Money in the Modern World
Гроші – мова бізнесу;
Гроші розмовляють;
Гроші – хороший слуга, але поганий господар.
Сучасна економічна ситуація створює такі умови, що кожна людина так чи інакше залучається до фінансового світу. Тому, ми повинні володіти відповідними знаннями, фундаментальними поняттями у цій сфері.
Слово «гроші» походить від латинського слова «монета», що було одним із імен Римської богині Юнони. Відомо, що в її храмі карбувалися стародавні монети.
Money is a language of business;
Money talks;
Money is a good servant but a bad master.
The modern economic situation makes it impossible for any person not to be involved in the financial world. So you should have a certain background as to the fundamental notions in this sphere.
The word money derives from Latin “moneta” which was one of the names of the Roman goddess Junona. It is known that in her temples ancient coins were minted.
В даній методрозробці зібрані найбільш вживані лексико-граматичні конструкції, слова, вирази, тексти, що охоплюють теми «Гроші» та «Фінанси» (англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням).
Тема заняття : «Гроші в сучасному світі»
“Money in the Modern World”
- текст “Money in the Modern World” і тести до нього;
-взірці грошових знаків різних країн;
- презентація «Десять кращих валют світу»
-відеоролик пісні “Money”;
-тематичний кросворд
Технічні засоби :
- мультимедійний проектор;
- ноутбук;
Актуальність теми:
Кожна людина так чи інакше залучається до фінансового світу, а тим паче, сучасні учні, які повинні володіти відповідними знаннями, фундаментальними поняттями у цій сфері.
На занятті використовуються найбільш вживані лексико-граматичні конструкції, слова, вирази, тексти, що охоплюють теми: «Гроші в сучасному світі», «Грошові одиниці світу», «В пункті обміну валют», що дає можливість учням старшої школи застосувати свої знання із дисциплін спецкурсів на діловій англійській мові.
Мета заняття :
Кваліфікаційні вимоги
Учень повинен вміти:
Учень повинен знати :
Report of the student on duty, theme and objectives of the lesson.
1.Revision of the words and phrases on the given subject using the cards and video with phases on the board;
(The teacher gives marks with explanation)
From your copies: page 20, Ex. 2 (Complete the text with words from the box), and all exercises after the text in written form and
Procedure of the lesson.
1. Preliminaries
Good afternoon, my dear students and our guests! Welcome to our class which is devoted to “Money and Economic relations”. Your home task for today was to learn by heart topical words, phrases and word combinations on the given topic and to dramatize a dialogue “The Bank”. Today we continue to work on the subject “Money”, so let’s get down to business.
The objectives of our class are:
1. money гроші;
Money has various uses in the modern world
2. Every man has its price
3. Value цінність;
Money is a measure of the value of goods and services
4. Wage заробітна плата;
Wage is a payment received at regular intervals for work or services
5. Exchange обмін, обмінювати;
What are the operating hours of the currency exchange office?
6. Credit кредит;
On what terms does this bank grant credit?
7. Negotiation переговори;
We have successfully conducted our negotiations
8. Cheque чек;
A cheque is a written order to a bank given and signed by someone
9. Coin монета;
10. To keep money тримати гроші;
11. To put money вкладати гроші;
12. To settle prices домовитися про ціни;
13. To establish trade contacts встановити торговельні контакти;
14. Barter economy бартерна економіка;
15. To deal with a bank користуватися послугами банку;
As you can see there are a lot of words and word combinations with the word “Money”. Let’s see if you remember these words. Try to make word combinations with the word “Money”:
Money spend
Ex: Я хочу мати кишенькові гроші щодня;
Я надіюся, що буду заробляти багато грошей;
Люди потребують грошей щодня;
People have created different proverbs and sayings about money. Have a look at the halves of the proverbs and join them correctly:
1. Money spent on the brain……………. a) are soon parted;
2. No money b) is never spent in vain;
3. The fool and his money…… c) money;
4. Time is …… d) and loose your friend;
5. Lend your money….. e) no honey
Keys: 1b, 2e, 3a, 4c, 5d.
