________? No, he doesn’t.

5. she/ oranges _______________________________? Yes, she does.

6. they/ apples _______________________________? Yes, they do.


V. Feedback

T: You worked hard at the lesson. What activity do you like the most ? Do you remember all the words for clothes?


VI. Home assignment

1. Revise the words.

2. PB P54 ( read and translate)

3. WB P36 Ex 1,2.






                   Lesson 4: Phonics. Listening comprehension 

Objectives: • Ps will say read and write words beginning with consonant blends

                       cl, fl, bl, pl.

                    • Ps will listen to a description of a picture  and answer questions 

                       about it.

                    • Ps will talk about the picture.

                    • Ps will listen to and learn a short song.

Materials: Pupil’s Book “English World 2”; word cards; CD1 tracks 51-56; Workbook “English World2”; Grammar Practice Book “ English World2”; a CD player.




I. Introduction

T: Today, my dear children, you’ll learn how to read and write words beginning with consonant blends cl, fl, bl, pl. You’ll listen to a description of a picture and answer questions about it. You’ll listen to and learn a short song.


II. Phonetic drill

T: Let’s train our tongues:

The wind is cold,

It is as cold as ice.

But I am not afraid at all,

My coat is warm and nice.


III. Warming-up

T: Let’s sing the song “And don’t forget your hat”


IV. Main part

1. Speaking. Look and say. PB P55 Ex 1

       clown                               clock                                   cloud

       flag                                  flower                                  fly

       blue                                  black                                   plane

2. Listening-Reading. PB P55 Ex 2

The clown with the glasses is flying the plane.

The clown with the flower is running in the rain.

The clown with the blue clock is under a cloud.

The clown with the black flag is reading aloud.

3. Listening. Look and listen. PB P56 Ex 1

Pre-listening activity

T: Look at the picture and answer my questions:

What is the weather like?

What is the boy/girl wearing?


These two children are walking to school. It’s very cold today. It’s windy and it’s raining. The boy is wearing a hat and gloves. He’s got a sick jacket, too. The girl isn’t wearing a jacket. She’s got a coat. She’s wearing boots and she’s carrying an umbrella. The children are walking quickly. They don’t like the rain.

4. Listening. Listen and circle the correct answer. PB P56 Ex 2

1. Yes, it is.         No, it isn’t.                     2. To the park.           To school.

3. A coat.             A jacket.                        4. Yes, he has.            No, he hasn’t.

5. Yes, she has.   No, she hasn’t.               6. Yes, she is.             No, she isn’t

7. The boy.          The girl.                         8. An umbrella.          Boots.

9. Yes, they are.   No, they aren’t              10. Yes, they do.        No, they don’t.

5. Speaking. Talk about the picture. PB P56 Ex 3

Post-listening activity

T: Split in two groups and speak about the picture.

6. Listening-Singing. PB P56 Ex 4

Pitter-patter raindrops                     Cars and bikes and buses

Falling from the sky.                       Go splishing splashing by,

Under my umbrella                          In my yellow raincoat

I am warm and dry!                          I am warm and dry!

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter,


7. Writing. WB P37 Ex 1

1. Write the letters. Write the words. Read the words.


     ___own                   ___ock                    ___oud

     _______                  _______                  _______


     ___ag                      ___ ower                 ___y

     ______                    ________                ____


     ___ane                    ___ack                     ___ue

     ______                    _______                  ______


V. Feedback

T: Have you enjoyed today’s lesson? What have we done at the lesson? What do you like the most?


VI. Home assignment

  1.  PB P56 Ex 4 (learn the song)

  2. WB P37 Ex2

  3. GPB P16 Ex 1, 2







                        Lesson 5: Class composition

                                         Revision Unit 4

Objectives: • Ps will write about clothes for different occasions

                    • Ps will practise adjective/noun order

                    • Ps will describe what children are wearing

                    • Ps will revise vocabulary and grammar Unit 4

Materials: Pupil’s Book “English World 2”; flashcards 50- 63; CD1 tracks 55; Workbook “English World2”; Grammar Practice Book “ English World2”; a CD player.




I. Introduction

T: Today, my dear children, you’ll revise vocabulary and grammar from unit 4. You’ll describe what children are wearing. You’ll practise adjective/noun order.

You’ll write about clothes for different occasions. You also complete Unit test 4.


II. Phonetic drill

T: Let’s train our tongues:

Big boots and little boots

Travel on together

Merrily go splashing

Through April’s rainy weather.


III. Warming-up

T: Let’s sing our song “Pitter- patter”


VI. Main part

1. Revising vocabulary Unit 4:

jacket          trousers        shirt        dress         boots        shoes         skirt       T-shirt

shorts          socks          sandals          trainers         coat        gloves        wear

2. Introducing adjective/noun order

They have got sick boots.

The children are wearing big coats.

3. Writing. Look at the pictures. Talk about the clothes. Write about the clothes. PB P57 Ex 1

4. Revising grammar Unit 4

Does he/she like…?       Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t.

Do you/they like…?       Yes, we/they do. / No, we/they don’t.

5. Writing Unit Test 4

    1. Make questions.

        1. the boys / football            Do the boys like football?

        2. Liza / tennis                      ______________________________

        3. you / oranges                     ______________________________

        4. the dog / cats                     ______________________________

        5. Ben / sweets                      ______________________________

        6. the girls / basketball          ______________________________

        7. the children / cakes            ______________________________

   2. Change the sentences.

       1. John likes basketball.          No, John does not like basketball

       2. Meg likes tennis.                 ______________________________

       3. The boys like beans.           ______________________________

       4. The girls like  bananas.       ______________________________

       5. The cat likes the dog.          ______________________________

       6. Grandpa likes swimming.    ______________________________

       7. Mum and Dad like the car.   ______________________________

   3. Write about the children.

       Jenny ☺ beans /  not ☺ carrots

       Jenny likes beans. She does not like carrots.

       Ned and Kay ☺ carrots / not ☺ beans


        Harry ☺ bananas / not ☺ cakes


        Sam and Ross ☺ oranges / not ☺ crisps


        Lucy ☺ apples / not ☺ bananas


        How about you?



V. Feedback

T: So, we have revised words for clothes and some grammar structures from unit 4. Now you can describe children’s clothes and write about clothes for different occasions.


VI. Home assignment

    1. PB P69

    2. WB P 38, 39

    3. GPB P 17



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