5. Discussion:
So, my dear friends, what do you think about money? What is money for you? The role of money in your life? Who agree that “Money is the guarantee of security” or “Money is the root of all evil”.
(+) Advantages |
(-) Disadvantages |
1. We cannot imagine our life without money, almost all of us want to be rich and powerful. Money means independence and freedom. |
1. If you have a lot of money, you have a terrible headache. A lot of money – a lot of problems.
2. You can get perfect education, medical care even abroad |
2. Money spoils children. They think that everything can be bought and forget about honesty and frankness. This “Golden Youth” think that they are the “Salt of the Earth”. |
3. If you have money you can see the whole world. You can travel a lot and as you know “traveling is exciting” |
3. But we forget about feelings. We cannot buy real love, friendship and close friends. Almost all very rich people are unhappy. |
4. You can buy expensive fashionable things, live in a “villa of your dream” in the sea-side and live as you wish. |
4. Very often if you can have everything you don’t want anything. We don’t know how to be glad of the simplest things, the world seems to be grey and uninteresting. |
Well done, very good discussion. As you can see from our discussion- so many people, so many points of view, and this discussion can be endless. I want you to be happy with money or without it. Of course “Tastes Differ” and you are right in your own way. I only wish you to understand the difference between “Money is for life” and “Life is for money”
6. Working with the text “Money in the Modern World”
And now, have a look, please, at the text “Money in the Modern World”, skim it very quickly and try to do the tests with the help of computer and find the names for each part of the text.
Money in the Modern World
1. Money is used for buying or selling goods, for measuring value and for storing wealth. Almost every society now has a money economy based on coins and paper bills of one kind or another. However, this has not always been true. In primitive societies a system of barter was used. Barter was a system of direct exchange of goods. Somebody could exchange a sheep, for example, for anything in the marketplace that they considered to be of equal value. Barter, however, was a very unsatisfactory system, because people’s precise needs seldom coincided.
2. People needed more practical system of exchange, and various money systems developed based on goods which the members of a society recognized as having value. Cattle, grain, teeth, shells, feathers, skulls, salt, elephant tusks, and tobacco have all been used.
3. Precious metals gradually took over because, when made into coins, they were portable, durable, recognizable, and divisible into larger and smaller units of value. A coin is a piece of metal usually disc-shaped, which bears lettering, designs or numbers showing its value. Until the 18th and 19th centuries, coin were given monetary worth based on the exact amount of metal contained in them, but most modern coins are based on face value that governments choose to give them, irrespective of the actual metal content.
4. Most governments now issue paper money in the form of bills, which are really “promises to pay”. Paper money is obviously easier to handle and much more convenient in the modern world. Checks and credit cards are being used increasingly, and it is possible to imagine a world where “money” in the form of coins and paper currency will no longer be used.
Find the name for each part of the text:
Test based on the text “Money”
And now, please, have a look at the crossword. We have a nice pig here, by the way, who knows what is the English for «копілка?». (money box) . Please, remember another idioms:
Money to burn - грошей –кури не клюють;
In the money бути у виграші (мати багато грошей);
Throw good money after bad тратити гроші попусту.
Answer the clues to complete the crossword. Seven across has been done as an example.
2. “Oh no! We are in the ________ (colour) again this month. How do we spend so much money?
4. Metal money. ________
11. A printed list of the money going into and out of your account every month.
12. Something which tells you what you have to pay for services or goods.
14. “Great! There’s more money in my bank _________ than I thought!”
5. “You ________ me € 50, when are you going to pay me back?”
13. “I didn’t have enough money to buy the car so I asked my brother for a ____ .
Well done! And now, my dear students, have a look, please, at “10 the Most Beautiful Paper Bills”. (Watching presentation)
problem ___________ news___________ ;
information_________ account__________ ;
hour______________ phone call ________ ;
advice ____________ trouble ___________ ;
paper _____________ money ___________ ;
change ____________ coffee ____________ ;
time _____________ cup of coffee _______ ;
briefcase __________ banknote ___________ ;
newspaper _________
9. Dramatizing the dialogue “The Bank”
And now, let’s invite our actors for the stage, and watch together their play. Let’s imagine that we are in the bank….. You are welcome….
Thank you very much. You are real actors. Well done. Take a seat, please. Thanks all of you for your participation. You are given excellent marks.
Very good, my dear students. Put down, please, your homework for the next time. From your copies: page 20, Ex. 2 (Complete the text with words from the box), and all exercises after the text in written form.
Thank you very much for you participation, good for you, well done (assessment).
10. Singing a song “Money”.
To crown it all let’s sing together a popular song which is closely connected with our today’s topic.
(dramatizing "The Bank")
The bank
Scene: The manager's office in a bank
Characters: Miss Posit, the bank manager
Monica, Miss Posit's secretary
Mrs Moore, a customer
A bank robber
Miss Posit is sitting at her desk. The intercom buzzes
Miss Posit: Yes, Monica?
Monica: Miss Posit, there is a lady to see you. Mrs Moore.
Miss Posit: Ah, yes. Mrs Moore. Bring her in please,
Monica: Yes, Miss Posit.
Monica brings Mrs Moore in.
Monica: Mrs Moore
Miss Posit: Good morning, Mrs Moore.
Mrs Moore: Good morning.
Miss Posit: Thank you, Monica.
Monica leaves the office
Miss Posit: Do sit down, Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore: Thank you
She sits down
Miss Posit: Now, Mrs Moore, the situation is like this. Your account is in the red.
Mrs Moore: Pardon?
Miss Posit: In the red.
Mrs Moore: I'm sorry. I don't understand.
Miss Posit: In the red. Overdrawn.
Mrs Moore: "Overdrawn". No, I'm sorry. I've never heard that word before in my life.
Miss Posit: It's very simple, Mrs Moore. It means that you've taken more money out of the bank than you've put in.
Mrs Moore: Oh, I see. Thank you very much.
Miss Posit: I don't think you quite understand, Mrs Moore. It means that you've put in less than you've taken out.
Mrs Moore: Oh…
Miss Posit: Your account is overdrawn. 2000$ overdrawn.
Mrs Moore: 200$ overdrawn. I see. Well, don't worry. I can put that right immediately.
Miss Posit: Oh, good.
Mrs Moore: Yes, I'll write you a cheque, shall I?
She takes out her cheque-book and begins to write.
Mrs Moore: Now… two hundred pounds…
Miss Posit: Mrs Moore, Mrs Moore, if you write me a cheque for 2000$, you'll be overdrawn more, Mrs Moore.
Mrs Moore: I beg your pardon?
Miss Posit: More, Mrs Moore. M-O-R-E, more.
Mrs Moore: No, no….. double -O-… M-double -O- R-E, Mrs Moore. It is my name.
Miss Posit: Mrs Moore, I don't think you quite understand the situation. You see -
(The robber comes in suddenly)
Robber: Nobody move!
Miss Posit continues speaking to Mrs Moore
Miss Posit: You see, if you write me a cheque for 2000$….
Robber: I said: "Nobody move!"
Miss Posit: Can I help you?
Robber: That's better. You…..
Mrs Moore: Me?
Robber: Yes. Read this.
He gives Mrs Moore a note.
Mrs Moore: Oh. O.K. (Reading) "Two pounds of tomatoes, six eggs, and a packet of chocolate biscuits"
Robber: No, no. The other side.
Mrs Moore: Oh, sorry. (Reading): "Give me all your …. honey, or I'll …kiss you.
Robber: Not honey - money.
Mrs Moore: Oh, sorry. (Reading) "Give me all your money, or I'll kiss you."
Robber: Not kiss -kill!
Mrs Moore: Oh. Er…. Miss Posit, I think this is for you.
She gives the note to Miss Posit
Miss Posit: (Reading): "Give all your money, or I'll kill you". I see. Would you sit down for a moment?
Robber: Sit down?
Miss Posit: Yes, I'm very busy at the moment. Please sit over there.
Robber: But…..
Miss Posit: I'll be with you in a moment.
The robber sits down.
Miss Posit: Now, Mrs Moore. How much do you earn?
Mrs Moore: 35$ a week.
Robber: Excuse me…..
Miss Posit: Just one moment, please! … So you earn 35$ a week. How much do you spend?
Mrs Moore: 70$ a week.
Robber: Excuse me….
Miss Posit: One moment, please!… 70$ a week. So you spend twice as much as you earn.
Mrs Moore: Yes, I earn half as much as I spend.
Miss Posit: How do you do it?
Mrs Moore: It's easy. I use my cheque-book.
Miss Posit: Exactly, Mrs Moore!
Robber: Excuse me!
Miss Posit: Yes!
Robber: I make 2000 $ a week.
Miss Posit: 2000 a week? And how much do you spend?
Robber: 1000 $ a week.
Miss Posit: Really? So you save 1000 $ a week.
Robber: Yes.
Miss Posit: (Very politely): Would you like to sit here?
Robber: Thank you.
Miss Posit: Mrs Moore, would you sit over there for a moment?
(The robber and Mrs Moore change places)
Mrs Posit: So you save 1000$ a week.
Robber: Yes.
Miss Posit: Tell me… where do you keep this money?
Robber: Here. In this bag.
(She puts a large bag full of money on the desk)
Miss Posit: Oh. Oh, yes. Very nice. Um… would you like to open an account, Mr…?
Robber: Mr Steele.
Miss Posit: Steele. I see. S-T-double-E-L-E?
Robber: Yes, that's right.
Miss Posit: Well, just excuse me one moment, Mr Steele, and get the necessary papers.
Robber: Certainly.
(Miss Posit leaves the office)
Mrs Moore: Excuse me…
Robber: Yes?
Mrs Moore: You make 2000$ a week.
Robber: Yes.
Mrs Moore: How do you do it?
Robber: I rob banks.
Mrs Moore; Oh, I see. You rob banks and steal the money.
Robber: Yes.
Mrs Moore: How do you do it?
Robber; It's easy. You take a gun…..
Mrs Moore: I haven't got a gun.
Robber: Oh… Well, borrow mine.
Mrs Moore: Thank you very much.
Mrs Moore takes the gun and fires it
Robber: Be careful!… You take a gun and you take a note.
Mrs Moore: Oh yes, the note. That's very good. I like that. (Reading): "Two pounds of tomatoes, six eggs….
Robber: The other side!
Mrs Moore: Oh, yes. (Reading): "Give me all your honey, or I'll kiss you!
Robber: "Money" and 'kill"!
Mrs Moore: Oh, yes.
Robber: You take the note, go into the bank, and put the note on the bank manager's desk.
Mrs Moore: Is that all?
Robber: Yes.
Mrs Moore: I see.
Miss Posit comes back into the office.
Miss Posit: Ah, yes. Mr Steel…..
Mrs Moore: Give me all your honey…. Money, or I'll kiss…. Kill you!
Miss Posit: Money, Mrs Moore? Certainly. Take this bag.
She gives Mrs Moore the robber's bag.
Mrs Moore: Oh, thank you. That was easy.
Robber: Yes, but….
Miss Posit: Mrs Moore, your account is still 200$ overdrawn.
Mrs Moore: Oh, yes. Well…. Um… Here you are
She gives her 200$ from the robber's bag
Mrs Moore: 50$….. 100$, ….150$…. 200$
Robber: But….. but….
Miss Posit: Thank you, Mrs Moore.
Mrs Moore: Goodbye.
Mrs Moore leaves
Miss Posit: Now, Mrs Steele…. Your account….
Robber: But…. But….. but…
Miss Posit: Mrs Steele…
Robber: Just a minute! I think something's gone wrong. Hey, you! Come back! Bring back my money and my gun! Come back!
He runs after Mrs Moore.
Miss Posit: (On the intercom:) Monica, would you bring me some coffee, please? Some strong black coffe…